Page 8 - E-Biology Sec.2 2024-2025 U1_Handy
P. 8

a) Mechanism of water absorption

Permeability      Imbibition             Osmosis     Diffusion
phenomenon       phenomenon            phenomenon  phenomenon

b) Mechanism of mineral salts absorption

  Diffusion      Selective permeability Active transport
phenomenon              phenomenon                 phenomenon

a)Absorption of water:

1. Permeability

The cell walls and their membranes differ in their permeability:

Permeable       Impermeable               Semi-permeable
                                       Selectively permeable
      Allow          Don't allow
     water &          water and                    Allow passage of water.
    salts ions       salts ions to          Control the passage of many salts.
     to pass.            pass.               Prevent the passage of sugars and
    Cellulose          Walls of
                       lignin /                    a.a as they are large mol.
      walls             cutin /              according to the cell requirements.
                                              plasma membrane
                                            "thin with tiny pores"


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