Page 74 - Demo
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74AQUARIUS Jan. 20 - Feb. 18You are looking for a new job, it is not a good time, waituntil September. In your health, you must rest well,take a tea from linden or lemon balm. In love, you haveto trust your partner more, your jealousy ismeaningless.PISCES Feb. 19 - Mar. 20In your job, you are tired of always doing the samething, you need a change and if you search you will findone. In your health, your digestive system is a bitinflamed, I recommend a diet rich in fiber. In love, youare in love and everything is going well, a romanticdinner would be a good idea.ARIES Mar.21 - Apr. 19Summer begins, and your work is going very well,take a little rest. For your health, I recommend agood diet of vegetables and fruits. They will giveyou that energy that you lack. In love, you have anew partner, or you are in love, don't worry,everything will be fineTAURUS Apr. 20 - May. 20If there's a sign that likes their job, that's you, butthese days, some work and some may take vacations,and that's you. Rest a bit. In health, you stress a lot, tryto rest more. In love, everything is fine, somedisagreements are normal.GEMINI May. 21 - June 20A new job always brings a little stress. Cheer up! Youcan do anything you set your mind to. In your health, ifyou are trying to have a baby I recommend takingvitamins. In love, you are happy you have the partneryou have always wanted.