Page 46 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 46
46A November 2020 FOCUS ON YOUTH
Temple Sinai youths enjoy a honey-tasting
virtual event and Rosh Hashanah celebrations
By Gail Glickman
emple Sinai hosted a fabulous ant family treasures that will carry ages 8-16 enjoyed the Havdalah ser- the 10 days of AWE on how they can
honey-tasting event Sunday, them through the year with happiness. vice led by the Ben-Herut family. be better, who helped them this year,
TSeptember 13, open to everyone They heard a song about blowing the They created their own canvases with what they can do to feel closer to God,
in the community. Kits were distribut- shofar and blew their own. Geveret inspirational quotes to remind them to what mitzvot they will do this year,
ed Sunday morning in Temple Sinai’s Laura read a book about getting ready stay positive, motivated, strong, cou- what social justice they can do, to name
parking lot. The kit included four tastes for Rosh Hashanah, and the kids made rageous and kind all year. They also a few.
of honey from Sarasota Honey Compa- round challah out of Play-Doh. More did an activity
ny, biscuits from Maple Biscuit Com- than 35 families attended. to help them
pany, cheese curd from Dakin Dairy Three teachers and 30 students think during
Farm, and apples from Detwiler’s, as
well as educational materials about
Rosh Hashanah, and some surprise
goodies. Everyone gathered on Zoom
in the afternoon for a lovely honey tast-
ing in honor of Rosh Hashanah.
Bethany Leinweber, Director of
Youth Education, Outreach and En-
gagement, coordinated two virtual
events on Rosh Hashanah. Kids up to
age seven created their own tents of Bethany Leinweber, Geveret Laura and Rabbi Samantha Kahn
meetings (forts) and showed import- Kids created their own tents with families at the Rosh Hashanah children’s service
Temple Emanu-El families welcome the New Year
with safe, in-person celebrations
hile Temple Emanu-El fam- Tot Shabbat to set the mood for a fes- playtime and socializing. The fun also plans to hold in-person, social-dis-
ilies prepared for the new tive new year on Saturday, September morning ended with a children’s “sho- tanced Tot Shabbat and select family
Wyear a bit differently in this 12. Families received gift bags stuffed far chorus” and an opportunity to take programs as the public health situation
age of COVID-19, the celebrations with Rosh Hashanah treats including family photos next to a giant “Shana allows. For more information, please
were still filled with spirit and excite- apples and honey, a themed craft and Tova” sign. call 941.379.1997.
ment! a toy shofar. Despite rains from Tropical Storm
As Rosh Hashanah approached, After participating in blessings, Sally, children returned to Temple
Temple Emanu-El invited young Jew- songs and stories with Associate Rab- Emanu-El on Sunday, September 13 to
ish and interfaith families to their first bi Michael Shefrin, families enjoyed celebrate the first day of Temple Ema-
in-person event in months: a drive-in snacks, art, and socially distanced nu-El Religious School with a car car-
avan. Greeted by their (soaking wet)
TEEN TRAVEL under umbrellas, children received
rabbis, who waved and cheered from
learning materials along with a bagged
bagel breakfast and treats to get the
year off to a sweet start. Director of
Education Sabrina Silverberg, MARE,
and her team of teachers and teen vol-
ADVENTURES unteers made sure that the morning Neil, Rachel and Alexandra Marcus attended
was safe as well as fun for all.
While many gatherings and classes
will continue online, Temple Emanu-El
Temple Emanu-El’s drive-in Tot Shabbat
Where will YOUR adventure take you?
The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and its generous
donors are committed to providing teen travel scholarships
for educational, experiential and exploratory programs. Temple Emanu-El Director of Education Sabrina Silverberg, MARE, and her team of teachers
and teen volunteers welcomed Temple Emanu-El Religious School families to the new year
ALERT! Applications are now being accepted for March with a car caravan
of the Living, Send-a-Kid-to-Israel-Program
Deadline is 4:00 PM on Friday, November 20, 2020.
and Alexander Muss High School in Israel.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020, via ZOOM.INTERVIEWS
Scholarship interviews will be held on
To learn more about our teen travel programs and
scholarships, visit the website below.
or contact Lisa Feinman at
941.706.0034 or Temple Emanu-El Associate Rabbi Michael Shefrin led a shofar chorus
during Temple Emanu-El’s drive-in Tot Shabbat