Page 18 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 18
18A January 2021 FEDERATION NEWS
Volunteer Spotlight
Sandy Chase: A volunteer like no other
By Marty Katz, Sr. Dir. of Communications and Marketing
e decided to turn the tables & LEGACY™ donors and many Fed- Times, as well as in Josh Provides and
on Sandy Chase this month eration events such as Women’s Day, UnidosNow newsletters. Recently,
Wfor our Volunteer Spotlight. Anne Frank exhibit, Violins of Hope Sandy has been archiving the Latino
Sandy writes the column each month and an interview with Sheldon Gensler organization’s 10-year history through
about one of our many valuable volun- for our 60 celebration. interviews on its blog.
teers. This month, we thought why not Kim Adler, Federation’s COO, Crystal Rothhaar, Communications
showcase Sandy herself?! who first started working with Sandy, Director at Senior Friendship Centers,
I inherited Sandy as my lead vol- said, “She’s a terrific writer who loves said, “Sandy has written articles for us
unteer writer when I began at The to be creative and come up with puns each month, approaching each with an
Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Man- to tell her stories. Her license plate – eagerness to learn more, dig deeply
atee almost three years ago. Sandy had LV2CRE8 – is very indicative of who into the content and represent our mis- Sandy Chase portraying Mabel Ringling, and
been writing articles for the Federation she is at heart.” sion. The work she has done for us has sharing her life with the Venice Historical Society
since 2013. Her work has centered on In addition to Federation, Sandy’s been invaluable, and we’re so grateful moved to Manatee County in 2013.
not only this Volunteer Spotlight col- work can be seen in Senior Friendship to count her as a volunteer and friend.” They no longer wanted to battle D.C.
umn, but also a monthly look at LIFE Centers’ monthly publication, Prime But that’s not all. Sandy is also traffic and inclement weather and icy
part of the film evaluation committee roads. She also wanted to live close to
for our Jewish Film Festival and eval- her sister but not on Florida’s east coast.
uates scripts for future performances at Sandy loves the area’s climate and the
Florida Studio Theatre. She also reads diverse cultural life. She knew it was
to children for Embracing Our Differ- the right decision when “we drove into
ences and the Lakewood Ranch Books Sarasota on Tamiami Trail near Boule-
for Kids program. vard of the Arts. I could wear my ‘eve-
Somehow, in her limited spare ning’ gloves, which I could exchange
time, Sandy is also a mentor at Unidos- for my rodeo/country gloves for
Now, assisting college-bound students country-music events.”
with their academic goals, and the Edu- Her favorite story is one that she
cation Foundation of Sarasota County. has written herself – in a new color-
I am truly exhausted writing about ing book, Jock, the New Croc on the
all of her volunteer endeavors. When I Bloc (illustrated by Barbara Rothman,
asked her why she volunteers so much, a friend from an early Pines interview),
she offered the following, using her which she created for her grandkids.
penchant for acronyms: Sandy said, “The story teaches the
“It’s as simple as ABC. By high- physical differences between alligators
lighting nonprofits and dedicated and crocodiles, while exploring the
volunteers, I promote Altruistic indi- consequences of bullying and preju-
viduals who Bolster our Community dice. The two very different ‘boys’ – a
and beyond.” crocodile and alligator – find that they
She went on to add: have a lot in common, even though
“Volunteering is a given. I’m re- they look different.”
tired – not expired. And who is Sandy’s favorite writ-
Volunteering nourishes me. It’s er? I was not surprised to hear the
also my “dessert” because I’m re- answer: Dr. Seuss and his book, The
Big moments brain while making friends and to interview our top volunteers, I asked
warded multifold: stimulating my
Sneetches and Other Stories.
Given her Federation assignment
knowing that interviewees, for
example, appreciate how I’ve cap-
Sandy to share what she’s learned from
tured their essence.
DESERVE BIG MAZELS Reading to children evokes mem- writing their profiles. She said, “Volun-
teers, of all ages – even snowbirds –
ories, helping me choose books to have the following in common:
read to my grandchildren. They share their talents with oth-
Attending a mentee’s high-school ers.
graduation and listening to his/her They are fervent about promoting
honors, including scholarships, the Federation mission.
fulfills me.” They are rewarded knowing
Sandy’s professional story is fas- they’re making a difference. They
cinating. Her passion has always been thrive on smiles and thank-yous.
teaching. Prior to raising two children They stretch the clock beyond 24
in Fairfax, Virginia, she taught 5 hours in a day.
grade. Later, she facilitated classes as They tap into their background for
an adjunct professor for the University the betterment of others.
of Virginia; taught grammar and punc- They have role models, wheth-
tuation; and designed, developed and er parents or mentors, who have
taught SAT prep (verbal) for Fairfax instilled the love of Judaism and
Commemorate life’s big moments County Public Schools. Her Virginia li- Israel.”
I contend Sandy Chase is cut from
cense plate at that time read EDUK8R.
with a Federation Tribute! She then worked for the Central the same cloth! On behalf of our read-
Intelligence Agency as a training/ ers, thank you, Sandy, for giving us
communications officer for 12 years. and our local Sarasota-Manatee com-
During her work there, she designed, munity so much of your passion, drive,
developed and presented writing creativity and great big heart. You are
courses for officers, both for English truly a volunteer like no other!
speakers and those for whom English If you are interested in volunteering,
is a second language; founded and edit- there are many ways to contribute and
ed The Learning Curve, an office train- be part of the volunteer life at the Fed-
Call Bonnie at Or visit ing magazine; and conducted studies to eration. For more information, please
941.243.2115 to donate determine the best ways for officers to contact Jeremy Lisitza, Director of In-
Call Paula at
Or visit
novation and Volunteer Engagement,
941.552.6304 to donate Sandy and her husband Gary at 941.343.2113 or