Page 13 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 13

FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          January 2021                                   13A

     United Hatzalah founder to speak at Community Lecture

     By Gayle Guynup
           li  Beer, founder  of United   together  in order to save lives.  In its   well,”  Beer  explained.  “The  success   emergency transpiring near their loca-
           Hatzalah,  an emergency  re-   25 years, the organization  has grown   is a result of the goal that I had way   tion, we avoid the issues that are inher-
     Esponse organization  based  in      to more than 5,000 volunteer medical   back  when of putting  a fully  trained   ent with ambulances being dispatched
     Israel, will  be the  guest speaker  at   responders treating more than 300,000   first responder with all the emergency   from a central building and having to
     The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-   people per year. All services are pro-  medical equipment they need to save   fight traffic en-route to the emergency,”
     Manatee’s annual  Community  Lec-    vided  free  of  charge  to  all  citizens     a life on every street, on every block,   he said.
     ture, a virtual event planned for Tues-  regardless of race or religion.   in every high-rise building. By utiliz-   For someone who has spent his en-
     day,  February  23  at  7:00  p.m.  The   “In the  beginning,  we found our   ing a wide network of volunteers, a fast   tire career saving other people’s lives,
     Federation  is proud to  have  helped   volunteers mainly by word of mouth.   means of transportation, and advanced   it was an odd turn of events when Beer
     fund United Hatzalah.                People involved told other people, and   technology to alert them to a medical           continued on next page
        It was on June 2, 1978, that Beer   those who loved the idea joined. Now
     witnessed a bus bombing in Israel and   that we are a well-known entity, people
     was struck by the chaos that ensued and   often find us. We sometimes put ads in
     the lack of emergency rescue resourc-  papers or on the internet to let people
     es. It was this experience that inspired   know that a training course is happen-
     him  to  volunteer  on  an  ambulance  at   ing, and people who want to do so sign
     the age  of 15 while  attending  school   up,” Beer said. “Our volunteers are all
                                          fully  trained  and  licensed  by  Israel’s
                                          Health Ministry, and our training is ac-
                                          credited by the American Heart Asso-
                                          ciation as well as the NREMT program
                                          in the United States. All of our volun-
                                          teers are at least EMTs. We also have
                                          volunteer paramedics and even doctors
                                          who volunteer with the organization.”
                                              “United Hatzalah is an innovative
                                          emergency  medical  organization.  We
                                          work together in the field with Israel’s
                                          ambulance  service, the police  depart-
                                          ment and the fire department, as well as
                                          the IDF and Israel’s search and rescue
                                          units.  The  organization  is  recognized
                                          as  an  official  rescue  organization  by
                   Eli Beer               the Ministry of Internal Security, and
     and working in his family’s book and   an official medical emergency service
     real  estate  business. At  age  17, Beer   by the Health  Ministry.  We have co-
     began creating a system that would im-  operative programs in which we send
     prove those emergency response times.  volunteers  to work in the emergency
        “When  I began  responding with   rooms of more than a dozen hospitals
     my 15 friends to the emergency calls   in different cities in order to ease the   APA_20_JNF5x5_MECH.indd   1                            8/13/20   1:04 PM
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     in our neighborhood, I just hoped to be   burden of patient intake and care from
     able to rescue the people that I could.   hospitals that are often swamped with
     With each step that I took, I saw the   a high-occupancy level,” Beer added.
     opportunity to make this idea blossom    United Hatzalah has been at the
     into an organization. I can’t say when   forefront of medical innovation. It was
     the exact moment was that  I knew it   the first EMS to introduce the Ambucy-
     would be a national and international   cle, a motorcycle equipped with all of
     organization, but when I realized it was   the medical equipment found in an am-
     possible, I knew it was something I had   bulance, aside from a stretcher. This al-
     to do. No one, and I mean no one any-  lowed first responders to reach patients
     where in the world, should die waiting   in an average of three minutes across
     for help to arrive if it can be avoided,”   Israel, eight to 15 minutes ahead of the
     Beer said.                           ambulance.  In 2008, United  Hatzalah
        Beer began to work with Hatzalah   launched Israel’s first GPS-based dis-
     Jerusalem  in 1992, and in 2006 he   patch  system,  which  was able  to  dis-
     changed the name of the organization   patch the five closest EMS responders
     to United Hatzalah  to  represent  the   within three seconds of the emergency.
     partnership of Jewish, Muslim, Druze     “It’s not just in Jerusalem, but
     and Christian volunteers all working   in many other metropolitan  areas as

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