Page 4 - Jewish News_04-2021
P. 4
A bold, unique landscape
MOON & COMPANY By Marty Katz, Sr. Director of Communications & Marketing
EYEWEAR “ he creation of a bold and new is currently working on a new Dining
landscape with special spaces
Hall for the college.
LUXURY & EXOTIC Tfor all to use, learn from and “It’s exciting to see the keen inter-
Custom Prescription Eyewear experience.” That is the mission of Phil est in this project from the community
and members of the Federation. Their
Smith, the Landscape Architect cho-
sen for the reimagined Larry & Mary energy and focus make this a reality.
Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Our role will be to make these dreams
Life. come true – a campus where one can
“It will be a campus that grows, come, pause, learn, relax and experience
matures and makes all of us proud to be a Florida landscape with unique, his-
a part of it. It will be a legacy for years torical components of the Holocaust.”
to come,” says Phil. He and his team Phil’s vision for the new entry to
will take the program elements envi- the campus will be a striking contrast
sioned by Federation leadership and to the large mature live oaks along
weave them seamlessly into a unique McIntosh Road. Specimen palms will
and first-class campus for all ages. flank either side of the entry drive.
Phil is the owner of David John- The screen wall along the street will
ston Associates, Inc., Landscape Ar- be replaced with ornamental fencing
chitects, a 39-year-old Sarasota-based allowing more visibility on the road
firm. Phil and his partner, David John- frontage. Improved lighting will also
ston, who retired in 2005, have been provide a bold, new vision for the
involved in many high-profile projects campus to be seen by travelers along
HIGH CONTRAST LENS in Sarasota over the years. You may McIntosh Road.
TRUER GREENS – LESS EYE STRAIN be familiar with Phil’s numerous lo- Sustainability will be a key focus
You are not playing your best game cal works. Some are: Werlin Park on of the design. With this in mind, a key
component of the Landscape Design
Harts Landing, US 41 roundabouts at
unless you are wearing MAUI JIM HCL LENS 10 and 14 Streets, All Star Academy will be the use of proven local plant
Children’s Campus, Lemon Avenue materials, following the established
AVAILABLE IN PRESCRIPTION Florida Yard Principles in their imple-
Phil enthusiastically says, “My
T: 941-260-8523 team members and I are excited to be
W: part of the Federation team and help
E: them bring their visions to reality. This
105 S Lemon Ave will be a unique cultural asset for the
Sarasota, FL 34236 community.”
349349-1 Lemon Avenue Streetscape For more information on how you
Streetscape, Five Points Roundabout, can become involved in the JFED
Payne Park circus-themed playground, PROUD & STRONG campaign to re-
Durante Community Park on Longboat imagine The Larry & Mary Greenspon
SARASOTA/MANATEE ANNUAL Key, Ringling College of Art + De- Family Campus for Jewish Life, please
sign – Museum, Library, Sound Stage, contact Ilene Fox at
YOM HASHOAH Dorms and Visual Art Center. His firm or 941.343.2111.
reimagined campus
Via ZOOM Staff Report offer an exciting opportunity to get to
ue to its ability to evoke emo-
The service will include memorial tion, express ideas, memori- know local and international artists,
prayers, readings, and reflections Dalize history and add beauty review art donations and commis-
plus the personal testimony of to any space, there is no substitute for sions, and help make our new cam-
Pieter Kohnstam, author of visual art. Judaic art, from the time of pus beautiful and meaningful,” says
Mazer. Having previously worked at
antiquity to the modern age, has helped
A Chance to Live: A Family’s educate our community, commemorate The Studio@620, a flexible art and
Journey to Freedom our struggles and elevate the beauty of performance gallery, she has seen the
Pieter Kohnstam our centers of Jewish culture. positive impact that visual art has on
With the building of the reimag- the aesthetic of a space.
s a small boy, Pieter Kohnstam lived with his parents in an ined Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Our new campus will include a
apartment in Amsterdam during World War II. By coincidence, Campus for Jewish Life, our commu- multitude of opportunities for the visu-
Aone of their neighbors was the Frank family, including Anne nity has the unique opportunity to add al arts, including:
Frank, who became Pieter’s sometime babysitter and playmate. Judaic artwork to indoor and outdoor Outdoor gardens (sculptures)
When the Nazis occupied The Netherlands, the Frank family went spaces for reflection, education, cele- Indoor galleries
into hiding, but the Kohnstams decided to flee. They made their bration, work and play. To focus and Lobbies
Office spaces
coordinate our efforts, the Federation
way across Belgium and France, crossing the Pyrenees to Spain Campus Utilization Committee cre- Sub-committee members were
in a year-long journey filled with dangerous border crossings, ated a sub-committee to set policies invited based on their interests in the
and miraculous escapes. Pieter and his wife Susan received and review visual art pieces for our arts, professional expertise and person-
the Legacy of Hope Award from the Anne Frank Center for new campus. The Campus Visual Art al connections to artist communities.
Mutual Respect in 2019. Sub-Committee, or “visual art group,” Meeting frequency will be determined
will evaluate commissioned and do- based on the needs of the evolving
Please register at to receive the zoom link. nated artwork according to the needs campus, and are likely to be the most
of the new facilities and surrounding frequent around the time of the facility
grounds. opening.
Kim Adler, Chief Operating Offi- If you would like to learn more
cer, and Barbara Mazer, Chief Devel- about visual art at our new campus or
opment Strategist, are the Federation participate in the group, please con-
staff overseeing the visual art group. tact Barbara Mazer at 941.706.0035 or
“JFED SRQ’s visual art group will