Page 82 - SOM Summer 2017
P. 82

the good life | healthhe good life | health

             braids and bleaching chemi-
             cals applied to the hair.

             Skin conditions of the
             scalp:  An unhealthy scalp
        can cause inflammation, making
        it difficult to grow hair.
        Consult  your dermatologist or
        hormone specialist to correct the
        underlying condition.

        Consider the use of laven-
        der drops in your conditioner.   of almonds or seeds daily.
        Research has shown that lavender
        promotes hair  growth and can   Zinc 15-25 mg daily, which is an   estrogen, a culprit of hair loss.   testosterone levels.
        help arrest hair loss.       excellent hormone balancer and
                                     promotes the lowering of estro-  B-shot weekly, twice monthly, or   Lowering inflammatory foods
        EFA’s essential fatty acids found   gen in men.           daily use of B-vitamins with food.  in the diet to correct excessive
        in fish, nuts, seeds, and flax-                                                        insulin production (which has
        seeds are wonderful for the   DIM supplement daily promotes   Hormone  therapy:  women  the nice side effect of weight loss
        skin, hair, and nails. Try to eat   healthy estrogen metabolism  in   and men correcting  low testos-  around the mid-section).
        salmon, trout, or halibut three   men and women to help avoid   terone levels and women with
        times weekly. Go for a handful   unnecessary serum dominance of   PCOS correcting high DHT and   Copper 2-3 mg daily. This supports

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