Page 81 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 81

receptors in the scalp become   lead to loss of memory, mood,
          more  activated, which can lead   concentration, and anxiousness.
          to the follicles miniaturizing and
          thus more hair loss.         Autoimmune:  Alopecia Areata  a
                                       disorder that stems from an over-
          Anemia: One in 10 women age   active immune system which sees
          20-49 suffer from anemia  due   the hair as foreign and targets it
          to iron deficiency. This not only   by mistake, causing loss of hair.
          causes hair loss but also fatigue,
          headaches, bruising, difficulty   Sudden weight loss:  This is a
          concentrating, cold hands and   form of physical trauma that can
          feet, and dizziness.         cause hair thinning. Even though
                                       weight loss is promoted for the
          Hypothyroidism: This  means   health effects  that  come  along
          an underactive thyroid. Located   with it, hair loss can be a tem-
          in your  neck, the thyroid  pro-  porary side effect  especially if   female hormone imbalance that  Medication: The  use  of  antide-
          duces  hormones that are criti-  the weight loss is accompanied   can disrupt the normal function-  pressants, blood thinners, blood
          cal to metabolism, growth, and   by loss of essential vitamins and   ing of  ovulation and menstrual  pressure meds like beta-blockers,
          development. When the gland is   nutrients  necessary for scalp   cycles, leading to weight  gain,  lithium, methotrexate, and ibu-
          under-producing due to stress,   health.                  facial hair, acne, irregular and  profen (NSAIDs) all  can poten-
          genetics, or aging, hair loss can is                      painful  menstrual  cycles, ovar-  tially lead to hair loss.
          often the result.            Polycystic ovarian syndrome:   ian cysts, and hair loss. This syn-
                                       As many  as five million women   drome is treatable and should be  Over styling: Vigorous  styling
          Vitamin B deficiency: Low levels   have polycystic ovarian syndrome   evaluated and balanced to help  and the use of hot tools can lead
          of vitamin B are often the culprits   (PCOS), which can start at age   mitigate the escalating risk for  to damaging the hair and hair fall-
          of hair loss. In addition, this can   11. PCOS is both a metabolic and   infertility and diabetes.  ing out. This  also includes  tight

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