Page 47 - Jewish News_Sept2021
P. 47

FOCUS ON YOUTH                                                                     September 2021                                         7B

                                                                                                         Simchat Torah
                                                                                                         S im  c ha  t  T o r ah

 Each child is a child of G-d. They
 have a perfect soul, untouchable by the   A program of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee, PJ Library & PJ   Decorating
 ravages of life, their outward mistakes   Our Way engages children between birth and age 12, and their families, with   Sunday, Sept 26, 2021
 and  imperfections.  How can  a  child   books and activities that enhance their Jewish journey. Throughout the year,   3:00pm
 of G-d not be perfect, loveable and a   families gather for story times and other special programs where they can
 source of pride?   socialize and meet new friends. PJ is for any family raising Jewish children –               DRIVE-
 When our children sense and feel   affiliated, unaffiliated, interfaith or non-traditional. The program is completely   BY
 that we love them for who they are and   free for families, thanks to the generosity of The Harold Grinspoon Founda-  EVENT
 not for who we want them to be, we   tion, Edie and David Chaifetz, the Federation and other generous donors.
 give them the space to reach unimag- Welcoming the High Holy
 inable  heights.  Our love  and pride  in                                                   Celebrate Simchat Torah the PJ Library way...
 our children help them grow to be who                                                       decorating delicious treats with a free PJ
 they are meant to be and achieve their  Days with PJ Library                                Library Dessert Decorating Kit Gift Bag! Please
 true potential.                                                                             register to receive the gift bag pick-up location.
 May G-d bless us all on the cusp  By MG Berman, PJ Community Connector,                       REGISTER AT
 of a new year, that as Chana believed  and Jessi Sheslow, Teen and Family Programs Manager
 in her child, we should believe in our   ver the past 15 months, we   evident. We continue to try new things   For more information about this event, contact
 children. And as Chana’s son grew to   have all faced many challeng-  and find ways to improve our lives.   MG Berman, PJ Library Connector, at
 be a prophet, our children should de-Oes during the pandemic. Some   As you take part in the High Holi-
 velop as the future generation of strong  of us have  taken  on roles  within  our   days, at home or in synagogue, remem-  For more information about PJ Library, contact
 Jewish leaders.  families  we  did  not  think  we  would,   ber the joy, laughter and excitement   Jessi Sheslow, or
 Chanie Bukiet is the program director  while others continued to do their reg-  you experienced when your PJ Library   941.343.2109.
 at Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood  ular jobs while trying to stay healthy.   family came together. Remember that
 Ranch.  Not one day has looked the same, and   as a community we are stronger togeth-
     hopefully we have rounded the corner   er, helping one another and teaching
     for a brighter future.               one another. After more than a year of
                                          experiencing  loneliness,  join  your  PJ
                                          Library family every chance you can.
                                          Our High Holidays are a time to stop,
                                          celebrate the new, ask for forgiveness                                                          SPONSORED BY
                                          and embrace the new introduction into
                                          this world. It is our chance to do that
                                          as a community. When we look at the
                                          teachings we learn from the Torah, we
                                          should  be  confident  we  can  achieve
                                          this  as  we  have  done  so many  times
                                          through the years.
           Jessi Sheslow and MG Berman        Traditions are more important than
        This  year,  as  summer  has  come   ever  as we continue  in this new era.
     to  a  close  and school  has begun,  we   Traditions big or small will always be
     move  into  a  new  era. We  accept  that   remembered, honored and shared with
     the “Covid normal” is now in the past.   future generations. We challenge each
     Still, our world and community’s “new   of you to take a moment with a family
     normal” is like a wave, with ups and   member to share something from your
     downs, just like what we experience in   childhood that our future generations
     our own lives and even within our own   can learn and pass on. Let us not wait
     families.                            until next year, when we can seize the
        This year, as we open our hearts   moment now. At PJ Library Sarasota-
     and minds for Rosh Hashanah and Yom   Manatee,  we cherish every  moment,
     Kippur, let us also remember  from   share the love and encourage  all the
     where we have come over the past year.   good.
     We have so much going for us togeth-     For more information about PJ Li-
     er as a community, a blessing we shall   brary, contact MG at mgpjconnector@
     count. Our emotions have been tested. or Jessi Sheslow at jsheslow
     Our strength has grown. Our success is or 941.343.2109.           READ—GATHER—GROW

                                                                                      PJ Library  has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                                                      to  provide  families  raising  Jewish  children with  the  gift of  free, high-quality
                                                                                      children’s books, music, and resources that foster deeper engagement with
                                                                                      Jewish life in our community.
                                                                                                   Join one of our PJ programs below
                                                                                            to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.

                                                                                       Children 6 mo. - 8 yrs.            Children 8 - 12

                                                                                               Sign-up at                    Sign-up at

                                                                                      For more information, contact
                                                                                      Jessi Sheslow
                                                                                                      PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously
             PJ Library families creating Jewish memories together at the Community Havdalah          funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.
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