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6A                         April 2021                                                                   FEDERATION NEWS

     History takes center stage in April’s

     People of the Book virtual author events

     By Gayle Guynup
           he People of the Book series of   Sea Spies: The True Story of Mos-  of chutzpah – but at its heart is a human   What is it that you hope readers
           virtual author events, sponsored   sad’s Fake Diving Resort, reveals the   story which needed to be told. That is,   will take away from your book?
     Tby  The Jewish  Federation of       true story of a secret Israeli operation   the incredible odyssey of the Ethiopian   To me, the most important thing is
     Sarasota-Manatee, continues in April   to bring Ethiopian                               Jews in getting to Israel.   for readers to feel tremendous admira-
     with three works based on historical   Jews to Israel, using                            Although the Mossad      tion for the people – Israeli and Ethio-
     themes. The events begin on Tuesday,   a fake holiday resort                            led the way, the mission   pian Jews – in the story and how they
     April 13 at 2:00 p.m. with Raffi Berg   as a base of opera-                             couldn’t have been ac-   managed  to carry  out this incredible
     and his book,  Red Sea Spies. This   tions.  Between  1979                              complished  without  the   operation. I hope people not only think
     will be followed on Wednesday, April   and 1983, the oper-                              heroism of the Ethiopi-  it’s an exciting read, but also open their
     14 at 2:00 p.m. with author Steven E.   ation relocated  more                           an Jews themselves. If   minds to the Ethiopian Jews and real-
     Zipperstein and his book,  Law  and   than  28,000 Ethio-                               all  that  wasn’t enough,   ize, like I did, what a special commu-
     the  Arab-Israeli  Conflict. The  month   pian  Jews to  Israel,                        you’ve also got the in-  nity they are. I want readers, when they
     will wrap up on Thursday, April 15 at     and  Berg’s well-re-                          credible ruse of a fake   get to the end of the book, to sit back
     10:30 a.m. with Maurice Samuels and   searched book stands                              diving resort used to    and go “Wow!”
     his book, The Betrayal of the Duchess.  as  the  definitive  ac-                        carry the mission out    Steven E. Zipperstein /
     Raffi Berg / Red Sea Spies           count  of this heroic                              under  the  noses  of the   Law and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
     Raffi Berg is the Middle East editor for   mission.                                     unsuspecting enemy. So,   Steven E. Zipperstein is the Daniel E.
     the  BBC News website, and has ex-       What was it that                               I mean, what’s not  to   Koshland Professor in Jewish Culture
     tensive experience reporting on Israel   first attracted you to      Raffi Berg         like?                    and History at Stanford University.
     and the wider region. His article, which   the theme or subject of your book?  What is the main challenge  in    He has also taught at universities in
     scratched the surface of this story, was   I knew straight away that I had   writing a historically  based work,   Russia, Poland, France and Israel, and
     the most-read  original  feature in the   come across an astonishing story   and how did you overcome those      for six years, taught at Oxford Univer-
     history of the BBC website, with more   which has everything in it – drama,   challenges?                        sity. For 16 years, he was director of
     than seven million readers to date. Red   danger, derring-do, bravery and stacks   Writing this book had many big   the Taube Center for Jewish Studies at
                                                                                challenges – not just gathering a huge   Stanford. He is the author and editor of
                                                                                amount of recent and historical infor-  eight books, including the award-win-
                                                                                mation and piecing it together, but also   ning The Jews of Odessa: A Cultural
                                                                                responsibly  and  authentically  repre-  History and Pogrom: Kishinev and the
                                                                                senting what took place. I                          Tilt of History. His ar-
                                                                                knew I was  writing about                           ticles have appeared in
                                                                                real people, many of whom                           The New York Times
                                                                                are still alive, many who                           Sunday Book Review,
                                                                                lost friends and relatives,                         The Washington Post
                                                                                agents who operated in se-                          and  The  New  Repub-
                                                                                crecy, some of whom were                            lic, among other pub-
                                                                                more  difficult  to  get  to                        lications.  His newest
                                                                                than others. But if you’re                          book,  Law and the
                                                                                sincere, you earn people’s                          Arab-Israeli  Conflict,
                                                                                trust, which is what helped                         describes how, from
                     TORCH                                                      stacles.  There is also the    Steven E. Zipperstein  Arabs, Jews and the
                                                                                                                                    the 1920s to the 1940s,
                                                                                me overcome some ob-
                                                                                problem  of writing  about
                                                                                                                                    British all used the
                                                                                                                      law to gain leverage and influence in-
                                                                                something where there will be people
         S      P       O        N        S      O        R       S             out there who know much more about    ternational opinion.
                                                                                                                          What was it that first attracted
                                                                                this or that than I do, so I had to do a
                                                                                                                      you to the theme or subject of your
                                                                                lot of rigorous research and checking
                                                                                technicalities to make sure everything
                                                                                in the book is correct.               book?        continued on next page
                                                                                                                      For a complete schedule
                                                                                                                        of events, admission
                                                                                                                     information, author bios

                         E die and David Chaif      e tz                                  PEOPLE OF THE BOOK             and book synopses,
                         Edie and David Chaifetz
                      L eon R. and M    ar gar e t M. Ellin                                                           visit
                      Leon R. and Margaret M. Ellin
                         Debbie and L     arry  H aspel
                         Debbie and Larry Haspel
                  Rosenthal Roots Family Foundation
                  R osen  thal R  oo ts F amily  F oundation
                        S ylvia and N   orman Same      t
                        Sylvia and Norman Samet
                        Bunny and Mort  Skirboll
                        Bunn  y  and M   ort (z”l)  Skirboll
                      Hadassah and Martin Strobel
                        adassah and M
                                            artin S
                                 L ois S tulber g
                                 Lois Stulberg

        (      and help fund crucial services for people in need here   (
                       We offer our very deep appreciation
                      to our 2020-21 Season Torch Sponsors!
                   They support our Federation’s efforts to bring
               quality events and programs to our local community

               in Sarasota-Manatee, in Israel and around the world.

                                                                *As of 10/11/20
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