Page 46 - Jewish News_Sept2021
P. 46

6B                         September 2021                                                                  FOCUS ON YOUTH
                 Focus on Youth
                 F        o          cus on Y

     Parents as unconditional advocates

                                          will grant your request which you have   was not consoled that her legacy would   Each child is a child of G-d. They
                                          asked of Him.”                        live  thorough  a  different,  albeit  more   have a perfect soul, untouchable by the
                                              Chana’s prayers were answered     perfect, more disciplined child.      ravages of life, their outward mistakes
                                          and she conceived a child, naming him     Chana’s plea on behalf of her son   and  imperfections.  How can  a  child
                                          Samuel,  because,  she said, “I asked   imparts a powerful lesson in education   of G-d not be perfect, loveable and a
                                          him of the Lord.”                     for today’s parents. Her son’s flaws and   source of pride?
                                              As soon as Samuel  was old        imperfection made no difference to her.   When our children sense and feel
                                          enough,  Chana  fulfilled  her  promise   She loved him and believed in him un-  that we love them for who they are and
                                          and brought her son to be raised in pu-  conditionally. And he grew up to be a   not for who we want them to be, we
                                          rity and holiness in the house of G-d   famous Jewish prophet.              give them the space to reach unimag-
                                          through the prophet Eli.                  Our children may choose a different   inable  heights.  Our love  and pride  in
                                              Yet, there were challenges ahead.   path than we hoped. They will definitely   our children help them grow to be who
      Education Corner                    Samuel upset his teacher on day one.   make mistakes and may even disappoint   they are meant to be and achieve their

             By Chanie Bukiet             The commentaries explain that his mis-  us. Nevertheless,  our love for them   true potential.
                                                                                                                          May G-d bless us all on the cusp
                                                                                must remain unconditional and true.
                                          behavior reached a point where Eli did
            re we proud of our children?   not see him fit to continue in this role   Society may tell us that our chil-  of a new year, that as Chana believed
            Do  we love them uncondi-     of a future prophet as he was destined   dren cannot achieve  that which we   in her child, we should believe in our
     Ationally?  Are  we  their  fierce    to be. Eli was ready to have Samuel’s   know they are destined for. But a Jew-  children. And as Chana’s son grew to
     advocates?                           place taken by another child.         ish parent knows  the power and the   be a prophet, our children should de-
        On the first day of Rosh Hashanah,    Here, Chana’s prayers continue in   value of unconditional love.        velop as the future generation of strong
     we read about Chana, a woman who     earnest.  She advocated  for her  child   Like Chana, we need to advocate   Jewish leaders.
     was barren for many years and prayed   and begged Eli to continue to be patient   for our children, passionately and fierce-  Chanie Bukiet is the program director
     to G-d for a child. Her moving story   with him. Eli tried placating Chana by   ly, believing in them, not despite, but   at Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood
     provides insight on how to raise our   saying  perhaps it  won’t  be  this  child   because of their seeming imperfections.   Ranch.
     children.                            that  will  become  a  prophet,  perhaps
        In Chana’s emotional prayers, she   some other child that she will bear in
     promised G-d, “…If  You will look    the future can take his place. And here,         FED
     upon  my  affliction,  and  You  will  re-  Chana cried out from the depth of her
     member  me,  and You will  give  me  a   heart, “For THIS young lad I prayed.”    we are
     child, I will give him to G-d ..all the   She  refused to  trade  in  this  boy
     days of his life.”                   for someone  else. She was unable                                JFEDSRQ.ORG
        Eli, the prophet, heard her prayer   to  accept  that  this  child  had  lost  the
     and blessed her: “Go in peace, and G-d   capacity  to be a prophet of G-d, and          Educating Jewish Minds  Engaging Jewish Lives  Enriching Jewish Hearts

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