Page 9 - Jewish News_January-2021
P. 9
stances leading up to their pregnancies Celebrating LIFE & LEGACY donors virtually
and their decision to terminate those By Nelle Miller, LIFE & LEGACY™ Community Chair, and Gisele Pintchuck, LIFE & LEGACY™ Director
pregnancies. As a child of the Roe v n November 12, it was an hon- and resources to preserve a meaningful Bernstein, LIFE & LEGACY donor Nelle thanked fellow donors for
Wade era, I knew intellectually that or to convene a celebratory Jewish future. He tied our Jewish her- and Temple Emanu-El’s program team their commitment and foresight, say-
it was difficult and often traumatic to Ogathering of LIFE & LEGA- itage to the importance of supporting member. ing that the support of a strong Jewish
seek an abortion before 1973, but these CY™ donors for an evening of learn- our families and communities today, The Harold Grinspoon Founda- community in Sarasota-Manatee will
essays made the issue very real in a ing and gratitude for their philanthropy and what that does to ensure the future. tion’s LIFE & LEGACY program has make the area more viable for the next
way that I knew had to be an important and foresight into the future of our Rabbi Cohen’s storytelling created a been a great success in our commu- generation, including our children and
part of any book I wrote about female Jewish community in Sarasota-Mana- very personal narrative that was both nity as a result of the supportive and their children, to live here. She stressed
ambition. tee. Close to 200 donors and 10 com- grateful and hopeful in the context generous participation of over 500 lo- our responsibility and brilliant oppor-
At the time I began writing the munity partners gathered by Zoom to of what our special group of LIFE & cal donors. Close to $19.5 million has tunity to ensure that our legacy as a
book, one Presiden- hear from The Jewish Federation of LEGACY donors have already set up already been pledged and $2.3 million group is strong, inspirational to future
tial administration ago, Sarasota-Manatee leadership – CEO for our community. has been received. “We feel great grat- generations and permanent.
I felt I was writing Howard Tevlowitz, Board President “It was most meaningful to hear itude and thanks for the legacy that For more information about the
about this from a his- this community continues to step up to LIFE & LEGACY program, contact
torical perspective, but provide for the next generations of our Gisele Pintchuck, LIFE & LEGACY
the past four years of families and friends who will choose Director, at or
the Trump administra- to live here and participate in Jewish 941.706.0029.
tion have made it very life,” said Nelle Miller.
clear that the issue of
reproductive rights is
current, and that histo-
ry is repeating itself. I
want Feast Your Eyes
to help make abortion A concierge practice devoted to internal medicine and wellness.
something that people start talking
about, to normalize it as a topic of con-
versation, and remove the stigma and
secrecy that still surround it almost 50 Randon Carvel, LIFE & LEGACY the words of Rabbi Cohen. May we
years after its legalization. Community Chair Nelle S. Miller – as a community, and I as an honored
What did you learn about your- and guest speaker Rabbi Daniel Cohen. part, continue to follow the light,”
self by writing this book? Rabbi Cohen shared his elegant said Adrea Sukin, a LIFE & LEGACY
Writing this book was a way for wisdom and meaningful message donor and member of Temple Beth
me to explore the parenting/ambi- through conversation about legacy, Sholom’s program team.
tion issue on an intellectual level as and what it has meant to him person- “He was outstanding! So glad we
well as a personal one, in an attempt ally to share his passion, knowledge got to hear his message,” added Don CHRISTOPHER S. LITTLE, M.D. and STEVEN W. FINEMAN, M.D.
to achieve some sort of balance of my EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE. EXTRAORDINARY CARE.
own. I’ve come out the other side with 280 kosher characters
the opinion that it’s extremely difficult Call (941) 954-9990
to be both a spectacular artist and a Visit
spectacular parent, but not necessar-
ily impossible. It’s just that bios tend
to get written about people with inter-
esting (i.e. dramatic or dysfunctional) Lion of Judah
lives and not people who quietly go ה״ב
about their business. I’ve also come to & Pomegranate
realize that being a parent and being
an artist go hand in hand. The empa-
thy involved in parenting makes me a E VENT
better artist, and the creativity involved Five Chabads unite for
in being an artist makes me a better Tuesday, January 12 • 7:30pm EST
parent. A Knead
To register for People of the special guest via zoom
Book events, visit Mayim Bialik
For more information, contact Jere- Actress, author and neuroscientist
my Lisitza at or to Rise
941.343.2113. moderated by
Simone Knego
A virtual
ADULTS Pam Brown and SaSha roSin uniting women across Sarasota and Manatee Counties
CALENDAR Your Hub Cost: $25 / Sponsor: $180
OF EVENTS includes a beautiful challah box with all ingredients and elegant shabbat kit
AND MANATEE Zoom link given upon registration
Packages will be available for pickup at your local Chabad, on Wednesday, January 20.
Program to include a unique multi-generational presentation by women from our communities
A Project Of:
Minimum gift of $1,800 (Pomegranate) or $5,000 (Lion of Judah)
toward the development efforts of the Jewish Federation of
Sarasota-Manatee is required. please contact Ilene Fox at 941.343.2111 or
To learn more about the Lion of Judah and Pomegranate,