Page 17 - Jewish News_January-2021
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FEDERATION NEWS January 2021 17A
The new and exciting Sarasota Jewish Theater Club Fed Passport takes
you around the world A thoughtful approach to
By Jeremy Lisitza, Director of Innovation and Volunteer Engagement real estate for your best result.
ravel virtually with The Jewish Claudia Hercman is an Argentinian
Federation of Sarasota-Man- tour guide and translator who created “Rob is the consummate professional. He balances his sharp intellect with
Tatee to Jewish Argentina and these virtual Jewish tours as an excuse excellent listening skills and a warm touch. Rob thinks about the relationship
the infamous Jewish Ghetto of Rome to be able to talk to people and meet over the transaction and he will be forthright in delivering the hard truth.
under the expert guidance of tour new friends from all over the world. He is trustworthy and hardworking. Rob is a friend above all.” – Jason H.
guides Claudia Hercman and Andrew Next, we are off on a tour of Jew-
Kranis. ish Rome on Thursday, February 18 at
Jewish Argentina is a two-part ex- 10:30 a.m. (4:30 p.m. Rome time). The
perience held at 10:30 a.m. (12:30 p.m. cost is $18. HABLO ESPAÑOL
Argentina time) on Tuesday, January Jewish and Italian history are MOBILE 941.363.6507
19 and Thursday, January 21. The cost merged as the infamous Ghetto of OFFICE 941.349.3444
is $18 for both sessions. Rome is “liberated” upon the ascension
SESSION 1: The Argentinean to the throne of King Victor Emmanu- 5100 Ocean Blvd | Sarasota, FL 34242
Jewish Community is the 6 largest in el II in 1870. Rome has come to sym-
the world. During the first session of bolize Jewish solidarity as well as the
our Virtual Jewish Tour of Argentina, successful assimilation of a pre-dias-
Claudia will show us images and short pora migration of Jews from the Holy
videos of the most important Jewish Land to join the patchwork of ancient
sites and parts of Buenos Aires, a won- Roman society.
derful, cosmopolitan, European-look- Our tour guide, Andrew Kranis, is
ing city. a Fellow of the American Academy in
SESSION 2: What happened in Rome and has guided and taught archi- Guiding investors and their
Argentina during and after the Holo- tecture and urban design in Rome for
caust? Who was Juan Perón? What was over a decade. families for over 20 years.
his policy toward the Jews? During this To register for the Club Fed Pass-
session, Claudia will tell us about the port events, go to Ally Zemelman, CRPC ®
many political, economic and social For more information, contact me at Financial Advisor
crises Argentina went through. or 941.343.2113. Vice President – Investments
Honoring the children for 1819 Main St., Ste. 230, Sarasota, FL 34236
International Holocaust •
CA Insurance # 0C84346
Remembrance Day Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate
Investment and Insurance Products: u NOT FDIC Insured u NO Bank Guarantee u MAY Lose Value
By Bette Zaret, Vice Chair Heller CRC, of Wells Fargo & Company. © 2011, 2013, 2016 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All rights reserved. CAR-0620-02418 IHA-6800235
and Chair, CRC Holocaust Subcommittee
he Jewish Federation of diers who liberated the camps.
Sarasota-Manatee and the This year, we continue our com- Temple Beth Sholom
TButterflies of Hope Holocaust memoration of the 75 anniversary of
Education Initiative will host a com- the liberation by honoring the 1.5 mil- Sarasota's Conservative Synagogue
memoration to coincide with the Inter- lion children who perished during the
national Holocaust Remembrance Day Holocaust and the children who sur- welcomes you!
resolution on Sunday, January 24 at vived, either by being saved, hidden,
3:00 p.m. via Zoom. smuggled or by other means.
The resolution was ratified by the On this day, we will recognize and
United Nations in 2005 and declared celebrate the survivors, and will hold
January 27 in memory of the victims in our hearts the memory of every child
of the Holocaust as a day on which we who was abused, tortured and mur-
must all reassert our commitment to dered during the Holocaust.
human rights. Further, the resolution Join us as we are so gratefully able
declared that we must ensure that new to hear personal stories from some of
generations know the history of the our local residents who were children
Holocaust and that we must apply its of the Holocaust and who are thankful-
many lessons to today’s world. ly still with us today. Hear testimonies
Over the last five years, we have from Helga Melmed, Pieter Kohnstam,
paid tribute not only to those who per- Sig Tobias, Marlies Gluck, Marcel
ished but also to those who helped save Infeld, Al Bottner, Rifka Glatz, Feli-
Jews during the Holocaust, including cia Liban, Paul Temmer, Sue Figdor, At Temple Beth Sholom, everyone is welcome!
those from Albania, Greece and Italy. Markus De Rowe, Helen Borenstein, Now, as always, TBS is your home.
Last year, our program began with Ginette Hersh, Robin Rapaport and
the commemoration of the 75 anni- Susie Konicov.
versary of the end of WWII and the lib- Together, let us help keep their sto- Daily morning Minyan 8:00 a.m.
eration of the Nazi concentration and ries and legacies alive. Tues. Swimming in the Sea of Talmud 11:00 a.m.
death camps. To register for this poignant tribute Wed. Gutsy Torah 11:00 a.m.
Together, we paid our respects to and commemoration, which is open Friday night service 6:30 p.m.
the six million Jews who were mur- to the public, please visit Saturday morning service 10:00 a.m.
dered in the Holocaust, to the heroes events. For more information, call
Various classes and special events!
who saved lives and to the brave sol- 941.371.4546. Visit our website or Facebook page for more details
we are FED 1050 South Tuttle Avenue Sarasota, FL TempleBethSholomFL
"Where community is family and egalitarian Conservative Judaism
thrives in Sarasota through prayer, learning, and community service.”
Educating Jewish Minds Engaging Jewish Lives Enriching Jewish Hearts Temple.Beth.Sholom