Page 10 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 10
10A January 2021 FEDERATION NEWS
Where your dollars go Mayim Bialik to appear at Jewish Federation event
This series highlights mission-based programs and projects that are supported by
The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. Funding for these initiatives is de-
rived from the Annual Campaign. The series helps to explain where your generous
dollars are spent and features certain initiatives that enrich the lives of Jews living
in Sarasota-Manatee, local projects with area partners, and overseas programs that
support the social and humanitarian needs of Jews in Israel and around the world.
Your generous support is found in our tenet of tikkun olam – repairing the
Federation’s fire trucks
keep Israelis safe
By Joshua Mellits, Jewish National Fund-USA Dir., Western Florida
ith the uptick in incendiary Israel’s firefighters have the tools need-
balloons being flown into ed to protect lives and properties.
WIsrael from the Gaza Strip, The two fire trucks donated by
Israel’s firefighters have been busier The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
than ever combatting terror-lit fires. Manatee in 2006-07 have also saved
Given a typical brush fire can move many lives in Bet Shemesh and Net-
as fast as 14 miles per hour, addition- anya. Specifically, in the last year, the
al firefighting resources have been de- Federation’s fire trucks went on a com-
ployed in the south to protect Israel’s bined 263 calls and spent 207 hours
fields and forests. outside the station.
Through the partnership and sup- As a result of the Federation’s
port of Jewish National Fund-USA’s philanthropic investment with Jewish
Fire and Rescue Task Force, the entire National Fund-USA and Israel’s fire-
Israeli firefighters
structure of firefighting in Israel has fighters, directly and indirectly, its sup-
seen a dramatic shift. It has received a port has made a positive difference for
INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY major upgrade in terms of the equip- the land and people of Israel. Thanks
ment and resources available. More to this 21-year-strong collaboration
importantly, it has restructured fire- with the Federation, Jewish Nation-
fighting personnel for effective local- al Fund-USA has continued to be the
ization and optimization by training Sarasota-Manatee community’s voice
new volunteer corps to be ready at a in Israel.
moment’s notice. To support firefighting efforts in
Israel’s Fire & Rescue Authority Israel, visit or con-
responded to over 100,000 incidents tact Joshua Mellits, Jewish National
Honoring over the past year. Thanks to the 170 Fund-USA Director, Western Florida,
(and counting) fire trucks donated at 941.462.1330 x865 or jmellits@jnf.
Children through Jewish National Fund-USA, org.
Holocaust L’Dor COMMUNITY SINCE 1978
Charter Members of Temple Sinai
SUNDAY This year we come V’Dor Selling Real Estate
JANUARY 24 together, virtually, to Every Generation
3:00 PM EST to honor the children.
Selling the “Sarasota Lifestyle”...
We will hear from Holocaust survivors be it Downtown, Waterfront,
who were children during the Holocaust
and keep their stories and legacies alive. Golf or other Residential Communities
Let us remember together!
ollier Group
To register visit JFEDSRQ.ORG/events
Janis Collier, REALTOR ®
For more information about 941.313.1212
the Heller CRC, call 941-371-4546.
Mary Collier, REALTOR ®
Ron Collier, REALTOR ®
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH Make Your Next “Smart Move” contact The Collier Group today
1605 Main Street, Suite 101
Sarasota, FL 34236