Page 36 - Jewish News_Sept2021
P. 36

36A                         September 2021                                                                         COMMENTARY

                                                                                Off-Broadway compelling Prime Minister Naftali Bennett

                                         HELP...                                By Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz, Community Chaplain                           assumes control of Israel’s government
                                                                                       equested to offer a recitation of
                                                                                                                      cuted precisely down to the second.
                                                                                                                                                        By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
                                                                                       Psalm  23  at  a  prominent  cul-
                                                                                                                          A  few  years  ago,  I  witnessed  the
                                                 is a
                                                 i  s a                         Rtural  gathering,  a  well-known     performance of a show by a group of     or  the  past  12  years,  Benjamin
                                                                                                                                                              Netanyahu has served as Prime
                                                                                                                      developmentally  disabled  young peo-
                                                                                actor rose from his seat to give a stir-
                                                                                                                      ple. There  was  decidedly  little  polish FMinister of Israel. He had hoped
                                                                                ring reading. Spellbound by his studied
                                                 phone                          cadence  and  intonation,  the  audience   or  precision.  But  what  an  abundance  to continue in that office after the most
                                                                                                                      of  spirit  and  determination  they  dis- recent  election,  but  the  coalition  of
                                                                                                   erupted in a thun-
                                                 call                                              der  of  applause.   played. Tears welled in my eyes watch- Yamini  leader  Naftali  Bennett,  and
                                                                                                                      ing them try so earnestly to remember  Yesh Atid, with chairman Yair Lapid,
                                                                                                   All present recog-
                                                 a    wa        y                                  nized  they  were     lines and make their way on stage.   and the joining of eight dif-
                                                                                                                          In the audience, parents and sib- ferent political parties was
                                                                                                   in the presence
                                                                                                   of  a  master  per-
                                                                                                                      the performance’s conclusion, the ac- the government.  Thus, Is-
                                                                                                   former.            lings  brimmed  with  pride.  When,  at  enough  to  take  control  of
                                                                                                      Though the      tors received an extended standing  rael’s 36  government was
       In partnership with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and                           next speaker, an   ovation, beaming, broad smiles broke  sworn in with Bennett be-
       the generosity of our donors, JFCS of the Suncoast is able to offer      Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz  elderly preacher,   out among them. I’m grateful that the  coming Israel’s 13  Prime
       the following services at no cost to anyone in the                       had  prepared  remarks,  he  quietly  re-  pure, moving and cathartic  moment  Minister and, in two years,
       Jewish community regardless of age:                                      ceived  permission  to  recite  the  same   has stayed strongly with me.   Lapid  will  become  the
                                                                                psalm  instead. After  ascending  to  the   When   Shakespeare   famously  state’s 14  Prime Minister.
        •  A friendly voice                                                     lectern  with  great  dignity,  he  then   wrote, “All the world’s a stage… And   The  question  now  is,
                                                                                                                      one man in his time plays many parts,”  how  will  the  new  govern-
        •  Counseling                                   Get the                 gazed upwards, closed his eyes and be-  he understood that the human drama  ment present itself to the United States
        •  Caregiver support                        assistance                      The hall quickly stilled. When he   demands we assume a range of roles.  and the world? The belief is that Prime
                                                                                                                          Sometimes,  however,  rather  than  Minister  Bennett  will  be  less  boister-
        •  Bereavement support groups                                           concluded  a  few  moments  later,  to-  defining these roles, we can come in- ous and will be more apt to speak in
                                                                                tal silence reigned. There was no ap-
        •  Pastoral care                             you need!                  plause, but neither was there a dry eye.  creasingly to be defined by them. This  confidence  with  the  leaders  of  the
        •  Delivered meals                                                          Later,  an  audience  member  ap-  occurs when we begin to feel trapped  world rather than voicing his opinions
        •  Temporary financial assistance                                       proached the actor. “I don’t understand   in our jobs, relationships and outlook.  as a take-it-or-leave-it position.
                                                                                                                                                            The reality is that the major prob-
                                                                                                                      We experience an absence of personal
                                                                                it,” he said. “You both said the same
                                                                                thing and your presentation was letter   investment in what we say and do.  lem facing Israel will not change with
       If you are in need of                                                    perfect. Yet when the preacher spoke in   From a distance,  all  may  look in  a  new  leader.  Iran,  and  its  quest  for
       assistance, don’t hesitate                                               his slow, halting manner, people were   order as the curtain rises. Yet, though  nuclear weapons, remains the number
       to call JFCS at                                                          moved  too  deeply  for  words.  What   we may have our lines down perfectly,  one  concern  for  Israel.  Prime  Minis-
                                                                                                                      we can still be emotionally and spiritu- ter  Bennett’s  reaction  to  the  election
       941-366-2224                                                             made the difference?”                                                   of  Ebrahim  Raisi  as  the  new  Iranian
       extension 112.                                                               “I know Psalm 23,” replied the ac-  ally immobilized.
                                                                                tor, “but he knows the shepherd. That’s   The High Holy Days provide an in- President  sounded  very  much  like  a
                                                                                the difference.”                      termission in our stage work so that we  Netanyahu  response.  Bennett  stated
                                                                                    The  preacher  had  spoken  from   might consider our parts more closely  “Raisi’s election is the last chance for
                                                                                a  knowledge  and  appreciation  of  the   in  order  that  we  might  live  our  lives  the world powers to wake up before re-
                                                                                psalm mined in the crucible of his soul.   with greater sincerity.      turning to the nuclear agreement, and to
                                                                                His wasn’t a performance, but a testa-    Like the preacher in the story, the
                                                                                ment.                                 children  I  saw  on  stage  knew  their
                                                                                    Like anyone else, I enjoy attending   hearts as well as their roles. It made all
             Make someone                                                       a Broadway show. It’s thrilling to see   the difference.
                                                                                                                      Rabbi Jonathan R. Katz serves as the
                                                                                and hear such fine actors display their
                                                                                                                      Community Chaplain and Director of
                                                                                artistry.  But  sometimes  such  produc-
             feel special                                                       tions seem to be almost too profession-  the JFCS Jewish Healing Program. His                                                                               FOLLOW
                                                                                                                      position is underwritten by The Jewish
                                                                                ally  polished  with  scenery  changes,
                                                                                dialogue, singing and dancing exe-
                                                                                                                      Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
             by making a donation in                                                      What do you think?                                                                                                                                SAM’S

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