Page 29 - Jewish News_Sept2021
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ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                          September 2021                                       29A

 Modern Zionism and its positive impact

 on many aspects of our lives                                        BRIEFS

 ish  blog,  Virag  Gulyas.  Panels  will
 explore topics, including “Can You be
 Progressive and be a Zionist?” and the
 “Textures of the Jewish World.”  ISRAEL TO OPEN    there were 159 missing, his team met   The Abraham Accords marked the   financial  prosperity.  (Daniel  Sonnen-
 The next event, titled “Israel: Yes,  NEW HAIFA PORT    with the families and determined there   beginning  of  a  warm  peace  between   feld, Media Line)
 You  Can  Be  a  Progressive  Zionist!,”  IN SEPTEMBER  were 98.               two  nationalities.  Across  the  Middle   MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT
 takes place on  Tuesday, September  Israel’s new Gulf Port of Haifa will be-  Using  expertise  developed  from   East, brave individuals  have decided

 14 at 7:30 p.m. For more information,  gin operations on September 1 after 15   responder  missions  in  wars  and  cata-  that it is time to start building bridges   TO BE HELD IN ISRAEL
 visit  years of construction.  strophic events in Israel and around the   and connect with people from different   FOR FIRST TIME
        “The opening of the Gulf port will   world, the team developed a 3-dimen-  religions, countries and races. (Hanna   For the first time in its history, the Miss
                                          sional computer model to determine
                                                                                Gerber, Arab News - Saudi Arabia)
 Space Florida, Israel Innovation Authority announce  revolutionize the entire economy. It is   where each room was located both be-  NEW ISRAELI BUDGET   Universe beauty pageant will be held
                                                                                                                      in Israel. The international contest will
     the newest port in the world, with the
 eighth-round winners of innovation partner funding  latest in port technology,” said Yitzhak   fore and after the collapse. That way,   PROMISES OVER $9   take place in the southern resort of Ei-
                                          rescuers  could  search  with  purpose.
                                                                                                                      lat in December, bringing to the sunny
     Blumenthal,  CEO  of  the  Israel  Ports
     Company.                             (Wendy Rhodes, Palm Beach Post)       BILLION FOR ARAB                      city thousands of people in delegations
        Another new port in Ashdod is ex-  AN OLYMPIC TRUCE                     SECTOR                                from 100 countries.
     pected to be completed later this year.   As I was flipping through the various   On August  2,  the  Israeli  Cabinet  ap-  The pageant, which will be mark-
     The openings come at a time when Is-  Olympic channels, my eye caught the   proved a draft state budget containing   ing its 70  anniversary, will take over
     rael’s ports have been severely backed   blue and white stripes of the Israeli flag   $9.19 billion intended for Israel’s mi-  the  city  for  a  period  of  about  three
     up. (Zev Stub, Jerusalem Post)       alongside the bright green image of the   norities. $6.7 billion is dedicated to the   weeks starting in November, and will
                                                                                                                      include events such as a national cos-
                                                                                next five-year plan for the Arab sector,
     THE IDF RESCUE UNIT                  Saudi Arabian flag. As I watched Israe-  compared with $3.3 billion in the last   tume show, red carpets, charity events,
     FOUND MOST OF THE                    li athlete Raz Hershko compete against   five-year plan approved in 2016. In ad-  semifinals and the final contest.
     SURFSIDE DISASTER                    Saudi athlete  Tahani  Al-Qahtani in   dition, $780 million will be directed at   The annual contest will air in near-
                                          judo, I was struck by the significance
     VICTIMS                              of  the  match  as  these  two  powerful   fighting crime and violence in the Arab   ly  160  territories  across  the  world,
     Lt.-Col. Golan Vach, commander of the   young  women  put  aside  any  adverse   sector, as Israeli Arab politicians have   drawing an estimated 1.3 billion view-
                                                                                                                      ers following the pageant in broadcast,
     Israel Defense Forces National Rescue   politics.                          sought.  The  Bedouin  population  will   print and social media.
     Unit, said he personally found 20 vic-   Historically, sports have consis-  receive  $1.6  billion,  while  $930  mil-  “We in Israel are delighted to host
     tims from the Surfside, Florida, condo   tently  bridged  people  of  different  na-  lion will be directed at the Druze and   the 70  anniversary celebrations of the
     collapse  and that  his team  recovered   tionalities, religions, sexes and colors.   Circassian minorities.     iconic Miss Universe pageant. Israel is
     81 of the nearly 100 victims. He knew   To this  day, sports are  used to bring   Dr.  Salim  Brake,  an  expert  on   a beautiful land of creativity and inno-
     where to look because he studied pho-  together  Israeli  and  Arab children  in   Arab society in Israel who teaches at   vation, and we have successfully faced
     tographs of the missing, learned about   an open, neutral and friendly environ-  the Open University, said, “This plan   the Covid-19 crisis head on. Therefore,
     their  possessions, learned  about  their   ment. Sports have a way of stripping   is unprecedented, and if it is realized,   today we are among the first countries
     habits and even knew in which room   down  biased  tendencies  and  allow-  it will make a major difference for the   to host an international  event  – the
     each likely would have been during the   ing people to connect on a basic per-  Arab population.”                unifying  Miss  Universe,”  said  Israeli
                                                                                    The new plan is intended to close
     collapse.  While  U.S. authorities  said   son-to-person level.            the gaps in education, employment and              continued on next page

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