Page 43 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 43
COMMENTARY November 2020 43A
Thoughts regarding the death
of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
By Rabbi Howard A. Simon
have leverage with Israel. They have merica has lost a giant, a most another 13 years on the U.S. Court of enough female Justices?” Justice Gins- dedicated woman who would not be
said that the depth of the relationship sensitive, caring, brilliant hu- Appeals for the District of Columbia burg paused a moment, considered the denied. The likes of Ruth Bader Gins-
with Israel will depend on Israel’s will- Aman being who fought for Circuit. Prior to this, she led the battle question, smiled, and then responded, burg rarely come along in our lives. As
ingness to be flexible. justice throughout her life. RBG, as for gender equality at the ACLU, win- “When there are nine.” we reflect on this reality, may we all
This is the scenario of those who Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ning five of the six cases she argued Justice Ginsburg was admired and be inspired by her example and her ac-
believe the normalization agreements Ginsburg was known, made history be- before the Supreme Court. treasured by young and old alike. With complishments. She was, and forever
enhance peace opportunities. coming both the first woman and the Chief Justice John Roberts eulo- the film depicting her life, and the tele- will remain, the very best. May her life
The other school of thought is first Jewish person to lie in state at the gized the Justice with these words: vision presentations dealing with her and her legacy remain a blessing now
that the normalization agreements will U.S. Capitol. Her casket “The daughter of a book- many accomplishments, she became and forever.
drive the PA to seek new sponsors – was placed on the Lincoln keeper, she rose to the a heroine, a model for young girls and Rabbi Howard A. Simon is the found-
Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran – all of catafalque, which first sup- highest court in the land, dedicated women to follow as they ing chair of the Robert and Esther
whom condemned the agreements as ported President Abraham writing 483 majority set their sights on attaining their own Heller Community Relations Commit-
a sell-out by the Arabs of their Pales- Lincoln’s casket after his opinions, concurrences goals. Justice Ginsburg was the exam- tee, formerly known as the Heller IAI.
tinian brothers. Or failing that, Israel assassination. and dissents that will steer ple par excellence of the determined,
will continue to expand its settlements Rabbi Lauren Holtz- the court for decades. Her
in the West Bank to the point where a blatt, spiritual leader of voice was soft, but when
two-state solution is no longer viable. Adas Israel Congregation she spoke people lis-
Those who hold this position, while in Washington, D.C., cap- tened.”
giving favorable lip service to the nor- tured the true essence of Only in America
malization agreements, are in effect Justice Ginsburg with these Rabbi Howard A. Simon could a young wom-
condemning them. words: “To be born into a world that an, devoted to the law, adored by her
No one knows what will happen. does not see you, that does not believe husband, a loving mother who set
Hezbollah, which in effect controls in your potential, that does not give an example of love of law and coun-
Lebanon, has its hands filled. Iran is you a path for opportunity or a clear try, rise to the position of leadership
economically in deep trouble. Hamas path for education, and despite this to attained by Justice Ginsburg. In her
and the PA are enemies, and as such, be able to see beyond the world you are adult years she fought the scourges of
Hamas is not a reliable supporter of the in, to imagine that something can be cancer while still maintaining her seat
PA. different, that is the job of the prophet. on the Court, continuing to write bril-
The status quo may very well con- And it is the rare prophet who not only liant opinions reflecting her faithful
tinue in the near future with the PA in imagines a new world, but also makes interpretation of the laws of our land
charge of its cities, towns and villag- that new world a reality in her lifetime. and the Constitution that guides those
es in areas A and B of the West Bank This was the brilliance and the vision laws. She also maintained a marvelous
(40%), and Israel controlling area C of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.” sense of humor that lifted the spirits
(60%) as well as security. Justice Ginsburg was the leader of of all who knew and loved her. She
Palestinian resistance to the Jew- the Supreme Court’s liberal minority. was once asked by an interviewer,
ish people returning home is 100 years She served 27 years on the Court and “When will the Supreme Court have
old. It may continue for more years. I
join with Yossi Klein Halevi’s dream
in Letters to My Palestinian Neighbors build. advocate.
of two states for two peoples living in
peace, side by side. May it come soon-
er rather than later. remember. support.
Harold Halpern is a retired attorney
living in Lakewood Ranch Florida. He Bridges
is a member of the Board of Directors
of the American Association of Jewish We build bridges between people by visiting synagogues, churches and civic groups to make
Lawyers and Jurists, and of the board presentations about Israel, antisemitism and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement
of the West Coast Florida Chapter of (BDS). In addition, we send clergy and community members on missions to Israel to
the American Jewish Committee. experience and learn about the land while forging friendships that deepen
and continue back home in Sarasota-Manatee.
Robert and Esther Heller ^ Builds Bridges
CRC ^ Advocates through Government Affairs
Fighting antisemitism is an ongoing battle. We have CRC
Ambassadors ready and able to educate the community to
better understand what antisemitism looks like and how
to fight it alongside the Jewish community.
To build relationships within the
Jewish and non-Jewish communities
and to advance common interests
through education and advocacy.