Page 3 - Jewish News_January-2021
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          January 2021                                     3A

     Jonathan and Michelle Mitchell:

     Putting out the welcome mat

     By Marty Katz, Sr. Dir. of Communications and Marketing
              hen Jonathan and Michelle   they were like family. As I introduced   airy Mitchell Welcome
              Mitchell visited Sarasota in   them to community leaders like Rab-  Center.  There,  pre-
     W2015, little  did they know         bi  Brenner  Glickman  from  Temple   event receptions will
     that  their  visit  would  lead  five  years   Emanu-El,  Federation CEO Howard   be held for events in
     later  to  them  naming  the  Welcome   Tevlowitz, and Larry Thompson, Pres-  the  adjacent  banquet
     Center at the reimagined Larry & Mary   ident of Ringling College of Art + De-  hall.  At other  times,
     Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish   sign, each had a connection with them   the  Center  will  be similar  to a living   act. What we do today will serve as the
     Life. The couple announced their gift   through the Jewish community in Los   room with couches to sit and kibitz, sip   foundation for what will be tomorrow.”
     several months ago, saying, “Given the   Angeles, rock music and art. We are so   coffee and enjoy old and new friends   To become involved in the JFED
     warm welcome we received when we     blessed  to  have  them  in  our  commu-  alike.                            PROUD  &  STRONG  campaign  to
     first  arrived  in  this  community,  what   nity…as leaders, supporters and good   Jonathan hopes others will get   reimagine The  Larry  &  Mary  Green-
     could be more fitting than for us to as-  friends.”                        involved in the new campus develop-   spon Family Campus for Jewish Life,
     sociate ourselves with the Federation’s   Jonathan, whose extensive pro-   ment because “if we care about the fu-  please contact  Ilene Fox at ifox@
     Welcome Center?”                     fessional background ranges from real   ture of the Jewish people, there will be or 941.343.2111, or Rich
        Disheartened over what life in Los   estate and financial services to private   a future for the Jewish people. But car-  Bergman at or
     Angeles  had  become,  the  Mitchells   equities and a family foundation heav-  ing alone isn’t enough. We must also   941.552.6306.
                                          ily involved in Israel, quickly became
                                          involved  in  local  non-profits,  specifi-  Who does the Jewish community turn to for
                                          cally Ringling College of Art + Design
                                          and the Sarasota Memorial Healthcare       the most trusted service in real estate?
                                          Foundation.  Michelle,  who, in  addi-
                                          tion to being a diplomat for 20 years
                                          and now working alongside  Jonathan
                                          in their family’s investment  business
                                          managing a geographically  and in-
                                          dustry-diverse portfolio of companies,
                                          joined the Federation’s board in 2017.
                                              Clearly, the couple quickly found                          Contributing to the
                                                                                                           prosperity of our
           Jonathan and Michelle Mitchell  their  philanthropic  heart  in  Sarasota-                    Jewish Community
     were looking for their next home.  A   Manatee.  As an ambassador for the                                since 1979!
     friend of Michelle’s from her past U.S.   Federation,  Michelle  said, “I think
     Foreign Service career in Abu Dhabi,   it’s important for the community as a                     Ryan Ackerman     Barbara Ackerman
     UAE, told her about the little town of   whole to get involved in the Federation                 941.387.1818               941.780.6045
     Sarasota. “We wanted someplace warm   because it’s such an excellent way to     #1 Small Team in Sarasota and Manatee County
     and on the water with culture, friendly   meet  others  in  the  community.”  She        
     people, great medical care, restaurants,   and her husband became  interested
     arts  and  music.  Sarasota  checked  all   in the new campus because it will be
     the boxes,” related Michelle.        a gathering spot for the community.
        Jonathan  explained,  “Knowing  a   “This Federation is so blessed to have
     city’s Jewish Federation  is the home   had  the  foresight  to  get  this  land. To
     address of its Jewish community, our   have a place for bar mitzvahs, bat mitz-
     first  act  after  relocating  here  was  to   vahs, community events, birthdays and   PaiSanO’s                      941.926.8422
     call The Jewish Federation of Sara-  film  festivals…it  will  be  a  gathering                                       2732 Stickney Point Road
     sota-Manatee, where  we met  [Major   place for generations to come.”                      IT ALIAN  B AKER Y
     Gifts Officer] Rich Bergman, who be-     The Welcome Center that will bear                                                           2019
                                                                                          •Rugalach • Strudel
     came  our  close  friend.  Rich  couldn’t   the Mitchell name will be the first place   • R ugalach        • S tr  udel
     have been more generous with his time   visitors will  enter  at the  Morganroth        •Hamantaschen
     and contacts.”                       Event  Center  on  the  new  Greenspon     LOCAL
        Bergman said, “From the first min-  Campus. Guests will step through the    BAKERY                    WINNER
     ute I met Jonathan and Michelle, I felt   Epstein Family Chuppah into the open,

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