Page 20 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 20

20A                         February 2021                                                                  JEWISH INTEREST

     Pharaoh’s Daughter unplugged

     By Arlene Stolnitz
              e  are  just  past  Hanukkah    I learned a lot about Basya while   sources  I  read,  in  “Shmot”  (Exodus),   cording on YouTube of the Zamir con-
              and not even close to Pass-  watching her in an interview with Mat-  Moshe is saved by Pharaoh’s daugh-  versation with Matthew Lazar  which
     Wover,  but  I  am  anxious  to      thew Lazar on a Zoom program called   ter, who was renamed  Basya.  Given   gives a more complete  understanding
     write  my column  this  month  about  a   “Taking Note: Conversations  About   the name by her parents, Basya means   of Basya’s passion and enthusiasm.
     group called Pharaoh’s Daughter. That   Music in Challenging Times,” hosted   “daughter of a higher spiritual source.”  To hear her music, I refer you to
     name  intrigued  me  when I heard  its   by the Zamir Choral Foundation.       And  finally,  how  does  Basya’s   “Songs of  Wonder,” containing  the
     unique sound.                            Basya grew up in Borough Park,    family accept her leaving Orthodoxy?   poetry  of  Abraham  Joshua Heschel,
        Basya Shechter, founder and lead   Brooklyn,  in  an  Orthodox  Haredi   Her father is not thrilled with her de-  which Basya has set to music.
     singer  of  the  seven-piece  world/rock   family.  As  a young person, she be-  cision, and she has a complex  rela-  Arlene Stolnitz, founder of the Sara-
                       folk band, is also   gan  to  question  the  lifestyle  she  was   tionship  with  her  mother.  Presently,   sota  Jewish  Chorale,  is  a  member of
                       a cantor and haz-   born into.  More and  more  she  felt  a   though, there is no tension in the rest   the Jewish Congregation of Venice. A
                       zanista  at  Fire     pull  to  get  away  from  the  Brooklyn/  of the family. And she is the mother of   retired educator from Rochester, New
                       Island Synagogue,   Manhattan/Catskills scene. She took a   a wonderful three-year-old daughter.  York,  she  has sung in  choral  groups
                       which features an   gap year in Israel and, eventually, due   Basya has turned to a branch of   for over  25 years and also sings in
                       egalitarian conser-   to attitude and behavior issues, was   progressive Judaism known as Jewish   The Venice  Chorale.  Her interest  in
                       vative-style service.   kicked out of the Yeshiva she was at-  Renewal,  which  seems  more  relevant   the preservation of Jewish music of all
                       Her  earthy  voice   tending. From there she went to Egypt   to her.                           kinds has led to this series of articles
                       blends beautiful-  and, while in Cairo, she had an “aha”     I encourage you to listen to the re-  on Jewish Folk Music in the Diaspora.
                       ly with the soul-  moment”  when she heard Mediterra-
        Arlene Stolnitz  ful sounds of the   nean-style music played in a Kentucky
     oud  (a  pear-shaped  guitar-like  instru-  Fried Chicken restaurant! Listening to
     ment), strings and keyboard, creating   the Middle Eastern melodies, she came
     a meditative sound at times. Currently,   to realize her musical talents were be-
     besides acting as cantor at Fire Island   ing  stifled  by  her  Orthodox  lifestyle.
     Synagogue,  Basya  is music  director   At that  time,  she had not yet  formed
     and cantor at Romemu Brooklyn. Its   her first band, which later was known      FELDMAN
     mission is to create a place where mu-  as “Band Anonymous.” Influenced by
     sic can empower us, cause us to feel   music from folk traditions of the Mid-   WEALTH ADVISORY
     more deeply, and be of service to the   dle East, she came to realize that West
     world. She is also  associated with  a   African music is the “mother” of Egyp-
     group called  Darshan, whose project   tian music. Other influences were Ara-   JOSEPH M. FELDMAN, CFP    ®
     is to bring Jewish mysticism to prayer   bic, Turkish, Israeli, Chassidic, Gypsy   CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER ™  PROFESSIONAL
     through music. And she is part of an   and random forms of Eastern music.
     ensemble at B’nai Jeshuran’s Shabbat   In time, she formed  the  group she is   941.260.9174   |  JFELDMAN@FELDMANWA.COM   |
     services in Manhattan, where she plays   known for today, Pharaoh’s Daughter.
     unique instruments such as the darbuka   So how did the band get the name       INVESTMENTS     FINANCIAL PLANNING     INSURANCE
     (ancient early drum) and saz (stringed   me in the first place? It all has to do   ADVISERS, INC., A SEC REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISOR. 130 SPRINGSIDE DRIVE, AKRON, OH 44333. 800-765-5201. FELDMAN WEALTH
                                                                                     ADVISORY, LLC IS A SEPARATE ENTITY FROM VALMARK SECURITIES, INC. AND VALMARK ADVISERS, INC.
     instrument).                         with  her name, Basya.  According  to



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