Page 3 - Jewish News_04-2021
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Carol B. Green: Fired up like never before
By Marty Katz, Sr. Director of Communications & Marketing
ntrepreneur and community and paving the way to share Israel, as currently an emeritus board member), Carol believes the new campus
volunteer Carol B. Green has the Start-Up Nation, with our Saraso- Carol was also President of the Saraso- is one that is a true multi-generation-
Ealways been a visionary. As ta-Manatee business and government ta Bay Club Residents Advisory Coun- al legacy opportunity. “When I pass,”
a former President/CEO of Weight communities. cil where she now lives. Not one to put she said, “it will go on. You can make
Watchers of the Rocky Mountain Re- “I became inspired by this project her feet up, Carol is also proud of her a significant donation, but it may only
gion, Inc., and Franchise Systems In- primarily because it is such a win-win work building the west coast chapter help people in need right then. That’s
ternational, and a member of numerous project. It benefits Israeli companies, of the International Women’s Forum, not bad. But what fires us up is that this
boards of directors, Carol has the busi- it benefits Israel and it benefits Flori- which didn’t exist here. It now has 100 is a legacy for multiple generations.
ness acumen to discern what is truly da. We are so dependent on tourism members from Tampa to Naples. Knowing it will impact people, not just
on the horizon at The Larry & Mary that diversifying the economy looked Carol commended the Federation businesses, but people – now that ex-
Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish important to me,” Carol said. She also on its careful preparation. “This cam- cites me!”
Life. Never before has she been this points to the job opportunities FIBA pus is going to be the product of care- For more information on how
excited. can create. “We have excellent univer- ful and visionary planning. It is well you can support the JFED PROUD
“No project has fired me up like sities in Florida that train students in thought out to serve all aspects of the & STRONG campaign to reimagine
this one,” said Carol. Carol and her the STEM area, but there aren’t really community, whether it’s young people, The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family
great opportunities for employment. older people or people interested in Campus for Jewish Life, contact Ilene
They generally have to leave the state education and culture. We’ve been so Fox at 941.343.2111 or ifox@jfedsrq.
to seek employment and go somewhere impressed how it will touch all aspects org, or Rich Bergman at 941.552.6306
Dr. Harris Goldenberg uses Zoom to attend else.” of the community,” she said. or
“Religions of the World: Judaism to Christianity”
As an expert on business and fran-
chises, Carol knows of what she speaks.
In addition to her years with Weight Point your cell camera at this QR code Point your cell camera at this QR code REWARDS
Watchers, she founded the successful UP TO UP TO
Women’s Bank in Denver, Colorado, STOPPERS
and was the recipient of the Wom- $ 3000 $ 3000
of Sarasota County
Carol and Jules Green en in Business award from the Small Pd by CSTF of Sarasota County sarasota sarasota
Pd by CSTF Pd by CSTF
husband Jules moved here in 1994 af- Business Administration in 1981. She 941-366-TIPS THAT LEAD TO AN ARREST THAT LEAD TO AN ARREST
ter retirement. They have decided to has been quoted in The Wall Street 941-366-TIPS
name the new Sarasota-based Florida Journal, Business Age, D&B Reports SEE SOMETHING? SAY SOMETHING!
Israel Business Accelerator (FIBA) ini- and numerous other publications. Her
tiative as the Jules and Carol B. Green book, The Franchise Survival Guide,
FIBA Center. published in 1993, was a Fortune Book
Israeli innovation is changing the Club selection.
world. The Green Center expects to Carol has also served on many Who does the Jewish community turn to for
develop and implement impactful and boards nationally, in Colorado and in the most trusted service in real estate?
meaningful programs with a focus on Sarasota. In addition to serving on the
promoting a prosperous Israel, nurtur- Opera Board and the Glasser-Schoen-
ing and highlighting Israeli innovation, baum Human Services Center (she is
Over $20 million raised...continued from page 1A
organizations on board, enabling the morrows. Nelle said, “I am so grateful
LIFE & LEGACY teams to do what to be a member of a community that Contributing to the
they do best, build community,” added has embraced responsibility for the fu- prosperity of our
Patti. ture, for our children and theirs. While Jewish Community
Fast forward to 2021 and our Jew- a healthy, vibrant and secure Jewish since 1979!
ish community is celebrating the suc- life is important to each of us today, Ryan Ackerman Barbara Ackerman
cessful completion of the first phase of it is imperative that we ensure that it 941.387.1818 941.780.6045
our partnership with the Harold Grin- will remain so for generations to come. #1 Small Team in Sarasota and Manatee County
spoon Foundation. For four years we Our legacy gifts and pledges will en-
worked on the foundation of endow- able future generations to partici-
ment building by providing resources, pate in meaningful Jewish life from
training, best practices and incentive their homes here, and as part of the col-
grants to the partnering organizations. lective table throughout the world. We
All participating organizations are now are safeguarding our history and what
poised to take the program to the next others did for us while we imagine the
level and start witnessing the beauty future.” WE BUY GOLD,
and power of philanthropy at work. For more information about the DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY.
March 31 of this year marked the LIFE & LEGACY program, please
completion of the training phase for 10 contact me at
LIFE & LEGACY partnering organiza- or 941.706.0029.
tions: Aviva Senior Living, Chabad of 4 Years
Sarasota & Manatee Counties, Chabad 10 Partnering Organizations
of Bradenton & Lakewood Ranch, 82 Volunteers
Chabad of Venice & North Port, JFCS 550 Donors
of the Suncoast, The Jewish Federa- 663 Letters of Intent
tion of Sarasota-Manatee, Temple Beth 117 Realized gifts with a total
Israel, Temple Beth Sholom, Temple of $2.5 million already received
Emanu-El and Temple Sinai. The num- by the selected partnering
ber of people reached during these four organization
years speaks volumes to the impact of 490 Formalized gifts
the program, and represents the effort 639 Conversations with
put forth by the community working individuals and group
together for the greater good. presentations
Nelle Miller has served as the 2,284 Marketing efforts to EST. 1979
program’s Community Chair during promote the program
the second half of the training phase. 4,445 Stewardship touches to 1484 Main Street | Sarasota, FL
Nelle will continue to provide her phil- acknowledge the generosity of our
anthropic insight to LIFE & LEGACY donors (941) 312-5566 |
partners as we embark on the next step $20,011,010 in estimated value
of the journey of securing Jewish to- of promised gifts!