Page 44 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 44

44A                         November 2020                                                                   FOCUS ON YOUTH

                                                                                A season of giving thanks

                                                                                                                          We all crave connections to those
                                                                                                                      we hold dear. For our youngest in our
                                                                                                                      community, those connections are es-
                                                                                                                      pecially dear. Outside of their families,
                                                                                                                      they are their classmates and teachers.
                                                                                                                      During the quarantine, our Early Child-
                                                                                                                      hood Center’s teachers and staff made
       Experience an                                       APRIL 5-18                                                 daily connections with the children and
                                                                                                                      their families, checking in daily on pri-
       unforgettable,                                      2 0 21                                                     vate  Facebook  groups,  emails,  Zoom

       life-changing trip                                 TENTATIVE                                                   calls  and  socially  distanced  driveway
                                                                                                                      visits.  They  were  always  instilling
       with other                                         All scholarships are contingent   Education                 the  sense  of  community,  caring  and
                                                          upon confirmation that program
       11th & 12th grade                                  will commence.                                              looking forward to gathering together
                                                                                                                      in  person  again  soon. There  was  that
       students from                                                                       Corner                     sense of hopefulness. For all of these
       around the world!                                                               By Laura Freedman              new ways to connect, we can be thank-
                                                                                      or many  months  now, we have   ful!
                                                                                      been hearing phrases such as,
                                                                                                                          Now,  we  can  gladly  talk  about
       • Spend a week in Poland               For more information, go online to:  F“In these unique times,” “During   schools  reopening.  The  children  are
       • March from Auschwitz to                       this  difficult  time,”  “At  this  unusual   reuniting  with their  buddies and re-
         Birkenau on Yom HaShoah         APPLY BY NOV. 20, 2020                 time” and so many more. It has been   suming  a  sense  of  normalcy.  School
         with thousands of fellow Jews     Got Questions? Contact Trudi Krames at  tough  for  many  through  this  tumul-  administrators  have  had  to  rethink
       • Spend a week in Israel during       941.706.0037 or  tuous time with worry on our minds.   protocols,  keeping  everyone’s  health
         Yom Hazikaron and Yom                                                  Fears have risen regarding our health   and  safety  a  priority  while  allowing
         Ha’atzmaut                                                             and the health of our families, the wor-  students to interact  with one another,
                                                                                risome political climate, and unrest in   to learn and grow with their peers. Par-
       • See and hear the incredible sites and                                  our communities. As we turn another   ents are reporting to our schools how
         sounds of our homeland!                                                page in our calendars to another month   their children have begun to blossom

                                                                                of uncertainty, I look ahead to the holi-  again. The joy is back as they engage
                                                                                day of Thanksgiving. As we have come   in the school routine again. Their men-
                                                                                to  define  this  fall  celebration,  it  is  a   tal  outlook  has  revived.  For  this,  we   Community Day School kindergarteners Graham Morgan, Matthew Dobson, Caroline Stelton
                                                                                time of giving thanks.                can be thankful.                        and Kai Crea (obscured) cast away their ‘sins’ during the school’s Tashlich observance
                            The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life  The  old  adage  about  a  glass  half   It is November, and the holiday of
                            Klingenstein Jewish Center                          full vs. a glass half empty helps frame   Thanksgiving is approaching. A posi-
                            580 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota, FL 34232                 the current circumstances. If we think   tive spin “in these unique times” is to
                            941.371.4546  •                    positively, we find healthy ways to see   focus on our blessings; thinking about
                                                                                all the good things that have emerged
                                                                                                                      all the people in our lives who are fam-
                                                                                during  the  pandemic.  In  our  temple   ily and friends that brighten our days,
                                                                                communities,  so many have reimag-    about our good health and well-being,
                                                                                ined connections with virtual services,   and good times ahead!
                                                                                receptions,  games  and  gatherings  of   Laura Freedman is the  Director  of
                                                                                many  kinds.  In  our  families,  no  mat-  Early Childhood Education at The                               Siesta Key Campus: Pre-K - Grade 5  |  Uihlein Campus in Lakewood Ranch: Grades 6 - 12
                                                                                ter  the  miles  apart,  people  are  using   Gan at Temple Sinai.
                                                                                the  different  ways  to  spend  time  to-
                                                                                gether  through  other  online  meetings   Read the current
                                                                                like Zoom and FaceTime. In addition,                                                                        A SAFE, HEALTHY, AND
                                                                                in  our  schools,  from  our  youngest   and previous editions
                                                                                through college age, distance learning
                                                                                has become the norm where students     of The Jewish News at                                 INCLUSIVE SCHOOL COMMUNITY
                                                                                and teachers have reunited. For all of
                                                                                these new ways to connect, we can be
           RE A D — S I NG — DA NCE — G AT HE R — GR OW
           PJ Library  has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
           to  provide  families  raising  Jewish  children with  the  gift of  free, high-quality                       “This warm, richly illustrated
           children’s books, music, and resources that foster deeper engagement with    NEW!                             ode to a child’s creativity is
           Jewish life in our community.
                       Join one of our PJ programs below                                                                 a beautiful little book and
                to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.                     LICE MCGRAW                         wonderful gift for a child.”
                                                                                                                         –Josh, NYC
                                                                                   and she draws everywhere!
                                                                                    This is a story about a child’s love of
                    Children Ages 6 mo. thru 8 years                              A     likes to draw...
                                                                                     drawing which ignites her creativity.

                 Sign-up at                                            A wonderful book for children
                                                                                       ages 2-7.

                      Children Ages 8 thru 12 years

                    Sign-up at                                                                                             A portion of profits go

                                                                                                                                        to children’s charities
          For more information, contact                                                         Now available at or
                                                                                                                  Great gift for CHANUKAH
          Trudi Krames
                                                      By Sandra Hanan                       Now available at
          941.706.0037    PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously                             A portion of profits go to children’s charities                   APPLY NOW FOR 2021-22   941-203-3640
                          funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.               and ricH Bergman                             or
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