Page 78 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 78

the good life | Southern EXPLOREGON
      the good life | Southern EXPLOREGON

        Crater Lake  Rim down to McLaughlin and even  Mt. Shasta to the  Museum at the day use area. Paddle two-and-a-half miles up river to
        south. There are a few low bridges here that require ducking down low   the source. Along the way, check out the classic homes with weath-
        as well as pythons to avoid, so it keeps you on your toes.  This river is   ered boathouses on the banks as well as old wooden farmhouses.
        18 miles long, so it is typically broken into 3 sections: upper, middle  After the retreat, the creek narrows and becomes very shallow with
        and lower. The upper section is more scenic and stays near the forest.   small trees lying in the water. Because it’s so shallow here, navigating
        The middle section below Fort Klamath has some very low bridges   can be a bit challenging, but hang in there since getting to the river’s
        that may require portaging around. The lower section flows through   source is well worth the trouble. There, spring water bubbles up into
        pastureland and out into Agency Lake. For the upper section, put in   the water from below, creating little mini gray sand volcanoes. Be
        at Kimball Springs and take out at a day use area just north of Fort   careful here if you exit the boat...the water is extremely cold and if
        Klamath. Floating this section takes around three hours if you paddle   you step into the volcano, it’s like quicksand! Turn around and pad-
        at a leisurely pace.                                      dle, flowing with the slow current, back to the day use area. This trip
                                                                  is around two to three hours, paddling at a leisurely pace.
        If you are in the Wood River area, it’s fun to drive another 20 minutes   Coming up on August 21 is the once-in-a lifetime solar eclipse event,
        to Spring Creek, located near Chiloquin behind the Collier Logging   and what better place to view it than on the shore of a quiet, pristine
        museum. This river is like the Wood, with some of the clearest water  mountain lake? Although the total eclipse takes place a few degrees
        anywhere, and it literally glows yellow and turquoise in the sun! The   north, viewing in  Southern Oregon will  still  be spectacular. The
        water clarity is around a phenomenal 50 feet. This river reminds me of   eclipse begins at 10:15 a.m., so the sun will be well above the trees
        the Smith River in that regard, but it is much safer for the novice pad-  for viewing. Remember to follow viewing safety precautions to avoid
        dler. Check out the ethereal luminescent mare’s eggs algae that grows   harming your eyes.
        in the big lagoon near the source. Put in behind the Collier Logging

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