Page 48 - Jewish News_Sept2021
P. 48

8B                         September 2021                                                                  FOCUS ON YOUTH

     A chat with third-generation Sarasota

     mom Liana Sheintal Bryant

           iana Sheintal Bryant – a third-   Mara Daniel in TEERS and me in Tem-  my sister and I made  when we were                                              hen Hershorin Schiff Com-
           generation  member  of  Temple   ple Emanu-El Preschool (today known   younger that we still use at Passover!)                                         munity Day School opened
     LEmanu-El and the Sarasota Jew-      as SSELC). My maternal grandparents   and enjoying extended family Chanu-                                     Wits new campus to students
     ish community, whose children  have   Phyllis and  Aaron Klapman enjoyed   kah parties.                                                            and their families last month, its lead-
     been  educated at  the  Susan Schwaid   their visits so much that they retired   What role has SSELC played in                                     ership team wanted more. The school
     Early  Learning  Center  (SSELC)  and   here around 1980. My aunt and uncle,   your lives?                                                         – now located at 4335 Wilkinson Road,
     Temple  Emanu-El  Religious School   Liz and Neil Klaber, followed! When       SSELC  has  played  a  significant                                  Sarasota – took proactive steps to en-
     (TEERS) – spoke about life as a Jewish   my sister and I got older, we became   role! It created a warm, inviting  en-                             sure that  the  Jewish community, as
     parent in our community:             more  involved  at  the  temple  and  had   vironment  where we could begin our                               well as other local organizations, could
        What is the history of your fami-  our kids attend Tot Shabbats, SSELC   Jewish education and become part of                                    begin to enjoy the state-of-the-art  fa-
     ly in Sarasota?                      and TEERS.                            a welcoming Jewish community. I en-                                     cilities  and  amenities  on  its  8.8-acre
        My paternal grandparents, Rose        What are  some special  Jewish    joyed it as a child, and loved hearing                                  campus.
     and Sol Sheintal, retired here in 1969.   traditions you are passing  down  to   about the enjoyment my kids felt fol-                                 Within a week of officially open-
     My parents, Kim and Jon Sheintal,    your children?                        lowing in my footsteps!                                                 ing its doors, the school hosted the first
     followed them two years later and en-    Some special Jewish traditions are                                                                        of many community-wide events with
                                                                                         Liana Sheintal Bryant and her family –
     joyed accompanying my grandparents   making Jewish crafts that are enjoyed     husband John and children Woody and Rose                            a Shofar Factory Workshop, in partner-
     at services.  They enrolled my sister   year after year (such as placemats
                                                                                The Gan at Temple Sinai

                                                                                had a spectacular year!

                                                                                      he school year of 2020-21 was   in the sewer drains, inside and outside
                                                                                      certainly  a year with its chal-  the  campus, or  standing  on-point  for
                                                                                Tlenges. Fortunately, The Gan at      drop-off and pick-up, he observes ev-
                                                                                Temple  Sinai  made  adjustments,  cre-  ery detail throughout the day while he
                                                                                ated and followed new protocols, and   makes time to wave and smile at the
                                                                                had another spectacular year!         families as they pass.
                                                                                    The success of the school year was
                                                                                due  to  the  teachers  at  The  Gan, who
                                                                                are frontline,  essential  workers dedi-
                                                                                cated, hardworking and devoted to the
                                                                                well-being of the students. During this
                                                                                extraordinary time, when all was shut
                                                                                down, The Gan teachers met with fami-
                                                                                lies online every day. After re-opening,
                                                                                teachers  arrived  with  a  smile  behind
                                                                                their masks ready to work and care for
                                                                                their students.
                                                                                    Laura  Freedman,  Director  Early
                                                                                Childhood Education, sought a way
                                                                                to  reward  their  incredible  dedication.
                                                                                The  Office  of  Early  Learning  of  the         Vernon Carre
                                                                                State  of  Florida  offered  that  opportu-
                                                                                                   nity with a grant.
                                                                                                   declared,  “I am
                                                                                                                          Many parents of our Gan kids sent
             we are  FED                                                           Laura Freedman  thrilled  to share   Mr.  Vernon lovely notes of apprecia-
                                                                                                   with you that our
                                                                                                   school received a
                                                                                                                      tion. He was so grateful and proud, and
                                                                                                                      so are we! Here is an excerpt from one
                                                                                                   grant  to  provide
                                                                                                   a bonus for each
                                                                                                                      of the notes: “Words cannot describe
                                                                                                                      how truly thankful we are for your con-
                                                                                    With all of these changes, we are
                                                                                                                      school year. You alleviated all our fears
                       Educating Jewish Minds                                   pleased to announce a new addition to   tinued commitment and dedication this
                                                                                                                      and made  us feel  comforted,  protect-
                                                                                The Gan family:  Vernon Carre, bet-
                                                                                ter known as Mr. Vernon to our fam-
                                                                                                                      ed and safe every day. We are forever
                                                                                ilies.  Mr.  Vernon’s dedication  to his   grateful. We will never forget the big
                                                                                role as our security guard shows each   difference you made in our community
                                                                                day. Whether he is making his rounds   and for your quality of service.”
                                                                                checking the grounds, behind bushes,

                                                                                                                   Follow us on

            our Federation is dedicated to educating Jewish minds throughout the
         YSarasota-Manatee area — from Holocaust and civil rights education to
         Israeli history and advocacy through our Heller CRC, to reaching young children
         and their parents through PJ Library, to an array of adult education offerings.
         We also take great pride in educating  the interfaith community on Jewish                                     @jfedsrq
         history and antisemitism.

                                                        941.371.4546                              Stay connected.
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