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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                                April 2021                                 9A

     An evening of virtual amazement

     with mentalist Sidney Friedman

     By Gayle Guynup
          or an evening of pure amaze-        While Friedman was honing his     gut feeling when I hit the right one,”   events  on his calendar  were  either
          ment and fun, join The Jewish   mentalist  skills, it  was music  that   he said.                           canceled or postponed.
     FFederation of Sarasota-Mana-        dominated much of his early life. He      As  a  mentalist,  Friedman  first    “Around May  or so, I decided  I
     tee, along with Federations in Tampa,   graduated with a bachelor’s degree in   achieved  national  recognition  when,   would learn all of this technology and
     Fort Myers and Daytona, for an eve-  music  composition  and piano at  the   in 2000, his book,  Your Mind Knows   buy the  equipment  (lights  and multi-
     ning with mentalist Sidney Friedman   prestigious Eastman  School of Mu-   More Than You Do, reached number      ple cameras, and all sorts of bells and
     on Tuesday, April 6 at 7:00 p.m.     sic in Rochester, New  York, and did   one on Amazon for self-improvement   whistles). I figured out how I could do
        “A magician  performs sleight of   post-graduate work                              books (No. 8 overall),  re-  my entertaining in this way. I can have
     hand, illusions and things like  that,   in Stockholm, Swe-                           sulting in appearances  on   hundreds of people on Zoom and call
     while a mentalist does things that are   den. He has won nu-                          The View and other nation-  on them and make the experience inter-
     sleight of mind,” Friedman explained.   merous awards and                             al  programs,  and later  on   active. By about August, I was ready to
     “I use mind power, intuition and psy-  honors for his mu-                             Today, 20/20 and The Ear-  go and once again started performing.
     chological  influence,  all  to  entertain.   sic, and was a com-                     ly Show, to name but a few.  I have been doing between three and
     It’s much like  magic,  but instead of   poser fellow at the                             Today, Friedman  does   seven of these shows every week since
     using physical dexterity and sleight of   Boston Symphony                             a  lot  of corporate  events,   then,” he said.
     hand, I use mental dexterity,” he said.  Orchestra’s famed                            mixed in with a lot of char-   He says that  working virtually
        He certainly amazed me.           Tanglewood Music                                 ity  events. “I  have  done   can be more challenging,  but his ex-
        Shortly after beginning our conver-  Festival.                                     more  than  200  Jewish    perience in television and radio really
     sation, he asked me to think of a person   “When  I was                               Federation events in some   helped. “At least with Zoom, I can ac-
     I knew well. I looked at Sidney through   in  my  20s, I  would                       14 years all  over North   tually see the people. For the viewer,
     the Zoom camera while thinking of my   start  using this  gift   Sidney Friedman      America. I have also per-  it is like they are watching television,
     friend. In those few moments, he wrote   to entertain people, and little by little,   formed for other Jewish charities, and   but they are interacting with me. Espe-
     down on a pad the letter J (my friend’s   I created  a career out of performing,   other charities and nonprofits, as well.   cially for the Federations, I try to work
     name is John), his age and color of   combining the music with the mental-  I think it is getting close to 400 in all.   in their whole theme of giving and the
     hair, both of which were correct. I was   ism,” Friedman said, adding that music   When the economic collapse of 2008   importance of giving,” he added.
     hooked.                              is still a big part of his life.      happened, it impacted many of the big     After a couple more demonstra-
        Friedman  grew  up  in  the  Chica-   In his  mentalist  performances,   donors who would normally have giv-  tions of his skills, which left me totally
     go area. “I’ve had these mental abili-  Friedman  incorporates  music by ask-  en to nonprofits. The charities were re-  baffled about whether this man was a
     ties since I was about four years old,”   ing people to think of a song. Then he   ally struggling, looking for new ways   mind reader or a magician, he added,
     Friedman said. “For example, when I   will  sit  at  a  piano  and play  the  song   to attract people to their events. So I   “You know, I love what I do. It’s a bit
     was young, my mom lost her wedding   that comes into his mind. “I usually get   started performing,” he said.    bizarre, but it is totally fun.”
     ring and was looking all over for it. I   it right about half to two-thirds of the   “In February or March of last year,   Tickets to Sidney Friedman’s vir-
     pictured  a blank movie  screen in  my   time,” he said.                   as the  pandemic  was just starting,   tual event on April 6 are $10. To reg-
     mind, and on that screen appeared the    “For years, I was doing this sort of   we all thought it would be a couple   ister, visit For more
     image of the location, and that’s where   thing  on  radio  and  television  shows.   of months and it would be all over,”   information,  contact  Trudi  Krames  at
     she found her ring. I would do that all   Now I do it  on Zoom,  and it’s very   Friedman said, adding that all of the or 941.706.0037.
     the time as a kid,” he explained.    similar – though in some ways it’s even
        He gleaned some understanding of   more impressive because we are thou-
     his skills on a family trip to Estes Park,   sands of miles away from each other,”
     Colorado, where there was a member   Friedman added.
     of the Arapaho Native American tribe     So, what skills does a mentalist
     who saw Friedman’s gift, took him    need to possess?
     aside and explained  many things to      “One skill is being able to take     Guiding investors and their
     him.                                 my own consciousness and imagine it
        Friedman says he believes people   leaving my mind and going right into    families for over 20 years.
     all possess these skills to some degree.   yours  and looking out through your
     “We all possess the skill to shoot a bas-  eyes. Not only do I see what you see,            Ally Zemelman, CRPC ®
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     line. A few of us can make five out of   what you feel,” Friedman said.
     10, but the pros can make eight out       “I try to use all of my senses. Peo-              1819 Main St., Ste. 230, Sarasota, FL 34236
     of 10,” he explained. “We can’t all   ple talk about visualization. I use what      •
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     gift,” he said.                      will come to me, and I will just get a

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