Page 33 - Jewish News_Sept2021
P. 33

COMMENTARY                                                                         September 2021                                       33A

     To live as a Jew                                                           Spirituality and religion

                                          would  have  ended  Isaac’s  life.  The                                     days  are  filled  with  mundane  things,
                                          ram, on the other hand, represents the                                      the minutia of daily life.
                                                                                                                          Judaism is far less concerned with
                           From           fact that Isaac’s life was spared, for the                  From            spirituality, and much more interested
                                          ram replaced him.
                           the            Hashanah  teaches  us  that  our  focus                     the             in communal  interaction  and respon-
                                              The mitzvah of the shofar on Rosh
                                                                                                                      sibility. The Talmud sums it up in five
                           Bimah          must be to live as Jews rather than die                     Bimah           words: Kol Yisrael aravim zeh bazeh.
                                          as Jews. In our history, we sadly were
                                                                                                                      All of Israel is responsible for one an-
                                          forced to embrace the knife and sacri-                                      other.
                                          fice ourselves for our Jewishness. We                                           My spiritual nature is inextricably
     Rabbi Sholom Schmerling              are here today because of the sacrifices   Rabbi Jennifer Singer            tied to my Jewish practice. To be Jew-
                                          of our ancestors. Yet, these are the trag-
     Chabad of Venice & North Port        ic periods of our history and never our   Congregation Kol HaNeshama        ish is to be part of a community. To be
                                                                                                                      part of a community is to be respon-
            ne of the primary reasons we   to live, to love life, to celebrate life, to  I                            sible for each other. My spirituality is
                                          desired ideal. As an ideal, Judaism de-
                                                                                     don’t need religion. I’m spiritual.”
            blow  the  shofar,  the  ram’s   mands of us to seize every opportunity   I have heard this statement  a   linked to yours. If you are hungry or
     Ohorn, on Rosh Hashanah,  is                                                    thousand times. I like to ask,   afraid, I am obliged to help. And in so
     to  commemorate  the  unforgettable   cherish life, to create life and to give   “What do you mean when you say that   doing, I uplift both you and me. Both
     episode we read on the second day of   life.                               you’re  spiritual?”  Most  people  talk   of our hearts are opened to the Divine
     Rosh Hashanah, in which G-d instructs    The archenemy of the Jewish peo-  about  nature,  love,  moments  of  tran-  spark that resides in each person.
     Abraham to offer his son to G-d. Abra-  ple,  the  prophet  Balaam  expressed   scendence. They often say something   But  how  do  we  do  that  during  a
     ham obeys. He ascends Mt. Mariah,    the  contrary:  “Tamos nafshi mos ye-  about  “a  higher  power,”  but  that’s  as   pandemic? How can we care for each
     builds an altar and binds Isaac on it. At   sharim,” “Let me die the death of the   close as they get to defining it or actu-  other, share meals and prayer, and stay
     the last moment, when Abraham takes   righteous.”  (Numbers  23:10)  Balaam   ally relating to it.               in  close  contact  with  the  people  who
     the  knife  in  his  hand  and  is  about  to   wanted  to  die  a  martyr’s  death.  Con-  More often than not, they want to   make up our community?
     slaughter his beloved child, G-d sends   trary to Balaam’s philosophy, we cel-  tell me everything that’s wrong about   With  Covid  and  its  Delta  variant
     an angel to stop him. “Don’t lay your   ebrate not the knife but the shofar. We   religion. Which, according to them, is   forcing us to stay apart, this commu-
     hand on the lad;  don’t do anything   want to live for G-d, not die for G-d.  pretty much everything. I get it. They   nal aspect of spirituality can be diffi-
     to  him.” Abraham  then  offers  a  ram,   This is also the meaning of Moses’   want to concentrate on religious wars   cult to attain. You can’t see the other
     “caught in the thicket by its horns,” in   words to the Jewish people at the end of   and persecution of the Other. When I   person’s expression if she is wearing a
     lieu of his son. G-d promises Abraham   his life: “See, I have placed before you   point out that religion  also has given   mask. Praying in a minyan on Zoom is
     an eternal nation that will be a blessing   life and death; you shall choose life.”   the world much that is good, they dis-  an oxymoron as we are simultaneously
     to all other nations.                Do we really need Moses to teach us   miss it with a wave of the hand.      separate and together.
        The shofar, then, represents Abra-  to choose life over death? Which fool   And what about spirituality within    My answer is this: We use the tools
     ham  and Isaac’s limitless  loyalty  and   would choose otherwise?         religion,  I  ask?  The  I’m-just-spiritual   at our fingertips. We pick up the tele-
     commitment to G-d to the point of ut-    Moses knew that Jews would en-    crowd will tell you that religion gets in   phone.  We  write  cards.  We  stand  in
     ter self-sacrifice. This merit, we hope,   dure tremendous suffering. As a result,   the way of spirituality. Religion, they   front  of  each  other’s  homes  and  sing
     evoked  infinite  Divine  blessing  and   they may come to cultivate a culture of   declare,  is  filled  with  empty  rituals.   “Happy  Birthday”  at  the  top  of  our
     mercy on the Day of Judgment.        death, celebrating death. When you en-  They don’t need ritual. They prefer the   lungs, holding homemade posters. We
        Yet,  here  is  the  question:  If  so,   counter so much death, you might just   freedom of just enjoying a sunset.   send group emails with jokes and up-
     why is the mitzvah not to lift a knife   make it your priority and your focus.  And do you have a spiritual prac-  lifting  words.  We  carefully  gather  in
     on Rosh Hashanah instead of the sho-     But we never forgot Moses’ com-   tice, I ask. “Oh yes,” comes the reply.   small groups outdoors. We pray togeth-
     far?  The  ram  was  the  substitute  for   mand: “You shall choose life.” So we   “I  do  yoga  on  the  beach,  I  meditate,     er and we bless each other. We zoom
     Isaac. Yet the knife represented Abra-  always  chose  life.  The  day  the  Jews   I even have a beautiful altar with in-  into services and revel in seeing each
     ham’s actual readiness to offer his son   were  liberated  from  Auschwitz,  they   cense and sacred stones.”    other’s faces and a tiny bit of every per-
     Isaac. Why then do we not display the   asked themselves how they will recre-  I push a little harder. And do you   son’s home. We sing the prayers of our
     far more potent and direct symbol of a   ate life. We have to love them for this.  do any of these things daily? Do you   people with full hearts, even though we
     knife to portray Isaac’s willingness to   Let us pray that 5782 be marked by   connect with the Divine and feel it in   can’t hear each other.
     be an offering to G-d and Abraham’s   health and happiness, and that we all   your life? Some people do and proudly   The  things  that  others call  empty
     willingness to offer him?            be inscribed for a good and sweet new   tell me so. Others? Not so much.    rituals  are  anything  but  empty  if  you
        Chassidic  master  Rabbi  Simcha   year.  With  wishes  for  a  meaningful     I can sympathize. A spiritual prac-  imbue them with meaning.
     Bunam of Peshischa presented a beau-  and joyous holiday experience. Shanah   tice, whether within the confines of a   My spiritual experiences are linked
     tiful answer: With the knife, Abraham   Tovah U’Metukah!                   religion or one’s own concept of spiri-  to my community, and my community
                                                                                tuality, doesn’t come easily. It takes ded-  has learned to rise to the occasion. We
          Opinions printed in The Jewish News of                                ication. It asks you to do spiritual things   don’t want to stay physically apart, but

      Sarasota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect                               even when you don’t feel spiritual.   we know how to stay in touch, how to
                                                                                    The transcendent moments we feel
                                                                                                                      adapt Jewish practice to meet our needs
      those of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-                               in nature, seeing the stars at night or   today and how to engage in communal
         Manatee, its Board of Directors or staff.                              a rainbow, or even sitting quietly with   spiritual experiences that benefit each
                                                                                a candle flickering in front of us, are
                                                                                                                      one of us. Kol Yisrael aravim zeh ba-
                                                                                easily accessed. It’s harder when your   zeh. Together, we soar.


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