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                                    IKIGAI 2023info@i-am-magazine.comA REASON FOR BEING; THE REASONTO WAKE UP EVERY MORNINGAWARENESS i s the fir s t s t ep to find your VISION andchang e your MINDSET.Thi s wi l l bring you GROWTH, whi ch wi l l c r eat e aTRANSITION to SUCCESS.Be coming MASTERFUL in your fi e ld i s important to be inLEADERSHIP and l eav e an e v e rlas ting LEGACY.For al l the s e to happen, you mus t be BRAVE, embrac eHOPE, and l i v e with JOY e v e r y day !F ind your \Jan. - AwarenessFeb. - VisionMar. - MindsetApr. - GrowthMay. - TransitionJun. - SuccessJul. - MasterfulAug. - LeadershipSep. - LegacyOct. - BraveNov. - HopeDec. - JoyChoose your favorite topic and publish your story withI Am. Magazine International
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