Page 8 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 8

8A                         January 2021                                                                 FEDERATION NEWS

                                                                                People of the Book...continued from page 7A
                                                                                framed as catalog notes from a photog-  stances leading up to their pregnancies
                                                                                raphy show at the Museum of Modern    and their decision to terminate those
                                                                                Art, though none of Preston’s photo-  pregnancies. As a child  of the  Roe v
                                                                                graphs appear in the book. It is a por-  Wade era, I knew intellectually  that
                                                                                trait of a mother and artist dedicated,   it was difficult and often traumatic to
                                                                                ultimately, to a vision of beauty, truth   seek an abortion before 1973, but these
                                                                                and authenticity.                     essays made  the issue very real  in  a
                                                                                    What or who inspired you to       way that I knew had to be an important
                                                                                write this book?                      part of any book I wrote about female
                                                                                    This  book  began  when  my  two   ambition.
                                                                                daughters were coming up through          At the time  I began writing the
                                                                                elementary  school and                             book, one Presiden-
                                                                                I was struggling to bal-                           tial administration  ago,
                                                                                ance  my artistic  ambi-                           I felt  I was writing
                                                                                tions with my parenting                            about this from a his-
                                                                                aspirations. I set out to                          torical  perspective,  but
                                                                                find  examples  of  bril-                          the past four years of
                                                                                liant  artists  who  were                          the  Trump  administra-
                                                                                also great parents, with-                          tion have made it very
                                                                                out much success. I                                clear  that  the  issue  of
                                                                                don’t know why I was                               reproductive  rights is
                                                                                drawn in particular  to                            current, and that histo-
                                                                                photographers, except                              ry is repeating itself.  I
                                                                                that  I’ve  always been                            want  Feast Your Eyes
                                                                                a visual person, and           Myla Goldberg       to help make  abortion
                                                                                it  was  perhaps  easier  to  find  biogra-  something  that  people  start  talking
                                                                                phies of female visual artists than fe-  about, to normalize it as a topic of con-
                                                                                male  writers.  There  were  plenty  of   versation, and remove the stigma and
                                                                                bios of artistic  men,  of course, but   secrecy that still surround it almost 50
                                                                                their  parenting  skills were never ex-  years after its legalization.
                                                                                actly a feature of their biographies. At   What did you learn about your-
                                                                                one extreme, I learned about Dorothea     self by writing this book?
                                                                                Lange, who gave her two sons to oth-      Writing this book was a way for
                                                                                er people to raise for four years while   me  to explore the  parenting/ambi-
                                                                                she traveled  the country taking her   tion issue on an intellectual level as
                                                                                canonical  WPA  (Works Progress Ad-   well as a personal one, in an attempt
                                                                                ministration) photographs. On the flip   to achieve some sort of balance of my
                                                                                side, I learned about Sally Mann, who   own. I’ve come out the other side with
                                                                                chose to integrate her children into her   the opinion that it’s extremely difficult
                                                                                art, resulting in a series of beautifully   to  be both  a spectacular  artist  and a
                                                                                executed portraits that stirred up a lot   spectacular  parent, but not necessar-
                                                                                of trouble and heartache for her and her   ily impossible. It’s just that bios tend
                                                                                children.                             to get written about people with inter-
                                                                                    What  message  does  your  book
                                                                                                                      esting (i.e. dramatic or dysfunctional)
                     TORCH                                                      convey about the times in which we    lives  and not  people  who quietly  go
                                                                                                                      about their business. I’ve also come to
                                                                                                                      realize  that being a parent and being
                                                                                    In the course of my reading about
         SPONSORS                                                               countered  a book called  The Choices   thy involved in parenting makes me a
                                                                                women  who came  before  me,  I  en-
                                                                                                                      an artist go hand in hand. The empa-
                                                                                We Made, an anthology  collecting
                                                                                                                      better artist, and the creativity involved
                                                                                personal essays by successful women
                                                                                                                      in being an  artist  makes  me a better
                                                                                writing about their illegal abortions. I
                                                                                was struck  by  the  sheer  number  of   parent.
                                                                                                                          To  register  for  People  of  the
                                                                                accomplished  and ambitious women     Book events,  visit
                                                                                (like Grace Paley, Rita Moreno, Ursula   For more information,  contact Jere-
                                                                                Le Guin, Whoopi Goldberg) who had     my Lisitza  at or
                                                                                illegal  abortions, and by the circum-  941.343.2113.
                           die and David Chaif
                         Edie and David Chaifetz
                        eon R. and M
                                                 t M. Ellin
                      Leon R. and Margaret M. Ellin                                 ADULTS
                         Debbie and Larry Haspel
                         Debbie and L     arry  H aspel                                               CHARITY          CULTURE
                  R osen  thal R  oo ts F amily  F oundation
                  Rosenthal Roots Family Foundation
                        Sylvia and Norman Samet                                 KIDS        JEWISH
                          ylvia and N
                                        orman Same
                        Bunn  y  and M   ort ( (z”l)  Skirboll                           CALENDAR
                        Bunny and Mort  Skirboll
                      H adassah and M       artin S tr obel                              OF EVENTS            Your Hub
                      Hadassah and Martin Strobel
                                  ois S
                                 Lois Stulberg                                             IN SARASOTA        for Jewish Events
                                                                                           AND MANATEE
        (      and help fund crucial services for people in need here   (       FAMILY
                       We offer our very deep appreciation
                      to our 2020-21 Season Torch Sponsors!
                   They support our Federation’s efforts to bring
               quality events and programs to our local community
               in Sarasota-Manatee, in Israel and around the world.      
                                                                *As of 10/11/20
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