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                                    By Yadira G. Mu%u00f1ozwww.i-am-magazine.com8Start Working on YourResilience SkillsWith these QuestionsWhen life gets tough, are you ready tohandle problems and disappointments?Resilience, according to psychologists, isthe adaptation in the face of adversity,trauma, tragedy, threats, or stress.Resilience allows you to overcomeobstacles, heal from emotional wounds,and survive trauma. It%u2019s knowing thatyou can get past a problem and learn,grow, and change to overcome it.If your resilience skills need work, thereare five questions to ask yourself to helpyou build your skills. The answers tothese questions will help you determinewhat areas you need to focus on toimprove your resilience and strength.1. Do I have the support I need?Scientists agree that people need thesupport of others to be resilient. Supportmight come in the form of a trusted friendwho understands your struggles or from aco-worker who is experiencing the samesituation as you. People often join supportgroups or see a therapist when they needsupport after a traumatic event. There areeven online forums offering support for avariety of situations.Finding support is a way to build yourresilience skills. A mentor may help youfocus on and overcome a challenge. Asupport group can encourage and offersolutions to deal with obstacles. Supportfrom others gives you positive feedbackwhen you are working on your resilienceskills.
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