Page 25 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 25

ISRAEL & THE JEWISH WORLD                                                              February 2021                                    25A

     A new path for people with disabilities

     By Benjamin Rosenberg
           ynne Merriam has been a        hopes and dreams.”                    much to them to see their child, who   $1  million  match  February  funding
           staunch  supporter  of  the  dis-  Yossi Kahana, director of the JNF-  they thought would never have an op-  challenge  for its work in Disabilities
     Labled community ever since her      USA’s task force on disabilities,  said   portunity to belong and be part of this,   & Special  Needs.  To support Special
     son was born.                        children  and  teenagers  in  Israel  look   to now be a part of it.”       in Uniform and ensure no Israeli is
        Merriam  is  a  Jewish National   forward to entering the service after     The month of February marks       left behind, visit or
     Fund-USA  (JNF-USA)  World  Chair-   high  school.  However, Israelis  with   Jewish  Disability, Awareness, Accep-  contact JNF-USA Western Florida Di-
     man’s Council member  and the  pres-  disabilities  are not  always able  to   tance and Inclusion Month (JDAAIM),   rector, Joshua Mellits, at 941.462.1330
     ident  of JNF-USA  in  North  Florida.   serve. By helping Israelis with disabil-  and JNF-USA is proud to announce a   x865 or
     Her son, Rod Keskiner, was critically   ities enter the IDF, Special in Uniform
     injured at birth and diagnosed with ce-  can help boost their  self-esteem  and
     rebral  palsy. He  is non-speaking  and   give  them  confidence  as  they  enter
     writes  only  with  great  difficulty,  but   adulthood.
     still surmounted all of his deficits and   JNF-USA funds and trains the sup-
     graduated from college.              port staff for the program. The support
        Keskiner was also a member of     staff goes through six months of train-
     JNF-USA’s  affiliate,  Special  in  Uni-  ing before they begin working with
     form, and was an honorary inductee   Special in Uniform participants.
     into  the  Israel  Defense  Forces  (IDF).   “It’s very rare that a blind person
     Special in Uniform, a program unique   will get to the army,” Kahana said.

                                                                                       Market expertise.
           JNF-USA World Chairman’s Council Member Lynne Merriam plants a tree in Israel
                  with members of Special in Uniform (photo courtesy of JNF-USA)
     to Israel although currently being rep-  “Yet, Daniel Defur wants to be like ev-  Concierge service.
     licated in the U.S., enables people with   erybody else. The army was convinced
     physical and mental  disabilities  to   that Daniel had this potential, and he
     serve and volunteer in the IDF.      fulfilled  his  dream.  This  is  a  break-  “We were so lucky to get Rob Krasow as our agent. He was so professional,
        “He had an induction  in Israel   through  because  from  now on,  many        helpful, and supportive even during stressful times. We would recommend
     and he has a uniform,” Merriam said.   soldiers with sight impairment will fol-   Rob in a heartbeat.” – Karen P.
     “When we go to Israel, he goes to the   low Daniel’s inspiration and also will
     base, and he feels very much a part of   apply to the army.”
     it.”                                     Merriam said JNF-USA helps max-
        Special  in Uniform achieved  an   imize her philanthropic impact. And al-                  HABLO ESPAÑOL
 Rabbi Barbara Aiello’s most popular   important  milestone in 2020 when   though the Coronavirus pandemic has   MOBILE   941.363.6507

 columns are now published in her new   Daniel  Defur  became  the  first  blind   made it harder for her to connect with   OFFICE    941.349.3444
     male inducted into the IDF. Defur be-
                                          the organization’s partners, she knows
 book, Aging Jewishly, available on    gan going blind just after becoming a   that better days are ahead.  5100 Ocean Blvd  |  Sarasota, FL 34242
                                              According to Merriam, many
     Bar  Mitzvah  at  13  and  had  fully  lost
 Amazon. It makes a great gift!  his sight by age 15. Yet he completed   Americans  find  it  hard  to  understand
     Special in Uniform’s two-year volun-  how big a part of Israeli  society  and
     teer training program, becoming a ful-  culture the IDF is. Some young adults
     ly-fledged IDF soldier last July.    choose to do other  forms of national
        “It is always harder to lose an   service,  however, more  than  90% of
     ability than be born without an abili-  18-year-old Israelis go into the IDF.
     ty,” Merriam said. “But he has adapted   “It molds the rest of their lives,”
     very well. Daniel is very bright and he   Merriam  said.  “For  people  who  were
     does speak English beautifully, so he’s   disabled  and just told, ‘you can’t do
     a wonderful  spokesman  for the  pro-  this,’ it was very sad. If you go to these
     gram. To have him  become  a  soldier   inductions  and you see the parents,
     was the  culmination  of everybody’s   they’re all  crying. It means so very

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