Page 1 - Jewish News_January-2021
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Honoring Children
from the Holocaust
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The Jewish Federation
50 Years January 2021 - Tevet/Shevat 5781 Volume 51, Number 1
INSIDE THIS Meet the leaders behind
ISSUE: the Federation’s Campus Project
23A LIFE & LEGACY™ By Howard Tevlowitz, Chief Executive Officer
27A Community Focus “We achieve greatness by handing our a Jewish future for all individuals who tion team that shares the Federation’s
values on to the next generation and
reside in our area. These roles are more
Board of Director’s dream for a bright
33A Jewish Interest empowering them to go and build the than just focusing on business as usual, and vibrant Jewish future in Sarasota-
39A Commentary future.” – Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks hosting events, programs or speakers, Manatee.
Over the course of the next few
43A Focus on Youth t is a leader’s responsibility to en- or issuing statements. There needs to be months in The Jewish News, I will in-
sure values are handed down to the
clarity about what we stand for, a drive
47A Life Cycle Inext generation. From Moses to to encourage positive change, and the troduce you to our Federation’s vision
1B Jewish Happenings Maimonides, from Herzl to Heschel, ability to take concrete actions to move for a Jewish future and to individuals
Jewish leaders in every generation
forward. For this to happen, we need to
who are making the dream come alive.
have risen to secure the present and be prepared and nimble…and have the With over $18 million in secured
build a future for those to come. best possible team in place. pledges thus far, and a scheduled open-
Two key leadership roles that The team behind the re-imagina- ing date in early 2022, all 33 acres on
The Jewish Federation of Sarasota- tion of The Larry & Mary Greenspon the Federation’s current McIntosh Road
Manatee plays in our region is to Family Campus for Jewish Life could site will be utilized for this dream. (See
ensure the well-being of our Jewish not be better. We are blessed to have image below.)
3A communal organizations and to secure a highly skilled campus construc- continued on page 2A
Jonathan & Michelle Mitchell:
Putting out the welcome mat
Where your dollars go: Federation elects new board members
Federation’s fire trucks and officers
keep Israelis safe
By Kim Adler, Chief Operating Officer, and Michael Ritter, Nominating Committee Chair
ach year, the Immediate Past ceptional job of selecting the following her first child. She is currently a real
President of the Federation has four new directors, each for a three- estate agent with Michael Saunders &
Ethe pleasure of serving as the year term, for our 2021 board: Co. Prior to that, Mary worked in the
Chair of the Nominating Committee. Mary Collier has a passion for human resources field.
One of the key responsibilities of the pursuing issues of social justice and Julie Wright Halbert has a wealth
46A Nominating Committee is to consider promoting understanding of the local of Federation experience dating back
The Gan at Temple Sinai and nominate the slate of new directors Jewish community in her current role over a decade to National Young Lead-
ership Cabinet and multiple terms on
as Chair of the Heller Community
and officers for the coming year. The
teaches and excites kids committee, comprised of members of Relations Committee (CRC). Mary’s the board and Executive Committee
at the new Gan Science Lab the Executive Committee, the board Federation involvement dates back to of The Jewish Federation of Greater
and the general community, did an ex- 2008 with PJ Library after the birth of continued on page 2A
A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life NON-PROFIT ORG.
Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232 U.S. POSTAGE
Annual voluntary subscription: $25 PAID
See our ad on page 3A
1484 Main Street | Sarasota FL 34236 | 941.312.5566 |