Page 5 - Jewish News_January-2021
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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          January 2021                                     5A

                                          Jewish Film Festival...continued from page 4A
                                          movement  challenged  that  prevailing   being the only country in Europe that   not seen since the 1930s. It comes in
                                          ethos in Israeli history when mothers   rescued  the  persecuted. The  film  car-  the forms of vandalism, social media
                                          to soldiers protested against the ongo-  ries a universal message of gratitude to   abuse, assault and murder. Filmmaker
                                          ing war in Lebanon. It’s a film about   human values.                       Andrew  Goldberg  explores  its  infec-
                Established 1971          a groundbreaking female  protest in a     The Crossing - Four children are   tious behavior  as he travels through
                 PUBLISHER                struggle for peace, a feminist move-  on the run during World War II in De-  four countries to speak firsthand with
     The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee  ment that inspired masses and was able   cember  1942.  Sarah  and  Daniel  are   victims,  witnesses, antisemites  and
           The Larry & Mary Greenspon     to end war.                           Jews about to be deported,  but they   other interviewees.
          Family Campus for Jewish Life       Holy Silence - This is the dramatic   hide  in  the  cellar  of  Otto  and  Gerda     Winter Journey -  Martin  Gold-
           Klingenstein Jewish Center     story of the Vatican’s actions – and in-  until they are discovered and their par-  smith  never  knew what  happened  to
              580 McIntosh Road
            Sarasota, FL 34232-1959       actions – during World War II and the   ents are arrested. They have to get to   his parents before they escaped from
              Phone: 941.371.4546         Holocaust. The film focuses on the lit-  faraway neutral Sweden.            Germany  in  1941.  Over  a  weekend,
               Fax: 941.378.2947          tle-known story of Americans – from       The Final Hour - Faced with the   he  confronts his father, and we are
         E-mail:   priests to presidents – who worked be-  imminent  extinction  of her  ancestral   brought back to the complex and con-
           Website:       hind the scenes in hopes of persuading   language, a young woman embarks on   fusing 1930s when  his parents  were
             Published Monthly            the Holy See to be a strong moral voice   a voyage across Europe to discover her   young musicians.
            Volume 51, Number 1           against Hitler and fascism.           origins and her (dying) culture.          Tickets  will  go  on  sale  Monday,
                January 2021                  Marry Me However  -  The  film        The One & Only Jewish Miss        February  1. All  films  will  be  offered
                  56 pages                tells  the  stories  of  LGBT  men  and   America - This is the surprising story   virtually  at  $15  per  household.  Or,
             USPS Permit No. 167          women who, for religious reasons, de-  of Bess Myerson, the talented beauty   from February 1-10, you can purchase
        February 2021 Issue Deadlines:    cided to marry against their own sex-  queen from the Bronx, and how she    a  Friend  of  the  JFF  Sponsor  pass,
          Editorial: December 30, 2020    ual orientation, to comply with Torah   won the  world’s most  famous  beau-  which includes all 20 films, for $180.
          Advertising: January 4, 2021    laws and be accepted into their families   ty  pageant  in  1945. The  film  follows   After February 10, the price increases
            CHANGE OF ADDRESS:            and religious communities. After their   Bess, the daughter of poor Russian im-  to $236. (The Friend of the JFF Spon-
      Inquiries can be sent to Bonnie Souther   divorces,  they  confront  the  conflicts   migrants, from her childhood in a Jew-  sor pass does not include the drive-in
             or call 941.371.4546 x0      they repressed: their faith and religious   ish housing project through the pain of   benefit.)
                                          laws; children,  family  and communi-  antisemitism when Miss America spon-     For  Pewter  Sponsors  and  above,
      PRESIDENT                           ty; exposure to society; and search for   sors withdrew their support and race-   the Opening Event, Centerpiece Event
      Randon Carvel                       a partner. The characters experience a   restricted tour stops closed their doors.   and Closing Event will be drive-in
                                          journey of self-acceptance  and social    They Ain’t Ready For Me Yet - The   screenings. The Opening Event will be
      Howard Tevlowitz                    activism as they try to effect change in   film tells the story of Tamar Manasseh,   a catered  event  celebrating  the  foods
                                          their religious environments.         the  black  rabbinical  student who led   highlighted in the film, Abe. Individual
      SENIOR DIRECTOR OF                      My Name is Sara - Sara Goralnik   the  fight  against  gun  violence  in  the   food packages will be distributed when
      COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING          is a 13-year-old Polish Jew whose en-  south side of Chicago. Tamar’s identity   you arrive.
      Marty Katz                          tire family was killed by Nazis in Sep-  and personality combine to make her a   To become a sponsor or for more
                                          tember 1942. After a grueling escape to   force to be reckoned with.        information about the 2021 Mort (z”l)
      MANAGING EDITOR                     the  Ukrainian  countryside,  Sara  steals   Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mu-  & Bunny Skirboll Jewish Film Festi-
      Ted Epstein
                                          her Christian best friend’s identity and   tations - Antisemitism in the U.S. and   val, contact me at
      ADVERTISING SALES                   finds refuge in a village, where she is   Europe is rising and worsening in ways   or 941.343.2113.
      Adam Kaplan – 941.552.6307          taken in by a farmer and his young
                                          wife. She soon discovers the dark se-
      PROOFREADERS                        crets of her employers’ marriage, com-
      Edward D. Cohen, Rhonda Kaplan,     pounding the greatest secret she must
      Marianne Mandell, Elliot Ofsowitz,   strive to protect, her true identity.
      Jeff Sherman, Jill Simons, Linda Stern,   Saul & Ruby, To Life - Saul (94,   UROLOGY TREATMENT CENTER
      Bryna Tevlowitz
                                          drummer) and Ruby (90, accordionist),           •   BARZELL  •        GREEN   •         AKARY  •
      MISSION STATEMENT: The Jewish News of   are both Holocaust survivors and mu-
      Sarasota-Manatee strives to be the source of   sicians with an insatiable lust for life.
      news and features of special interest to the   They formed The Holocaust Survivor                             WINSTON E. BARZELL, MD, FACS, FRCS
      Jewish community of Sarasota-Manatee, to                                                                        Diplomate of the American Board of Urology
      provide a forum for the exchange of ideas   Band, the first of its kind. Their dream
      and opinions in the Jewish community, and   was to one day perform their music in                                  JOSHUA T. GREEN, MD, FACS
      to communicate the mission, activities and   Poland, their  homeland,  where they                               Diplomate of the American Board of Urology
      achievements of the Federation and its Jew-  endured  unimaginable  trauma.  Their                                     EIHAB AKARY, MD
      ish community partners.             mission then, and now, is to spread a
      OPINIONS printed in The Jewish News of Sara-  message of world peace at a time when                            CASIE WODZIEN, MSN, APRN, ANP-BC
      sota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect those   antisemitism  and prejudice are grow-
                                                                                                                                      NEW location as of 9/2/20:
      of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Mana-  ing throughout the world.       3325 S. Tamiami Trail, Suite 200  6310 Health Parkway, Suite 210  4351 Cortez Road, Suite 201
      tee, its Board of Directors or staff.                                            Sarasota, FL 34239    Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
                                              Syndrome K -  It might just be                                                            Sarasota, FL 34210
      SUBMISSIONS to The Jewish News are sub-  the only disease to have ever actually   PHONE: 941.917.8488
      ject to editing for space and content, and                                    FAX: 941.917.8475              
      may be withheld from publication without   saved lives. And it didn’t really exist.                                       a Division of 21 Century Oncology
      prior notice. Approval of submissions for   Syndrome K is a feature documentary
      publication in either verbal or written form   that tells the story of three courageous
      shall always be considered tentative, and   Roman Catholic doctors who  saved
      does not imply a guarantee of any kind.   Jews by convincing  the Nazis that
      Submissions must be sent electronically to             these Jews were infected with a deadly
                                          and  contagious disease  that  the  doc-                      L’Chayim
      LETTERS to the editor should not exceed 300
      words, must be typed, and include the writer’s   tors  called  Syndrome  K. The  footage
      name, mailing address and phone number.   amassed  by  the  filmmaker  and  from
      Letters can be submitted via USPS or email   archives is chilling, and the heroism is
      ( Not all letters will   pronounced.
      be published. Letters may be edited for length   The Albanian Code - This  docu-
      and content.
                                          mentary, with unique archival footage,       Here’s “to Life” on the Gulf Coast
      ADVERTISING: Publisher reserves the right   unveils the unknown story of the res-
      to refuse any advertisement and may require   cue  of  thousands of Jewish refugees   Committed to the Jewish Community for over 20 years,
      the words “Paid Advertisement” in any ad.                                              Stacy is passionate about real estate and strives
      Publication of advertisements does not con-  in Albania (a mostly Muslim state) in   to build ever-lasting relationships based on exceptional service,
      stitute endorsement of products, services or   WWII. Ennie  Altaratz-Francis, who
      ideas promoted therein.             was saved there escaping from Yugo-                uncompromising values and a strong work ethic.
                                          slavia,  decides to go to  Albania  and
                                          thank whomever she can. This voyage                                             941.266.0529
                                          is full of surprises, discovering how an                        
                                          entire nation saved refugees, bound by
                                          their moral code. At last, the Albanians
                                          get  the  appreciation  they  deserve  for                                1605 Main Street • Sarasota, FL 34236 • 941.951.6660
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