Page 45 - Jewish News_Sept2021
P. 45

COMMUNITY FOCUS                                                                    September 2021                                         5B

 Marc Mannino performs at Aviva    Temple Sinai welcomes                                                    ADVERTORIAL

 as part of concert series  two new staff members                               Frequently asked questions

     By Gail Glickman                                                           about funeral arrangements
           emple Sinai is thrilled  to an-  a  full  scholarship  to  law  school,  and   By Gerry Ronkin
           nounce that Leslie  Gilbert    her son Dylan and wife Brittnee are ex-   am  the  Jewish Community  Liai-      temple. How can I find a rabbi to
     T(“Les”)  has  joined  the  staff  as   pecting their first child. Deb is looking   I                                officiate?
                                                                                    son for Robert Toale and Sons Fu-
     its full-time  Marketing  and Commu-                                           neral Home. As such, I have the   ‹   Are there  any  Jewish cemeteries
     nications Coordinator. Les holds a BA                                      honor of working with local families      in Sarasota-Manatee?  How much
     from Nyack  College  and has a wide                                        to help them prepare their funeral ar-    does a plot cost?
     range of experience in digital  mar-                                       rangements.  Having  helped Reform,   ‹   I have a cemetery plot up north. If
     keting and website design. He was                                          Conservative, Orthodox and non-affil-     I should die in Florida, what is in-
     director  and co-founder of Flagship                                       iated Jews, I am fully                         volved in the transportation
     Interactive Group, an agency specializ-                                    versed in the diversity                        to it?
     ing in supporting internal and external                                    of our community’s                                 Some advantages of
     communications and marketing efforts                                       religious customs.                             pre-planning  your arrange-
     for businesses and nonprofits.                                                 The Jewish funer-                          ments:
 Ohio Rabbi Elyssa Joy Austerklein    Sarasota and fell in love with this beau-  al turns out to be a big                      ‹    This will ensure that
        Les has been a frequent visitor to
                                                                                subject and cannot be
                                                                                                                               your funeral  will be exact-
 launches Ivrim Jews Without Borders  tiful city. He and his wife Tina recently   covered  in  one  short                      ly  the  way  you  want  it  to
                                                                                essay. In this and fu-
                                                                                                                               be. Your loved ones will be
 tioners networked by a commitment to                   Deb Bryan               ture columns, I will                           spared having to make deci-
                                                                                                                               sions for you during a diffi-
 spiritual seeking and growth.            forward to  being a  grandmother.  She   discuss some ques-        Gerry Ronkin  cult and stressful time.
                                                                                tions and concerns you may have.
 Programming began in  August             exclaimed,  “Needless to say, we are
 with special Shabbat offerings and vir-  very excited!”                            I  have  worked  with  hundreds  of   ‹   You will not leave a financial bur-
 tual Mishnah study in preparation for        Temple Sinai is happy to welcome   families and can say that no two are the   den for your family. A pre-planned
 the High Holy Days. Some services        Joshua Leinweber as  Youth Group      same and each has its unique needs.       arrangement will keep your family
                                                                                    Here are a sample of some of the
 for the High Holy Days will be in per-   Advisor. Josh holds a BA from Uni-    questions I am frequently asked:          from having to pay full price for
                                                                                                                          everything immediately upon your
 son in Sarasota, while others will be    versity of Miami, Florida, and an MA
 offered  virtually  on  Ivrim’s  YouTube   in Educational Leadership from Nova   ‹   I have  two plots up north.  What   death. This can be a great hardship.
 Channel. For more information, please    Southeastern, Davie, Florida. Current-    should I do with them if I choose   ‹   You will  save  considerable  mon-
                                                                                    to be buried locally?
 visit            ly Assistant Principal at Booker High   ‹   What does Judaism say about cre-    ey. By planning in advance,  you
                                                                                                                          get discounted pre-need prices. In
                                          School,  Josh has years  of experience    mation?                               addition, you will lock in all of to-
                                          with all aspects of education. He taught   ‹   How much does it cost for a funer-  day’s prices for the goods and ser-
                  Les Gilbert             4  grade at  Temple Sinai’s  Religious    al?                                   vices you will need.
     relocated and they are looking forward   School  and  Confirmation  class.  His   ‹   What are the advantages of having   I would be happy to discuss your
     to enjoying all that Sarasota has to of-                                       a “pre-need” vs paying at the time   individual  situation  in  a  confidential,
     fer. Les expressed his goal: “I enjoy                                          “at need.”                        private meeting. Call me anytime at
     learning what people are passionate                                        ‹   I am not a member of any local    941.809.5195.
     about and telling their stories in the
     most compelling way possible. I hope
     to tell the stories of Temple Sinai to the
     local community and beyond in a way
     that increases awareness and member-
     ship for years to come.”
        Temple Sinai also announces that
     Deb Bryan is stepping down as the
     Youth Group Advisor. Deb has devoted
     her time and effort over the last seven
     years to make our youth groups dy-
     namic. Temple Sinai and youth group
     participants have expressed their grati-        Joshua Leinweber
     tude for keeping the youth group mem-  three  children, Noah, Sage and Alix,
     bers active  and engaged.  Deb plans   have gone through Temple Sinai’s Re-
     to spend more time with her children,   ligious School and are active in youth
     both of whom had their B’nai Mitzvah   group. His wife Bethany is Director of
     and went to Temple Sinai’s Religious   Youth Education, Outreach & Engage-
     School.  She  and  her  husband  Robert   ment.
     will be traveling frequently to Pennsyl-  We wish Les and Josh success in
     vania where her daughter Madison has   their new roles at Temple Sinai!
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