Page 21 - Jewish News_January-2021
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          January 2021                                   21A

 CRConnect: Question of the month  Rabin Medical Center recognized as top

     Israeli hospital and healthcare provider

 lims and Christians have all served
 as Cabinet Ministers and in other   merican  Friends of Rabin   Israel is gaining considerable achieve-  wards, pain assessment, infant care,   Medical Center’s  second campus fa-
 governmental positions.  Medical Center is most grate-  ments and praise.”     continuing  care  and the  involvement   cility,  Golda  Hasharon  (among  small
 •  Arabs have served in the Israeli Aful for  The Jewish Federa-  The  eighth  annual  report  of  the   of the  patient’s family, patient  safety,   hospitals).
 army since the  War for Indepen-tion  of  Sarasota-Manatee’s  ongoing   Health Ministry’s Israel National Pro-  screening among hospitalized patients   “The  professionalism  and  quality
 dence in 1947-1949. They serve as  generous support and shares the fol-  gram for Quality Indicators, released   and  geriatric  care.  The  program  also   of care are especially prominent in the
 both volunteers and through man-lowing update on the Rabin Medical   in November 2020, has found that   grades  hospitals  around  the  country   health system’s response to the Coro-
 datory service.   Center of Petach Tikvah in Greater Tel   there has been consistent improvement   based on these indices.  navirus,” said Israeli  Health  Minister
 •  Israeli Arabs serve in the Foreign  Aviv, Israel.   in the quality of many aspects of the   The  top  three  hospitals  in  Israel   Yuli Edelstein.
 Service,  including  as  Ambassa-  In  November  2020,  The  Jerusa-  healthcare  services provided across   were Israel’s Rabin  Medical  Center-   For more information about Amer-
 dors to other countries, including a  lem Post reported on how the hospital   Israel. The program works to measure   Beilinson  Campus  (among  very  large   ican Friends of Rabin Medical Center,
 Christian Arab serving as Ambas-is recognized as a top Israeli hospital   and improve the quality of care in hos-  hospitals),  Carmel  Medical  Center   visit, call  212.279.2522 or
 sador to Muslim Azerbaijan.  and healthcare provider: “Compared to   pitals, geriatric hospitals and mental   (among large hospitals) and Rabin   email
 •  Israeli  Arabs serve in the Israeli  parallel programs in the United States   health services.
 Police Force.  and OECD (Organization for Econom-  By law, healthcare  providers      YOU BELONG
 •  Israeli Arabs serve throughout gov-ic Co-operation and Development)   must provide the Israeli  Health Min-
 ernment-operated  hospitals.  The  countries,  the quality  of medicine  in   istry with administrative, financial and
 Galilee Medical Center is headed                       medical information  to     WHERE
 by an Arab Israeli and has a staff of                  measure the quality of
 Jews, Muslims and Christians.                          medical care and health
 •  As of  2018,  Arab  students ac-                    services.
 counted for over 16% of Israel’s                          The  program  pub-
 undergraduate student population.                      lishes quality indices
 Israeli Arabs account for approxi-                     concerning treatment of
 mately 20% of the population.                          cardiovascular  issues,
 In an apartheid  state,  there  is no                  strokes, hip  fractures,
 integration of the minority population                 dialysis adequacy, sur-
 in public life, in the legislature, in the             gical site infections,
 court  system,  in government,  in the   Gour Shasha Hopitalization Tower at Rabin Medical Center  emergency  medicine
 military, nor in state-run medical cen-                                                        SUPPORT
 ters. It is clearly false that Israel is an                                                  Friendship at Home
                                                                                               Financial Stability
 apartheid state.  No place for hate                                                           In-home Support
 For more detailed information and                                                           Home Delivered Meals
 original source material, visit jfedsrq. By Abe Pintchuck, sophomore at Florida Gulf Coast University,   Educational Programs
 org/crconnect.  member of AEPi Fraternity and Florida Gulf Coast Hillel                      CAREGIVING
 Next month’s question:   s the only Jewish fraternity on   stand for hate, and to draw attention to   Caregiver Resource Centers
 Why does Israel oppose the U.S.   campus at Florida Gulf Coast   our commitment to spread the message   Adult Day Care Programs
 reentering the nuclear agreement AUniversity (FGCU), Alpha Ep-  of love and tolerance on our campus.   Support Groups
 with Iran?  silon Pi (AEPi) stands against all forms   With the support we received, we      Educational Programs
     of hate and prejudice in any way. Re-  plan to hang the letters on the location      HEALTH & WELLNESS
     cently, there have been antisemitic mes-  where the original posters where hung            Senior Centers
     sages posted on buildings on the FGCU   and invite news networks to cover the              Friendship Cafés
     campus that have deeply affected us.   result of our efforts.                               Senior Fitness
        On Sunday, November 1, 2020, all      Since then, we have learned that the             Balance Movement
                                                                                                Lifelong Learning
     students received an email from Pres-  individual responsible for the vandal-
     ident  Michael  Martin  describing  and   ism is not affiliated with Florida Gulf       |  941.955.2122
     including  the  pictures                         Coast University and has
     of blatantly antisemitic                         been given strict warning                                              VENICE
     signage, such as ones                            of trespassing.  We have                   SARASOTA                    2350 Scenic Drive
                                                                                                 1888 Brother Geenen Way
     saying,  “Hitler  was                            also learned that this in-                 Sarasota, FL 34236          Venice, FL 34293
     right,” and “break debt                          dividual  is  involved  in
     slavery” with some-                              a group that  spreads its
     one  breaking  the  Star                         message of hate across
     of David. After seeing                           multiple  Florida college
     those images, we knew                            campuses.
     we had to stand against                              Every antisemitic in-                             New to the
     this evil act and show                           cident we heard about at
     the community that our                           any school, synagogue,                     Sarasota-Manatee area?
     fraternity  and  campus                          cemetery  or Jewish es-
     will  not allow  hate  in                        tablishment  hurt and
     our place of education.       Abe Pintchuck      concerned  us. For so              We Welcome You!
     We quickly acted to plan a “No Place   long, I could not help but think that
     for Hate”  campaign  on campus  the   the same could not happen to us. Un-
     week after the incidents. We held ta-  fortunately, it did. This is where we go              Shalom! Welcome to paradise!
     bling events where students could sign   to  school,  live  and  call  home.  There   We hope you feel at home and become active
     large “No Place for Hate” cutout letters   should be no place  for such intoler-           members of the Sarasota-Manatee
     to pledge against hate and antisemitism   ance. I felt it was our responsibility to
     on campus. Through social media we   act and show that we will not stand for                        Jewish community.
     were also able to receive support from   these disturbing displays of hate. I am
     people who saw our event on Insta-   so thankful to The Jewish Federation        Please contact Ilene Fox • 941.343.2111 •
     gram.                                of Sarasota-Manatee for having wel-
        With  the  overwhelming  support   comed  me  into  its  STEP  and  BMYA                       Get Newcomer information:
     from student organizations and Greek   teen programs, and I’m proud to be an                 
     life, our campaign was successful and   alum.  My involvement  in these pro-
     we had hundreds of students show up   grams helped give me the foundation
     and sign messages of support! With the   to stand up for the Jewish people and
     news spreading through our communi-  against antisemitism.
     ty, NBC2 News came to FGCU to in-        For information on how to support
     terview students in our AEPi chapter.   Federation’s efforts to stand up against   The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life • Klingenstein Jewish Center
     We felt this was a perfect opportunity   antisemitism,  please  visit                580 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota, FL 34232
     to share with viewers that we will not   hellercrc.
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