Page 35 - Jewish News_Sept2021
P. 35

COMMENTARY                                                                         September 2021                                       35A

 A Jewish call to action: 10 ways to fight back  David Harris...continued from previous page  Seventh, antisemitism is not just   immigration  restrictions, or standing   is among the most multicultural, mul-
     where, again, the danger does not ema-
     nate from the far right. And then throw   a Jewish problem. When Jews are tar-  up  for  other  targeted  or  beleaguered   tiracial and multifaith societies on the
     in the ever-present danger of jihadists,   geted as Jews, on the streets, in shops   communities.  True  friendships  must   planet.  (k) Israel  is a  vibrant  democ-
 Jewish  yearning  for  even  a  sliver  of
 land, where Jews could govern them- too often in alliance with the far left, as   or at synagogues, the threat is most im-  work  both  ways,  all  the  more  so  in   racy and Israeli Arabs, who comprise
 selves and not be subject to the whim  we have seen both in the United King-  mediately, of course, directed at Jews.   times of need.   approximately 20% of the population,
 of the majority, the fact that we live in  dom and U.S., and it becomes all the   However,  these  also  need  to  be  seen   Ninth,  learn some basic truths.   can be found on the Supreme Court, in
 an era of Jewish sovereignty is not uni- more clear that we must have a 360-   as  assaults  on  the  fabric  and  fiber  of   Sure,  the  Middle  East  is  an  informa-  the Knesset and throughout Israeli so-
 versally valued. No, Israel is not a per- degree view.   America’s democratic, pluralistic soci-  tional  minefield  with  competing  nar-  ciety.
 fect country. Nor is any other country   Sixth, focus on young Jews. In-  ety. In other words, when any minority   ratives and storylines racing in every   And tenth, draw lessons from
 on earth, including the United States.  sofar as one of the major battlefronts   is threatened, our country as a whole   direction.   Jewish history. It  should be  abun-
 Still, the story of Israel is awe-inspir- has indeed become  educational  set-  is at risk. There are both real and po-  But,  none  of  that  should  obscure   dantly  clear  from  Jewish  history  that
 ing,  a  metaphor  for  the  triumph  of  tings, it’s all  the  more  important  that   tential allies out there who understand   some basic facts, such as: (a) Jews are   antisemites, whether from the far left
 enduring hope over the temptation of  our children and grandchildren are as   the  stakes  involved,  just  as  there  are   indigenous to the region, just as Arabs   or the far right, don’t differentiate for
 despair, and a democratic, progressive  prepared as possible for what they may   such allies who recognize that Israel is   are. (b) The relationship between Jews   long between “good” and “bad” Jews,
 beacon in a part of the world with too  face. Not easy under any circumstance.   a  key American  partner,  sharing  both   and this part of the world dates back   any more than they would distinguish
 few counterparts.   In the classroom, there is a power im-  values and interests with our country.   continuously  more  than  3,500  years.   among “Zionists,” “non-Zionists” and
 Fifth, when it comes to antisemi- balance between, say, a hostile profes-  Hence, it would be shortsighted to try   (c) Israel’s modern-day birthright ema-  “anti-Zionists.” Yet, astonishingly, some
 tism, it’s essential to be swivel-head- sor or  teaching  assistant,  on  the  one   and portray the current challenges we,   nated from the Balfour Declaration, the   Jews still don’t seem to have gotten the
 ed. This age-old pathology comes from  hand, and a student who tries to push   as  Jews,  face  as  if  they  were  Jewish   San Remo Conference, the League of   message. They think they can buy time
 multiple  sources.  But  too  many  have  back,  on  the  other.  A  young  person   alone. They’re  not,  and  we  shouldn’t   Nations and the United Nations. How   or space or security by joining in the
 insisted  on  a  narrower  vision,  only  bucking  the  “politically  correct”  and   shortchange ourselves by thinking and   many nations on earth, including a   assault against Israel or even by ratio-
 calling  out  the  threat  when  it  serves  “intersectional”  crowd  could  easily   acting as if they are.   number of Israel’s neighbors, can claim   nalizing  attacks  against  Jews.  Sooner
 their own partisan political preference.  face  social  isolation  or  worse.  When   Eighth, engage  partners. In the   so many layers of legitimacy? (d) The   or later, though, as has happened over
 So, Jews on the left point their finger  it  comes  to  affirming  Jewish  identity,   current moment, amidst this new sense   Palestinians could have had a state of   the  centuries,  their  day  of  reckoning
 at the far right, while Jews on the right  Zionism  and  pro-Israelism,  it  can  re-  of  vulnerability,  let’s  be  mindful  of   their  own  on  multiple  occasions,  be-  would be likely to come if antisemites
 point their finger at the far left, when  quire not just confidence in one’s sense   some  basic  facts  about  the  United   ginning in 1947-8, but spurned every   ever gain sufficient power again.
 the truth is they’re both correct.   of self, but also a heavy dose of social     States.  For  one  thing,  poll  after  poll,   opportunity.  (e)  Israel  withdrew  lock,   Bottom  line:  There  is  much  we
 The  events  in  Charlottesville,  courage.   year after year, reveal that large num-  stock  and  barrel  from  Gaza  in  2005.   can, must and should do, and the more
 Pittsburgh and Poway, not to mention   That’s why if we count on young   bers  of Americans  support  Israel  and   (f) By 2007, Hamas, designated a ter-  we  can  achieve  a  sense  of  common
 the conspiracy theories peddled by the  people to stand up and be heard, then   the U.S.-Israel relationship. Similarly,   rorist organization by both the United   purpose – dare I say unity? – the more
 likes of QAnon, are stark reminders of  we have to help prepare them for the   a number of studies have also shown   States  and  European  Union,  seized   likely  we  are  to  succeed  in  confront-
 the  real,  deadly  menace  from  the  far  various  situations  in  which  they  may   that  Jews  are  highly  regarded  among   power. (g) The Hamas Charter explic-  ing both the old and new demons that
 right.   find  themselves.  Plus,  they  need  to   the panoply of American group identi-  itly calls for the destruction of the State   we’re facing today.
 Meanwhile,  the  events  of  recent  feel the support of family, Jewish or-  ties. So, it’s not as if we’re suddenly   of Israel and accuses Jews of foment-  The AJC West Coast
 weeks, from the streets of New York to  ganizations and Jewish institutions on   alone, isolated and friendless.   ing the French Revolution,  the  First   Florida office,
 the restaurants of Los Angeles, demon- campus. What’s happening is not just   Nor is it as if we, the Jewish com-  World War and the Second World War.
 strate that not all threats to Jews today  battles  over,  for  example,  a  boycott,   munity, haven’t been a friend to other   (h) Hamas is funded and supplied by   located in Sarasota,
 come from the far right. The same can  divestment and sanctions referendum,   communities  in  America over years,   Iran, whose leadership openly calls for   can be reached at
 be said for what Jewish and pro-Israel  but, more broadly, a high-stakes fight   decades  and  even  centuries,  whether   the annihilation of Israel. (i) Gaza has
 students are facing on some campuses,  for the outlook of the next generation   it’s been in the fight for civil rights and   borders with both Israel and Egypt, and   941.365.4955.
                                          social  justice,  or  overcoming  unjust
                                                                                not just Israel, as many allege. (j) Israel
     of American leaders.
 continued on next page

                                                                                               R O S H  H A S H A N A H :  SEP. 6 - SEP.8
                                                                                                Y O M  K I P P U R : SEP. 15 - SEP. 16

                                                                                                 No Affiliation Necessary
                                                                        Traditional and Inspirational Services
        experience                                                                         Security on premises • Masks Required

        HOLIDAYS                                                                                 7:30 P.M. Evening Services
                                                                                                  Rosh Hashanah Eve
                                                                                                  Monday, September 6

        Inspiring High Holiday Services                                                          followed by Holiday Buffet

        with Meaning and Melody                                                                     Rosh Hashanah
                                                                                                  Tuesday, September 7
                                                                                                 Wednesday, September 8
                                                                                                9:30 A.M. Morning Services
                                                                                                 10:45 A.M. Rabbi’s Sermon
                                                                                                   and Shofar Sounding
                                                                                                  1:00 P.M. Holiday Buffet

                                                                                                    Yom Kippur Eve
                CHABAD OF DOWNTOWN SRQ                                                          Wednesday, September 15
                 The Clubhouse at Mark Sarasota                                              7:15 P.M. Evening Service/Kol Nidrei
                        111 S. Pineapple Ave.
                          RSVP Required                                                             Yom Kippur Day
                                                                                                 Thursday, September 16
                                                                                                10:00 A.M. Morning Services
                                                                                             11:30 A.M. Yizkor Memorial Service
                                                                                              6:00 P.M. Mincha/Neila Closing
                                                                                                8:08 P.M. Yom Kippur Ends

                        RSVP FOR SERVICES                                                 Services Followed by Buffet Break-Fast
                          Call: 941-928-9267
                                                 There is NO CHARGE for seats; your donation is appreciated.
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