Page 86 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 86

feature | lakes

          E En i E,M EEn i E,M i n E y M o —


          Southern Oregon Lakes

     Crater Lake boat tour
     (Photo by Larry Turner)

                                                                  a  sampling  of lakes in our  do the cooking. Hyatt Lake
                               by Lynn Leissler                   region, some an hour or two  is located in the Cascade-
                                                                  away, others requiring a week-  Siskiyou National Monument,
          Let’s go to the lake!” In some   border.  As my friend Carroll  end for travel time and enjoy-  the first U.S. National monu-
          locales, that would necessitate   quipped,  “Eenie, meenie, miney  ment once you arrive.  ment set aside solely for the
      “a long drive and offer limited   mo––to which lake shall we go?”                        preservation of biodiversity,
      choices.  We in Southern Oregon,                            Nearby mile-high Hyatt Lake  and features plant life  found
      however, are blessed with an abun-  A couple of  years ago,  The  offers fishing, a campground,  only there and in parts of
      dance near and far. The region’s lakes  Ranger offered thoughts and  a picnic pavilion and fireplace,  Alaska.
      have much to offer, whether you  safety tips about camping. He’s  and abundant wildlife view-
      fish, swim, boat, or just enjoy being  back this summer, enthusias-  ing. Rental boats are  avail-  Howard Prairie Lake has tent
      near water. A simple Google search  tic about Southern Oregon  able, including eight-person  and RV sites  and showers.
      yielded over sixty lakes from the  lakes and safety, reminding us,  pontoon boats. The resort has  Visitors can also rent  lodg-
      coast to the Klamath Falls area, from  “Nature is dynamic, not static.”  a restaurant for those who  ing and eat at the restaurant.
      the Roseburg area to the California  He will help guide us through  would  rather someone else  For decades, people drove to

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