Page 45 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 45
FOCUS ON YOUTH November 2020 45A
Upholding Jewish traditions and connections
during a pandemic
hile COVID-19 has turned the shofar at the end of services (but the school ordered and put together a Aviva residents during the holidays.
life upside-down in many through a window or exterior door, to portable sukkah kit so that each class “Since the beginning of the pan-
Wways, at Hershorin Schiff ensure safety). could visit and celebrate the holiday. demic, we’ve learned to pave new
Community Day School, creativity and Funds from a generous donor will Students couldn’t participate in ways and create new routines,” said
a can-do attitude are ensuring that all cover the cost of challah for the entire- the popular annual High Holiday visit Rabbi Moskowitz. “Keeping the stu-
students can still learn about and feel ty of the school year. To ensure food to Aviva – A Campus for Senior Life dents connected to Jewish traditions is
connected to Jewish traditions. safety, the bread is individually pack- or even send cards. Instead, students always core to our mission and learn-
The school is using its Google aged in a commercial kitchen for each filmed a creative video to bring love, ing philosophy.”
adaptive learning technology to bring child to enjoy on Shabbat. joy and celebration into the lives of the
everyone together for Shabbat. Rabbi For Rosh Hashanah, the school got
Anat Moskowitz rotates to different individually packaged applesauce cups
classrooms to lead services each Fri- and honey sticks as a delicious High
day, while the other classrooms and Holiday treat. For Tashlich, the school
distance learners tune in virtually. Ad- provided a wading pool and water-sol-
ditionally, through Elul, Rabbi Mos- uble paper so that the children could
kowitz’s husband, Jeffrey Bain, blew still cast away their “sins.” For Sukkot,
Serving Preschool - Grade 8
Socially distanced classes with low student:teacher ratios
Instruction tailored to each student's individual needs
Extensive outdoor learning and play in every grade
Hebrew and Spanish offered for all students
Daily fine arts
Athletics opportunities for all K-8 students
Community Day School kindergarteners Graham Morgan, Matthew Dobson, Caroline Stelton
and Kai Crea (obscured) cast away their ‘sins’ during the school’s Tashlich observance Medical professional on-site
Convenient hours for working parents
STAY CONNECTED Flexible online learning option available for grades Pre K-8
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