Page 32 - Jewish News_Sept2021
P. 32
32A September 2021 ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD
BRIEFS you’re not actually a racist, you just West Bank has also undergone massive ANCIENT COINS FOUND
urbanization (from 75% rural in 1967
don’t like the only country in the world
where Jews are in a majority.
to 77% urban in 2021).
My great-grandfather believed that Israel, with a birthrate of 3.09 per AGAINST THE ROMANS
continued from previous page Two 2,000-year-old coins dating back
in the U.S., all workers were united in woman (compared with 3.02 among to the Jewish revolt against the Romans
(PSC-CUNY) due to its antisemitism. I their desire to fight hatred, intolerance West Bank Arab women), leads the 34 have been found by Bar-Ilan Univer-
joined the union when I became a pro- and antisemitism. He would have been OECD (Organisation for Economic sity archaeologists in Wadi Rashash
fessor of Jewish studies at Hunter Col- stunned to discover that this branch Co-operation and Development) coun- in the Binyamin region of the West
lege in 2018. I was extremely proud to of the worker’s movement was being tries in fertility. This is due to the Is- Bank. One coin, minted around 67 CE,
do so, as union organizing was in my used to push an agenda that was mak- raeli state of mind, which is heavy on features a vine leaf and the Hebrew
blood. My great-grandfather helped ing Jewish faculty and students feel optimism, faith, patriotism, attachment inscription Herut Zion (Freedom for
found the Jewish Labor Committee unwelcome, hated and afraid. (Leah to roots, collective responsibility and Zion). The second coin dates back to
in 1934, whose focus was to organize Garrett, Forward) the centrality of children. It is common the Bar Kochba Revolt (132-135 CE).
Jewish workers and to combat the ris- for secular, highly educated, working It bears a palm branch surrounded by
ing tide of antisemitism in Europe. ARAB AND JEWISH Israeli Jewish women to have three or a wreath and the inscription LeHerut
On June 10, the PSC-CUNY ap- DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDS four children, a trend unheard of else- Yerushalayim (Freedom to Jerusalem)
proved a resolution which called Is- During the period of Israel’s full con- where in the West. on one side and a musical instrument
rael a “settler colonial state” that was trol of the West Bank (1967-1992), the Israel’s robust demography refutes and the name “Shimon” on the oth-
massacring Palestinians, and endorsed Arab population expanded by 79%, the assertion that its Jewish majori- er – the first name of Bar Kochba, the
the BDS movement. The resolution did from 586,000 to 1,050,000, due to the ty is threatened by Arab demographic rebellion’s leader. (Rossella Tercatin,
not mention Jewish casualties at all and unprecedented Israeli development of growth. (Yoram Ettinger, Jewish Poli- Jerusalem Post)
did not mention Hamas, whose charter health, medical, transportation, edu- cy Center)
contains the chilling injunction to wipe cation and employment infrastructure,
out all Jews from the Middle East. following stagnation during the Jorda-
It seems to me that the American nian occupation of the area (1948-67). COMMENTARY BRIEFS
country club antisemitism of the 1950s Arab infant mortality was drasti-
and 1960s has found its new expres- cally reduced, while life expectancy NO, JEWS AREN’T WHITE two-thirds of all religious-based hate
sion in BDS. You can tell yourself that surged. The Arab population in the By any and all metrics at our disposal crimes in America targeted Jews.
Some Jews may have more mel-
Get to know Israel and her people! – archaeology, history, theology, even anin in their skin or fewer dollars in
DNA tests – Jews are the indigenous
their bank accounts, some may dress
Visit people of the Land of Israel. Still, to in black and some drape themselves
the zealots who shout that Jews are
in the colors of the rainbow, but all be-
white, all that matters is that for the
last few decades, American Jews have long to an extended family that stayed
benefited from the rewards that come a family because it insisted on the dis-
Now access private sessions with being among our society’s most play of collective behaviors.
Now access private sessions
The creative genius of Jew-hatred
educated and best compensated few.
from home via Yet the argument of privilege ig- has always been its ability to imagine
from home via
nores the unique nature of anti-Jewish the Jew as the embodiment of whatever
bigotry, a highly resistant viral strain it is that polite society finds repulsive.
that feeds precisely on the difficult The Jew takes the shape of whatever
truth that Jews don’t really fit com- the Jew-hater fears and loathes most.
fortably into any of the common cat- And if you decide that there’s such a
egories. Jews are just Jews, a difficult thing as “whites” and that they are
realization that has driven haters to uniquely responsible for all evils per-
distraction throughout the generations. petrated on the innocent and downtrod-
It’s why we alone have been singled den, well, the Jews must be not only
out for a steady stream of suspicion of them but nestled comfortably at the
and persecution throughout history, top of the white-supremacist pyramid.
even here in America. In 2019, nearly (Liel Leibovitz, Commentary)
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