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                                    www.i-am-magazine.com20Why Is This Your Deepest Fear?And why does this scare us not to beloved?I%u2019ll give you two reasons:1. I believe our deepest need is forlove & connection.If you don%u2019t connect with other peopleyou%u2019ll most likely still survive, but Ibelieve, at best you%u2019ll always feel likeyou%u2019re missing something.You might even feel a lot of pain &emptiness.You might feel unmotivated to start yourday, or feel like %u201cwhat%u2019s even the point ofall this without feeling love & connectionwith somebody else?%u201dI find that without a high level of love &connection, you%u2019re not as happy andfulfilled as you could be.2. As children, we%u2019re vulnerable andmore importantly dependent on ourcaregivers.If your caregivers don%u2019t love you, theymight not take care of you. And whatdoes that mean to your survival?Exactly!Being loved as children could feel like,and in some cases, BE the differencebetween survival and death.Even if your caregiver takes care of allyour physical needs but emotionallyneglects you, that could hurt you in waysyou might not even notice until later inlife.
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