Page 22 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 22

22A                         February 2021                                                                  JEWISH INTEREST

     K’zohar Ha-Ivrit                                                                                                                                   Jewish-themed Crossword Puzzle

     The megilah – The scroll                                                                                                                                   Your monthly crossword puzzle

     By Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin
           his month we will celebrate the   region of Israel; galgal, a ‘wheel;’ and   megilah) are:  Ruth,  Shir Ha-shirim   theatrical  drama.  The  story is com-  is generously brought to you by
           joyful holiday of Purim.  This   the post-Biblical Hebrew noun gilgul,   (Song  of  Songs),  Kohelet  (Ecclesias-  pelling, recording the first incident of
     Tholiday was not mentioned  in       meaning  ‘metamorphosis’ and ‘trans-  tes), Aicha (Lamentations) and Esther.   antisemitism and the successful action
     the Torah, but it is based on a story re-  migration.’                     All five appear at the last part of the   to combat it.  The heroes  Mordechai,
     corded in Megilat Esther, namely ‘the    We should also mention  that  in   Bible  in the  section  called  Writings.   Esther and even the king A-chash-ve-
     Scroll of Esther,’ which was incorpo-  Post-Biblical  Hebrew and  in  Modern   Four are read as part of holiday rec-  rosh are embraced by the listeners, but
     rated into the last part of the Bible.  Hebrew there are a few manuscripts   itations. Ruth is read on Shavu-ot, Shir   the villain Haman is booed throughout
        Most scholars date the background   that are categorized as megilot. For ex-  Ha-shirim on Pesach, Kohelet on Suc-  the reading, much to the delight of the
     of  the  Purim  events  to  the  days of   ample, Ha-Megilot Ha-gnu-zot are the   cot and Esther on Purim. The fifth, Ei-  audience.
                       King Xerxes I of   ‘hidden scrolls,’ more familiar as The   cha, is read on Tish-ah be-Av, the ninth   So, as we are  about  to  celebrate
                       the Persian Em-    Dead Sea  Scrolls, found in the  caves   of the month of Av, in remembrance of   Purim, let us fulfill the mitzvah of read-
                       pire  (circa  485-  of the Judaean desert. A more modern   the fall of the Temple in Ye-ru-sha-la-  ing the megilah, recalling its uplifting
                       465 BCE). Some     megilah is the one known in Israel as   yim.                                message of awareness and of action
                       scholars  question   Megilat  Ha-atz-ma-ut, which is the     It is interesting to note that tradi-  against antisemitism.
                       the historicity  of   name of Israel’s Proclamation of Inde-  tionally, Megilat Esther is the only me-  Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin is a professor
                       the  text,  yet  they   pendence.                        gilah out of the five which is still read   of biblical  literature at Spertus Col-
                       agree  that  there     When  we  think of the  noun  me-  in the synagogue from an actual rolled   lege in Chicago, and a retired adjunct
                       are many authen-   gilah in terms of the biblical text, we   megilah and not from a book. It is usu-  professor of Hebrew and Bible at New
                       tic themes to it.   become aware that the biblical books   ally encased in a beautifully, ornately   College in Sarasota.
       Dr. Rachel Dulin  As  such, the sto-  and the stories therein were original-  decorated case and is read like a short
     ry is a historical novella. This novel-  ly written on long parchments, which
     la, like most of the biblical texts, was   were rolled along during the process of
     written traditionally on a parchment, a   writing. Eventually, each manuscript        FED
     scroll called a megilah in Hebrew.   ended as a scroll, a megilah. In the Bi-
        The word  megilah is derived      ble, most manuscripts are called sefer,      we are
     from the verb galal, meaning ‘to roll.’     meaning ‘book,’ even though they were
     Other familiar words derived from the   written on scrolls. However, five of the                      JFEDSRQ.ORG
     same verb are,  gal, namely ‘waive;’   manuscripts retain the name megilah,
     Galil,  the  name  of  the  hilly  northern   or  ‘scroll.’  The  five  megilot,  (Pl.  of     Educating Jewish Minds  Engaging Jewish Lives  Enriching Jewish Hearts

                                                                 FEBRUARY THEME: FICTION

                                                                        Monday, February 8 at 10:30am

                                                                                             Susan Jane Gilman
                  PEOPLE OF THE BOOK

                                                                                       Donna Has Left the Building
                                                                                   Donna Koczynski, a wife, mother, former punk rocker and recovering   “2020: Not All Bad” by Yoni Glatt,
                                                                                  alcoholic, sets off on an epic road trip to reclaim everything she believes
                                                                                   she has sacrificed: great friendship, passionate love and her art. It’s an   Across
                                                                                   unforgettable tale about spiritual awakening and what it really means to   1. 2020 (Jewish) World Series winner Pederson
         Author Lecture Series                                                               love in today’s big, broken, beautiful world.              4. Some MIT degs.
                                                                                                                                                        7. Israel normalized relations with this country
                                                                                                                                                            in 2020, with 19-Across
                   Featuring 25                                          Tuesday, February 9 at 2:00pm                                                  13. Son-gun connector
                                                                                                                                                        14. Partner of Paul, once
                  virtual events                                                             Rachel Barenbaum                                           15. “___ but a few...”
                                                                                                                                                        16. Slip, usually
                                                                                                                                                        17. Narrow inlet useful in constructing
             through June 2021                                                                A Bend in the Stars                                             crosswords
                                                                                                                                                        18. A-listers
                                                                                    This World War I-era novel is a heart-pounding journey of a brilliant   19. See 7-Across
                                                                                   young doctor who races against Einstein to solve one of the universe’s   22. Kings’ land, for short
                                                                                   great mysteries – the theory of relativity. Grounded in history, the book   23. Perez to Judah
                                                                                   offers an account of one of modern science’s greatest races, along with   24. Israel normalized relations with this
         Events are $10 each per                                                                      an epic love story.                                     country in 2020
                                                                                                                                                        27. Israel normalized relations with this
         household or $18 for all                                   Wednesday, February 10 at 7:00pm                                                          country in 2020
                                                                                                                                                        32. Org. for those with s’micha
            four February events.                                                                                                                       33. Be a nudnik
                                                                                             Meg Waite Clayton                                          35. “Brave New World” intoxicant
                                                                                                                                                        36. Creator of Portnoy and Zuckerman
                                                                                          The Last Train to London                                      38. “___ Synagoge” (Essen cultural center)
                                                                                                                                                        39. Cutting-edge ceremony?
                                                                                                                                                        40. Israeli-made weapons
                                                                                     Based on true events, The Last Train to London tells the story of a
         For a complete schedule                                                   Dutchwoman who, working with British and Austrian Jews, faces down   41. Kudrow and Bonet
                                                                                                                                                        43. Kroger alternative
            of events, admission                                                    Adolf Eichmann to rescue thousands of children from Nazi-occupied   44. City of ___, locale of several exciting
                                                                                                                                                              discoveries in 2020
         information, author bios                                                                                                                       46. Israel normalized relations with this
                                                                                                                                                              country in 2020
        and book synopses, visit                                       Thursday, February 11 at 2:00pm                                                  48. Old curtain material: Abbr.
                                                                                                                                                        50. Where Saints have been mostly dominant
                                                              Lynda Cohen Loigman                                                 in 2020: Abbr.
                                                                                                                                                        51. Simple, but good advice for 2020
                                                                                                                                                        57. Doom who was a foe of Conan
                                                                                              The Wartime Sisters                                       58. Israel Museum to The Western Wall dir.
                                                                                                                                                        59. Kosher animal rarely on a menu
         Authors appearing in the                                                  Two estranged sisters are reunited at the Springfield Armory in the early   61. Islamic bigwig
      monthly series of the People of                                               days of WWII. While one sister lives in relative ease on the bucolic   62. Website with video game and film reviews
       the Book are members of the                                                 Armory campus as an officer’s wife, the other arrives as a war widow.   63. Kosher animal often on a menu (but with a
                                                                                                                                                              different name)
       Jewish Book Council Network.                                                 Resentment festers between the two, and secrets are shattered when a   64. Israel normalized relations with this
                                                                                        mysterious figure from the past reemerges in their lives.
                                                                                                                                                              country in 2020
   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27