Page 13 - Footprint Employee Handbook - US 2021
P. 13
Telecommuting is a work arrangement that allows employees to work at home or at some other off‐ site location for
all or some of their regularly scheduled work hours. Although not all jobs may be performed satisfactorily from other
locations, Footprint recognizes that, in some cases, telecommuting arrangements may provide a mutually beneficial
option for both Footprint and employees.
Teleworking, or telecommuting, is the concept of working from home or another location on a full- or part-time basis.
Teleworking is not a formal, universal employee arrangement. Rather, it is an alternative method of meeting the
needs of the Company. The Company has the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse to make teleworking available to
an employee and to discontinue the arrangement at any time.
For Company-approved telecommuting, employees will be required to sign a document that contains the terms and
conditions for working remotely and an acknowledgement that the employee has read and understood the details.
The document should act as a guide for both management and the employee.
An employee may be eligible to work remotely if their duties can be accomplished in an efficient and effective manner
while working remotely, they are in good standing with the Company, and have demonstrated through past
performance that they are disciplined, self-motivated, and have been given permission by the Company. Any
employee seeking to work remotely, must receive the approval of their immediate supervisor and the Human
Resources Department. Any such approval that is received may be rescinded at any time.
While working remotely, employees must adhere to all the policies in the Handbook. All Company policies governing
conduct, confidentiality, sick leave, etc., continue to apply, regardless of location. Disciplinary actions will follow
violations of Company policy of any kind.
Work Expectations
Employees must follow the work schedules provided to them, ensure that all deadlines are met and maintain high-
quality standards. While some flexibility is permitted, eligible employees must agree to work customary hours as
much as possible and be responsive to the needs of the business.
Equipment supplies and tools will be made available to employees to facilitate the efficient and effective completion
of job activities while working remotely.
Performance will be monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure that all work is completed as expected, based upon
the same metrics that apply to work done in the office.
If an employee is not meeting work expectations, the Company will implement an appropriate disciplinary process
to address the concerns.
Non-exempt employees are to be online and accessible for eight (8) hours, Monday to Friday, and are expected to
check-in with their managers at least once a day.
It is expected that all employees working remotely will maintain the same high level of responsiveness to customer
inquiries and requests from other Footprint employees.
Tools have been provided for communicating with team members and collaborating on projects.
Types of Arrangements
While employees and supervisors have the freedom to develop arrangements tailored to employee and departmental
needs, the following basic requirements must be met:
• Employees must be able to carry out the same duties, assignments, and other work obligations at their home
office as they do when work on Footprint premises;
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