Page 20 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 20

20A                         January 2021                                                                 FEDERATION NEWS

     CRConnect: Question of the month

     By David Millstone
           ach  month,  CRConnect  brings     population enforced its domination   ‹   No such laws exist in Israel. Isra-  lims and Christians have all served
           you a  question you may  have,     over the black and other non-white    el’s Declaration  of Independence     as Cabinet Ministers and in other
     Eor one you may get, about Israel        minorities.  It  was put  in  place   guarantees equal rights to all citi-  governmental positions.
     or antisemitism. Our goal is to provide   through  a  series  of  laws which   zens, irrespective of religion, race   •  Arabs have served in the Israeli
     you with material to help you answer                                                          or sex. Arab citi-     army since the  War for Indepen-
     them. This month’s question is:                  Robert and Esther Heller                     zens of Israel en-     dence in 1947-1949. They serve as
        Isn’t it true that Israel is an apart-                                                     joy the full range     both volunteers and through man-
     heid state, just like South Africa was?              CRC                                      of civil and po-       datory service.
     Doesn’t  that  justify  boycotts,  sanc-                                                      litical  rights, in-  •  Israeli Arabs serve in the Foreign
     tions,  divestment  and  isolation  from                                                      cluding  the  right    Service,  including  as  Ambassa-
     the civilized world?                                                                          to organize po-        dors to other countries, including a
     ‹   Simply stated, NO.                                                                        litically, the right   Christian Arab serving as Ambas-
     ‹   Apartheid is “a system of institu-   banned blacks from certain “white     to vote and the right to speak and    sador to Muslim Azerbaijan.
        tionalized  racial segregation and    areas” and established prohibitions   publish freely. Israeli  Arabs and   •  Israeli  Arabs serve in the Israeli
        discrimination.”  In  South  Africa,   to prevent  the black  population    other non-Jewish Israelis serve as    Police Force.
        it was a unique, repressive system    from  participating  in  any  public   members of Israel’s security forces,   •  Israeli Arabs serve throughout gov-
        through which the minority white      life.                                 are  elected  to  parliament  and ap-  ernment-operated  hospitals.  The
                                                                                    pointed  to the country’s highest     Galilee Medical Center is headed
                                                                                    courts. They are afforded equal ed-   by an Arab Israeli and has a staff of
                                                                                    ucational  opportunities,  and there   Jews, Muslims and Christians.
                                                                                    are ongoing initiatives  to further   •  As of  2018,  Arab  students ac-
                                                                                    improve the economic standing of      counted for over 16% of Israel’s
                                                                                    all of Israel’s minorities.           undergraduate student population.
                                                                                ‹   Some examples:                        Israeli Arabs account for approxi-
                                                                                  •  There have been Israeli Arab mem-    mately 20% of the population.
                                                                                    bers of the Israeli Knesset (Parlia-  In an apartheid  state,  there  is no
                                                                                    ment)  since  the  first  election  in   integration of the minority population
                                                                                    1949. Currently 17 Arabs serve in   in public life, in the legislature, in the
                                                                                    the 120-member Knesset.           court  system,  in government,  in the
                                                                                  •  Israeli Arabs have served on Isra-  military, nor in state-run medical cen-
                                                                                    el’s seven-member Supreme Court   ters. It is clearly false that Israel is an
                                                                                    since 1999 and have had three dif-  apartheid state.                No place for hate
                                                                                    ferent Justices serve on the Court,   For more detailed information and
                                                                                    including two at the same time. Is-  original source material, visit jfedsrq. By Abe Pintchuck, sophomore at Florida Gulf Coast University,
                                                                                    raeli Arabs also serve as judges on   org/crconnect.                member of AEPi Fraternity and Florida Gulf Coast Hillel
                                                                                    lower courts throughout Israel.       Next month’s question:
                                                                                  •  Israeli  Arabs have served in the    Why does Israel oppose the U.S.
                                                                                    Israeli  government  including as   reentering the nuclear agreement
                                                                                    Cabinet  Ministers.  Druze,  Mus-  with Iran?
                              JFSM                                                       ir      t   ual


                                                     FEDERATION MAJOR EVENTS


                                       FEDERATION MAJOR EVENTS 2021

                JANUARY 5-7                                                        FEBRUARY 8-11
                PEOPLE OF THE BOOK                                                 PEOPLE OF THE BOOK

                Theme: Arts and Culture (three lectures)                           Theme: Fiction (four lectures)

                JANUARY 12                                                         FEBRUARY 23
                LION OF JUDAH & POMEGRANATE                                        COMMUNITY LECTURE

                Featuring Mayim Bialik                                             Featuring Eli Beer, President & Founder,

                                                                                   United Hatzalah of Israel
                JANUARY 24
                INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY                            MARCH 1 – MARCH 25

                Honoring Children of the Holocaust                                 12  ANNUAL
                                                                                   Jewish Film Festival

                FEBRUARY 4
                MAJOR GIFTS

                An Evening with Jason Alexander                                    To register, visit
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