Page 38 - Jewish News_Sept2021
P. 38
38A September 2021 COMMENTARY
Six-week report on new Israel government
By Harold M. Halpern
ast month, I wrote about the masks will again be mandatory as well approved a proposed budget which Egypt, the Abrahamic countries and
new government of eight par- as vaccination passports before enter- provides more funds for the Health others to strengthen their mutually
Lties with conflicting ideologies ing public places. Also, to protect those Ministry, the Israeli Arab community beneficial security relationships and to
from the right, left, center and, for the 60 and over, and those with a compro- and the Defense Ministry, and lays out develop strong business and cultural
first time, an Arab Israeli party, Ra’am, mised immune system, the government agricultural reform to lower the cost of connections. Israel is no longer iso-
glued together by has approved a booster shot. imported food. It also creates competi- lated in the Middle East, now being a
the desire to end Ra’am, a conservative religious tion for Kashrut certification to lower vital part.
the 12-year reign Arab Israeli party led by Mansour Ab- the costs of kosher products. The Jewish People Policy Insti-
of Benjamin Ne- bas, and all the governing parties are The budget will be presented to the tute, a think tank of the Jewish people,
tanyahu as prime working cooperatively. The coalition Knesset for debate. Most pundits be- called on the Israel government to take
minister. has agreed to provide additional funds lieve that the government will secure action to protect Jews in the Diaspora
The govern- for badly needed social services in the the necessary votes to keep it alive. from increasing antisemitism.
ment has 61 seats, Arab Israeli communities, recognition The West Bank, Gaza Yair Lapid, Foreign Minister and
a one vote major- of Arab villages in the Negev, as well and Foreign Policy Alternate Prime Minister, in a July14
Harold M. Halpern ity. Every mem- as enhanced police protection to bring Israelis have an overriding concern for speech said, that while the Holocaust
ber’s vote is needed to pass legislation. down the high crime rate in Arab com- security, free from terrorism. No agree- was a unique event in human histo-
Naftali Bennett, leader of the small munities. Ra’am’s inclusion ends the ment will be made with the Palestin- ry, hate and bigotry are among many
right-wing party Yamina, is Prime taboo of both Israeli Jews and Arabs ian Authority (PA) for an independent in “the rich and variegated mosaic of
Minister for the first two years, and not sitting together in an Israeli gov- state without strong security provisions human hatred.” He continued, “Let’s
Yair Lapid, leader of the larger center ernment. and not mere promise. American diplo- cooperate with everyone who is fright-
party, Yesh Atid, is Alternate Prime I can’t report on any such positive mat Dennis Ross has repeatedly stated ened by extremism.”
Minister, to rotate the position the fol- change on relations between the ul- that the differences between the PA and Coalitions of organizations in the
lowing two years. tra-Orthodox and the rest of Israeli so- Israel over security and other issues are United States have successfully band-
The opposition to the government ciety. Even though Bennett is the first too wide to bridge for the foreseeable ed together to advocate the adoption of
has 58 seats with one independent Orthodox Jewish Prime Minister, the future. hate-crime legislation and its enforce-
member. Netanyahu, leader of Likud, ultra-Orthodox called the new govern- The current government is divid- ment as well as agreeing upon an an-
heads the coalition of Likud and two ment an “apostasy.” The control by the ed, not over boundaries or details of tisemitism definition. This will deter
ultra-Orthodox parties as well as the Chief Rabbinate over marriage, public security, but over whether there should unlawful behavior. However, it doesn’t Please submit your life cycle events
right-wing National Religious Zionist transportation on Shabbat, conversion ever be a Palestinian state. Prime Min- remove hate bigotry from the heart.
party. Sitting separately in opposition and student exemption from military ister Bennett, his party, New Hope and Our public schools, K-12, need to take (births, B’nai Mitzvah, anniversaries, etc.)
is the Joint List, an Israeli Arab party. service until age 35, is a political hot Yisrael Beiteinu having 20 seats, op- on the task of developing a curriculum
The government parties agreed button issue left to the status quo ex- pose an independent Palestinian state of human equality and dignity. Our or- to Photos welcome for
that they would only pursue policies cept for changes at the fringes which under all circumstances and support ganizations, local and national, should births, weddings, engagements and B’nai Mitzvah;
to which they agree with the status quo may include egalitarian prayer space at annexation of 60% of the West Bank, form advocacy coalitions to ensure this
to govern all else. They agreed to stick the Western Wall. now under Israel’s control. The other happens. please e-mail as JPGs at 300dpi.
together to avoid a fifth election and If a budget is not adopted by early parties in the government support a To paraphrase a quote by David
possible return of Netanyahu. November, the Knesset is automatical- Palestinian state in varying degrees. Brooks, a conservative political and
Domestically, Covid has returned ly dissolved, forcing another election. Because of these differences, the cultural commentator, “If we do not
with a vengeance. It is expected that The good news is that the Cabinet status quo will be maintained. Never- transform our (hate in our heart), we Sarasota-Manatee Chevra Kadisha
theless, this government recognizes the will most assuredly transmit it.”
need to help the PA enhance its stand- Harold Halpern is a retired attorney
ing in the eyes of the Palestinians to residing in Lakewood Ranch. He is a
hold off Hamas. It may provide more board member of the American Asso- For more information about the non-profit,
work permits to work in Israel as well ciation of Jewish Jurists and Lawyers community, Jewish Burial Society, contact:
as other economic and humanitarian and of the West Coast Chapter of the For men: 941-484-2790
assistance. The PA, too, values the sta- American Jewish Committee.
tus quo. It and Israel will continue to Crossword Puzzle For women: 941-346-6446
work jointly to prevent terrorism from 1050 S. Tuttle Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34237
Have you ever been asked their common enemy, Hamas. Solution to puzzle on page 23A
Israel’s foreign policy will largely
questions about Israel be a continuation of Netanyahu’s pol-
or antisemitism that icies. This means doing whatever is
necessary, including military action,
you can’t answer? to deter and respond to attacks from
Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria
and Iran, including its opposition to the
CRConnect, a program of release of sanctions against Iran and re-
instating the nuclear agreement. Where
the Heller CRC, addresses the government’s policies differ, it will
these difficult questions do so privately instead of publicly to
avoid embarrassment to its allies.
such as Palestinian vs. Israeli Israel has reached out to Jordan,
sovereignty, Israel as a
“superpower,” the “Apartheid”
claim, peace in the region REPORT
and much more.
to see the questions and learn the answers.
s be
f y
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e s
u s
or a c t iv i t i e s , r e p or t i t :
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