Page 7 - Jewish News_January-2021
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          January 2021                                     7A

     People of the Book...continued from page 6A
     and we have become hypersensitive to   Texas and Florida) to teach voters about   my  own personal  opinions,  sure, and   in their life. And I believe that our suc-
     everything. It is counter-productive to   state executive races during the 2018   I share those from time to time in the   cess as a country is directly tied to how
     what it sets out to do. Comedy used to   midterms.  The Hollywood  Reporter   book under the header “IMO” (in my   many people participate  in, interact
     be  free-flowing  and  there  was  some-  listed  him  as one of entertainment’s   opinion). They serve more as a jump-  with, and understand our government
     thing wonderful and unifying about   “35 Rising Executives Under 35.” In   ing-off  point  for  discussion.  But  in   at the federal, state and local levels.
     it. Now you have to think twice about   2016, he helped register 50,000 voters   truth,  there  were  no political  parties   Most of all, I learned that I like turning
     everything  you say.  You can say the   through digital videos as executive di-  when the  Constitution  was written,   people into civic participants. If they’re
     most innocuous thing in the world,   rector of Save the Day.                            so this is a book about   now fascinated by the things they used
     and somebody is going to take offense.   His newest  book takes                         government,  not  pol-   to be bored by, I’ve done my job.
     I hope the pendulum swings back to-  readers on a tour of the                           itics.  Too  often  those   Myla Goldberg / Feast Your Eyes
     ward  the  middle  again,  because  it  is   Constitution and what                      things are conflated. It’s   Myla Goldberg majored in English at
     becoming very prohibitive.           its words really  mean.                            like explaining the rules   Oberlin College, and then spent a year
        What did you learn about your-    From the Preamble to                               of football to someone.   teaching and writing in Prague before
     self by writing this book?           the 27 amendments,                                 That’s a wholly separate   moving to Brooklyn, New York, where
        Mary  Karr,  America’s  most  fa-  this  guide  is  packed                           conversation than try-   she still lives with her husband and two
     mous memoirist (author of The Liar’s   with valuable  informa-                          ing to tell them which   daughters.  Goldberg’s  first  published
     Club), said, “Writing a memoir is not   tion, and will educate                          team to root for. And I   novel was Bee Season (2000), a New
     really an act of writing. It is an act of   and empower you to                          think in an era where    York Times bestselling story portraying
     memory that is innately corrupt.” And   know your rights and                            we’re forcing almost     the breakdown of a family and the spir-
     it’s true. You tell the story you want to   be  an  informed  citizen                   everything  onto one     itual  explorations of its two children
     tell,  highlighting  the  things you want   of the United States.    Ben Sheehan        side  of an ideological   amid a series of spelling bees. It was
     to highlight.  Look, I wasn’t wearing    What or who inspired you to       spectrum, hopefully people are finding   a popular and critical success, and was
     a wire for the last 50 years. There is a   write this book?                this nonpartisan approach refreshing.  adapted into a film in 2005. Her second
     self-examination  involved in writing    My mom. She worked in the U.S.        What did you learn about your-    novel,  Wickett’s Remedy  (2005),  was
     a  memoir.  So  much  of  it  is  person-  Senate and gave me civics lessons at   self by writing this book?     set during the 1918 influenza epidem-
     al. You’ll see my wife is in there, my   the dinner table when I was little, so   I learned  that  I enjoy  explaining   ic. Her long-awaited novel, Feast Your
     children are in there, Gilda, Garry and   this is my way of paying it forward to   things in a way that helps them stick.   Eyes, is the story of Lillian  Preston
     my other collaborators – Martin Short,     those who never learned how govern-  I don’t like elitism in academia. People   – a woman photographer best known
     Billy Crystal and Larry David – they   ment works. And that’s a huge group,   aren’t smarter than others just because   for catching people in unguarded mo-
     are all in there. The book gave me the   because only eight states today require   they’ve  had  more access  to  informa-  ments, who grappled with ambition
     opportunity to find out what I consid-  a year of civics or government between   tion.  It  just  means  they’ve had  the   and motherhood.  Feast  Your Eyes is
     ered important in my life. It’s a huge   K-12. It’s a problem we need to solve   privilege of that access at some point       continued on next page
     therapy session as you sift through all   immediately.
     those memories. You get to the truth     What  message  does  your  book                                         For a complete schedule
     and then you write outward from there.  convey about the times in which we                                         of events, admission
     Benjamin Sheehan / OMG WTF Does      live?
     the Constitution Actually Say?           There  is  literally  no  mention  of                                  information, author bios

     Ben  Sheehan  is  a  former  award-win-  left, right, conservative, liberal, Dem-    PEOPLE OF THE BOOK             and book synopses,
     ning executive producer at “Funny Or   ocrat or Republican in the whole book.
     Die.”  Sheehan  founded  OMG  WTF    I realized that I didn’t need to approach                                   visit
     (Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin,   this from a partisan  angle.  I do have

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