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                                    By Yadira G. Mu%u00f1ozwww.i-am-magazine.com104. What did I learn from my mistakes?Resilience is not repeating the samemistakes over and over again. The verydefinition of resilience includesadaptation. Your resilience skills will bestronger when you learn from yourmistakes and find new ways to overcomeobstacles.While it%u2019s true that you can%u2019t go back andchange what you did, you can changehow you act in the future. That%u2019s whyprofessional athletes practice regularly.They continue to work on their skills andimprove their performance. Studentstake tests in school, so they can identifywhat they don%u2019t know and study thosesubjects more. Resilience involveslearning and growing from the past, givingyou more vital skills for new challenges.5. How hard am I willing to work?Obstacles in life require hard work,effort, and dedication to overcome.Strong resilience skills are based on howhard you are willing to work and howmuch effort you are eager to give toovercome an obstacle. There may betimes in life when you don%u2019t feel that theoutcome is worth your effort, andsometimes that is the best choice. Butworking on your resilience skills includeslearning when to say no and when tocommit to something.It can take years to complete a highereducation degree, especially if you areworking full-time or have a family. Onceyou decide you are willing to work forthis accomplishment, your resilienceskills will be needed. You may need tostay up late to study or skip socialevents to complete your degree. Strongresilience skills can make a difficultjourney worth the effort.Ask yourself these five questions whenyou are working on your resilience skills.Your answers may surprise you! Takingthe time to focus on where you need toimprove can help you build stronger andbetter skills.Start today!Yade
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