Page 27 - Jewish News_Sept2021
P. 27

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                    September 2021                                       27A

     Tefillah and Shirah: Two legs of the spiritual throne

     By Arlene Stolnitz
 September 1941 was one of the larg-  ecently, I have been reading   ing the prayer liturgy.  and “musical scale.”    Tova Tikatevu. Let the prayers and ob-
 est mass killings at any single location   about  Rising  Song  Circles.   So  who  is  Joey  Weisenberg?  He   The most famous story in the To-  servance of these awesome days pave
 during World War II. The horrendous  RThese are groups of music lov-  is the founder and director of Hadar’s   rah concerns Jacob’s ladder, in which   the  way  for  a  renewed  spiritual  life.
 numbers  killed  were  surpassed  only  ers in Jewish communities who join to-  Rising Song Institute,  and the author   the patriarch dreams of a ladder with   This  year,  I  look  forward  to  sharing
 by  the  massacre  in  October  1941  of  gether on a regular basis to study and   of  Building  Singing Communities   angels  going  up  and  down.  Maimon-  with you the stories of gifted musicians
 50,000  Jews  at  Odessa  by  Romanian   sing  all  forms   and  The Torah of Music,  which  was   ides thought the angels had one pur-  and their inspirational works.
 (and some German) units, and by the   of  Judaic  music.   the  winner  of  a  2017  National  Book   pose, that of singing. We can think of   Arlene Stolnitz, founder of the Sara-
 two-day  Aktion  Erntefest (Operation   Song  Circles  in-  Award.  His  library  of  over  500  vid-  Jacob’s ladder as a musical scale with   sota  Jewish  Chorale,  is  a  member of
 Harvest Festival)  in  early  November   clude   nigunim,   eos, teaching topics such as “Leading   angels ascending and descending with   the Jewish Congregation of Venice. A
 1943, which claimed 42,000 - 43,000   nusach, prayers   Moving Communal Prayer,” “Bringing   our prayers.            retired educator from Rochester, New
 Jewish victims.       and  all  forms  of   Nigunim into the Community,” “Shab-    When  we  sing,  we  can  think  of   York,  she  has sung in  choral  groups
 More than any other incident, the   known   Jewish   bat and Festival Melodies,” “Building   ourselves as experiencing a state of our   for  over  25  years  and  also  sings  in
 massacres  at  Babi  Yar  have  come  to   music, but un-  Joyous  Singing  Communities”  and   best selves as we enter a state of spir-  The  Venice  Chorale.  Her  interest  in
 symbolize  a  characteristic  of  the  Ho-  like  a  traditional   “High  Holiday  Prayers  and  Chants,”   ituality. Weisenberg’s idea is that mu-  the preservation of Jewish music of all
 locaust – mass shooting, or “the Holo-  choir, everyone   is only one of many ways Weisenberg   sic, although only a bunch of notes, can   kinds has led to this series of articles
 caust by bullets.”   Arlene Stolnitz  may  join  regard-  demonstrates, through song, the Torah   transform us if we let it.  on Jewish Folk Music in the Diaspora.
 In 1959, novelist Viktor Nekrasov  less of musical background. The idea   of prayer and music.  Wishing you and yours a L’Shana
 appealed in the pages of Literaturnaya  for  the  program  was  originated  by   An interesting interpretation I read  CULTURE  MUSIC  CULTURE  SHABBAT
                                                                                                       ELDERLY SERVICES
 Gazeta for a memorial to be established  Joey Weisenberg, whose mission is to   by Weisenberg talks about the idea that   FAMILY             SOCIAL
 at Babi Yar. Poet Yevgeni Yevtushenko  bring people together in song. He be-  in gematria (the code used in biblical   YOUTH  HADASSAH
                                                                       CHEVRA KADISHA
 followed this up with a famous poem,  lieves that where there is song, there is   times for assigning a numerical value                       SHABBAT
 “Babi  Yar,”  in  the  same  journal  on  prayer, and that Jewish tradition teach-  to a word according to its letters), the   SYNAGOGUE  CULTURE  MOHEL
 September  19,  1961.  The  poem  was  es that music unlocks the door to di-  numerical  value  for  tefillah (prayer)   KOSHER  CAMP
                                                                                                         LONGBOAT KEY
 an open attack upon antisemitism and  vine connection.  and  shirah (song) are  the  same.  His   SENIORS  HOLOCAUST                             EDUCATION
 drew attention to Jewish martyrdom.  In  his  own  words,  recently  pub-  thought is that they are two legs of the      ARTS
 Composer  Dmitri  Shostakovich  lished in My Jewish Learning online:   spiritual  throne,  mutually  supporting  YOUTH GROUP        MUSIC            CULTURE
                                                                                                                                            ELDERLY SERVICES
                                                                                        LOOKING FOR SOMETHING JEWISH?
 then set Yevtushenko’s lines to music  “Music is the most… ephemeral of all   each  other.  He  feels  that  where  there   YOUNG ADULTS N G F O R S O M E T H I N G J E W I S H ?
 in  his  13   Symphony,  performed  for  art forms. We can’t see music, we can’t   is song, there is prayer and that music   JUDAICA  VENICE
                                                                                                          FIND IT IN THE DIRECTORY
 the first time in December 1962. Yev- grasp it in our hands, but we can feel   can open our hearts and minds to better   FOOD  CHEVRA KADISHA  HADASSAH
 tushenko  was  publicly  denounced  by  it  working  through  us  and  the  world.   understand what is around us.   HILLEL    EDUCATION
 Premier Nikita Khrushchev in Pravda  As such, music  represents  our con-  Besides  referring  to  the  proph-  SUMMER CAMP  CULTURE   MOHEL
 on March 8, 1963, but the details of the  nection to the divine, to each other, to     ets who knew this, he talks about the   SARASOTA       CAMP
 massacre would not remain censored.  everything.  Music  is…  a  prayer  that   role of the cantor, whom he describes   TEEN  HOLOCAUST          SOCIAL
 Details resurfaced in 1966 in a novel  opens up our imaginations to the     as  a  “sacred  musician  who  snatches   SENIORS  NORTH PORT
 focusing on Babi Yar written by Anato- divine source of all life.”  the song from the place where proph-  SHABBAT  YOUTH GROUP        ARTS       FAMILY
 ly Kuznetsov.  Anyone  who  has  ever  sung  in  a   ets  suckle.”  He  speaks  of  melodies   CHEVRA KADISHA      BRADENTON
 After  the  breakup  of  the  Soviet  temple choir has felt that connection.   forming  a  divine  ladder  connecting         EDUCATION         SHABBAT
 Union, the Ukrainian government ac- And in the congregation, one can sense   earth  with  the  heavens.  In  Hebrew,   TEMPLE  JUDAICA  FOOD  VENICE
 knowledged  the  specifically  Jewish  the feeling as worshipers join in sing-  the  word  sulam  means  both  “ladder”     HILLEL       SYNAGOGUE
 nature  of  the  site  and  an  appropriate                    MUSIC           CULTURE                   SUMMER CAMP                               MUSIC
 rededication was held.                                                                                                                MUSIC
 Paul R. Bartrop is Professor Emeritus                                              The Sarasota-Manatee Jewish Community is
 of History and the former Director of   Learn about our growing                       Invited to Join Temple Beth Sholom for a
 the Center for Holocaust and Geno-  Jewish community in this comprehensive                   Custom, Small-Group Tour of
 cide Research at Florida Gulf Coast
 University.  population study of Sarasota-Manatee                                   Jewish Budapest, Vienna & Prague
                                                                                                           July 6-17, 2022

                                                                                      World-renowned tour manager Jacob Shoshan will lead this special
                                                                                                        journey. Highlights include:

                                                                                       Budapest's Dohany Street Synagogue & Jewish Museum
                                                                                       Holocaust Memorial Center
                                                                                       Vienna's Jewish Museum
           1   ST                                                                      Optional Shabbat services at local synagogues
                                                                                       Prague's Jewish Quarter and ancient Jewish cemetery
                population study
                in 20 years!
                                                                                       Panoramic tour of Vienna

                                                          a grant from:
                                                                                       Prague's Astronomical Clock
                               Jewish Community Study    Sponsored in part by          Cesky Krumlov
                                                                                       5-star Hotel Accommodations
                    Cohen Center Authors:   A socio-demographic portrait of the Jewish   Rabbi Altshuler will connect us
                     Matthew Boxer
                    Matthew A. Brookner  community in Sarasota-Manatee                 with local Jewish communities
                     Eliana Chapman
                    Janet Krasner Aronson                                              Temple membership NOT required
                                               For Details Contact Marc Bokoff:
         For more information,                                                                     860-608-6095  mobile
                                                                                                   844-768-2799  Office
         contact Kim Adler
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