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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                                April 2021                                 7A

     People of the Book...continued from page 6A
        Thousands of scholarly works have   have  been using the  law  as a  weap-  France’s chief rabbi, had a lot of fea-  with the rise of a new form of antisem-
     been  published  regarding  the Middle   on, not just in recent years, but for the   tures that drew me to it: a glamorous   itism in the first half of the 19  century.
     East conflict, but only a handful have   last 100 years. The recent and highly   heroine, a quixotic military campaign,   What is it that you hope readers
     dealt with the legal aspects of the con-  controversial  International  Criminal   an illicit romance and a dramatic dou-  will take away from your book?
     flict. I wanted to add something to that   Court decision (February 5, 2021) rec-  ble-cross. But it was really when I dis-  I would like readers to come away
 What is it that you hope readers  area of the academic writing about the   ognizing Palestine as a “state” is only   covered how important this case was to   with  a  new  appreciation  for  how im-
 will take away from your book?  conflict, by focusing on how the Jews,   the latest example in the century-long   the formation of mod-  portant this period
 To me, the most important thing is  Arabs and British used the law during   struggle between the parties.  ern antisemitism that I   was  –  the  first  half
 for readers to feel tremendous admira- the  1920s and  early  1930s to  gain   Maurice Samuels /   knew I would have to              of the 19  century
 tion for the people – Israeli and Ethio- leverage against each other and influ-  The Betrayal of the Duchess  write about it.        in France  – for the
 pian Jews – in the story and how they  ence international opinion on the con-  Maurice Samuels is the Betty Jane An-  What is the main   formation  of many
 managed  to carry  out this incredible  flict. This is the first book of its kind   lyan Professor of French at Yale Uni-  challenge in writing   of the  political  ide-
 operation. I hope people not only think  dealing exclusively with these issues.  versity. He specializes in the literature   a historically  based   ologies we associ-
 it’s an exciting read, but also open their   What is the main challenge in   and culture of 19 -century France and   book, and how did   ate with the modern
 minds to the Ethiopian Jews and real- writing a historically  based work,   Jewish studies. He is also the inaugu-  you overcome those   world. If modern
 ize, like I did, what a special commu- and how did you overcome those   ral director of the Yale Program for the   challenges?       antisemitism  took
 nity they are. I want readers, when they  challenges?  Study of Antisemitism. He is the author   This was actually                   shape in part as a
 get to the end of the book, to sit back   The  main  challenge  in writing  a   the  biggest  challenge:                             result of this case,
 and go “Wow!”                            of several books, including The Spec-
 Steven E. Zipperstein /   scholarly  work of history  is conduct-  tacular Past: Popular History and the   how to stay true to the   as I argue, it was
                                                                                                                                      because this period
                                                                                facts  while  also  gen-
     ing years of painstaking research in
                                          Novel  in Nineteenth-Century  France
 Law and the Arab-Israeli Conflict  various archives around the world to   and  The  Right  to  Difference:  French   erating  narrative  ex-  saw  so many fun-
 Steven E. Zipperstein is the Daniel E.  find the most important original docu-  Universalism and the Jews. His new-  citement  and  bringing   damental  changes,
 Koshland Professor in Jewish Culture  ments. I spent a large amount of time at   the characters to life. I    Maurice Samuels        including  the  rise
 and History at Stanford University.  the British National Archives in Lon-  est book, The Betrayal of the Duchess:   overcame this challenge partly through   of capitalism, mass urbanization, rev-
                                          The Scandal that Unmade the Bourbon
 He has also taught at universities in  don, plus other archives elsewhere in   Monarchy and Made France Modern,   some lucky archival  discoveries.  I   olutionary movements and the popular
 Russia, Poland, France and Israel, and  England, Wales and Israel conducting   captures all of the scandals and treach-  spent years researching the book and   press. I try to plunge readers into this
 for six years, taught at Oxford Univer- research and finding previously undis-  ery behind an ill-fated  19 -century   was able  to  track  down many  letters   tumultuous period and to make it come
 sity. For 16 years, he was director of  covered documents, such as the Arab   French insurrection led by the mother   and firsthand accounts by eyewitnesses   alive. I would also like readers to come
 the Taube Center for Jewish Studies at  offer  to  sell  the  Wailing  Wall  to  the   of a deposed heir to the French throne   that allowed me to get inside the heads   away with a new appreciation for some
 Stanford. He is the author and editor of  Jews in late August 1929 for £100,000.  against Louis-Philippe of France.  of my characters without having to in-  larger-than-life  figures  –  the  duchess
 eight books, including the award-win-  What is it that you hope readers   What was it that first attracted   vent their thoughts or speech. Another   and Deutz – who have been largely
 ning The Jews of Odessa: A Cultural  will take away from your book?  you to the theme or subject of your   challenge was how to write objectively   forgotten today but who helped shape
 History and Pogrom: Kishinev and the   During my research, I discovered   book?  about  a  figure  like  Simon  Deutz,  the   history.
 Tilt of History. His ar- that nearly all the arguments we hear   I  first  came  upon  this  amazing   man who betrayed  the duchess, who   Tickets are $10 per household per
 ticles have appeared in  in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict today   case while researching an earlier book   was  so universally despised by his   event or $18 for the three events. For
 The New York Times  trace their roots to the early legal battles   about Jews in 19 -century France and   contemporaries. I don’t try to redeem   reservations, visit
 Sunday Book Review,  between the parties that I write about in   couldn’t  believe  what  I was reading.   him – he was in many ways a pretty   For more information on the People of
 The Washington Post  my book. It is, therefore, very import-  The story of how the Duchesse de Ber-  loathsome character – but I do try to   the Book series of events, please con-
 and  The  New  Repub- ant to view today’s Israeli-Palestinian   ry attempted to reconquer the French   understand the complex nature of his   tact Jeremy Lisitza at jlisitza@jfedsrq.
 lic, among other pub- conflict (including the legal conflict) in   throne for her 11-year-old son in 1832,   motivations. I also try to show how the   org or 941.343.2113.
 lications.  His newest  its historical context. The Palestinians   and then was betrayed  by the son of   hatred  he  provoked  had  much  to  do
 book,  Law and the
 Arab-Israeli  Conflict,
 describes how, from
 the 1920s to the 1940s,
 Arabs, Jews and the
 British all used the
 law to gain leverage and influence in-
 ternational opinion.
 What was it that first attracted
 you to the theme or subject of your

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