Page 2 - Jewish News_January-2021
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Meet the leaders...continued from page 1A
The Federation has built a high- to one that owned and operated several lasting relationships with clients while newspaper. In this issue, you can read
quality in-house construction company million square feet of retail, industrial, planning, permitting, building and de- about Michelle and Jonathan Mitchell,
under the leadership of Wayne Ruben, office and self-storage space through- livering remodeling projects and new who have named the Welcome Center
Construction Chair and V.P. of Campus out Florida. Wayne is a highly regard- custom homes. on the new campus. More profiles of
Development. Core members of our ed and sought-after expert in real estate I would be remiss if I didn’t also these amazing supporters will follow
construction team include Tom Bern- development working closely with the mention the Capital Campaign Chairs in the issues ahead. My heartfelt thanks
stein, Ian Black, Randon Carvel, Larry City of Sarasota, Sarasota County and who have lent their heart and names to to each one of them.
Haspel, Aaron Ruben and Vern Varela. Sarasota Memorial Health Care Sys- this project. We are eternally grateful We are blessed to be under the wise
Each has specific areas of expertise tem in a variety of consultant roles. He to Tom & Karen Bernstein, Dr. Josh & hand of this team of leaders. As Henry
they bring to the table. In this article, I was named 2001 “Entrepreneur of the Julie Green, Ben & Stacy Hanan and Kissinger said, “The task of a leader is
will spotlight construction team mem- Year” by Gulf Coast Business Review. David & Patti Wertheimer. to get his people from where they are to
bers Wayne Ruben, Tom Bernstein and Tom Bernstein built and sold And finally, when we think about a where they have not been.”
Vern Varela. three very successful companies – All team of dedicated individuals, we must For more information on how you
Wayne Ruben, former right hand in One Linen, Airway Industries and recognize the team of amazing donors can get involved in the re-imagina-
to the late Nate Benderson of Bend- Leeds. Tom then turned his attention who have graced us with their gener- tion of The Larry & Mary Greenspon
erson Development, has a very quick to Woodland Management. Founded osity and belief in our dream. I hope Family Campus for Jewish life, con-
mind and an uncanny knack of seeing in 2004, Woodland Management in- you have read the profiles of some of tact me at or
the whole picture. When asked why he vests in growing companies, typically our lead donors who have already been 941.343.2110.
is spending a large amount of his time with $5 million to $75 million in sales. profiled in previous editions of this
and creativity on this project, Wayne As one of Woodland’s five principals,
says he is doing this for the future. Tom offers a strong collective depth of Federation elects new board members and officers...continued from page 1A
“For many decades, this campus will experience as both an operator and an Harrisburg. She has recently accepted authored two books and is currently
thrive for the growing Jewish com- investor. His background and experi- the position of Education Policy Chair the founder and CEO of Udell Asso-
munity here. I am blessed to have a ence enable him to evaluate investment with our Heller CRC, a role that will ciates, a financial and estate planning
piece of what I call clay, like a sculp- opportunities quickly and decisive- be enhanced by her professional exper- firm in Sarasota. Bruce has served on
ture we’re creating here. Because we ly, support an operator or investment tise as a national education attorney for both the Federation’s board and Ex-
have the great building blocks in those sponsor before or after, and add value 76 urban school districts for the Coun- ecutive Committee in the past. He has
great donors who have stepped up to through constructive engagement with cil of the Great City Schools based in also served on numerous boards and
help us, to give us the fuel, we will be the companies and partners with whom Washington, D.C. committees for a variety of non-profit
able to leverage this project into some- he invests. Tom’s business acumen and Jaime Marco is the owner of organizations in three different cities.
thing really remarkable that will serve negotiating skills are second to none. Evolve Business Consulting and serves The 2021 slate of officers and di-
this community for many decades and Vern Varela is our Federation’s as Chair of the Federation’s Camp rectors was elected by a unanimous
be inspirational to our children and our Owners’ Rep. He is a goal-oriented Marci Lynn Day Camp Committee. vote at the December 17, 2020, meeting Jonathan and Michelle Mitchell
future grandchildren.” Construction Manager with 30 years of Jaime grew up in Sarasota, attended of the Federation board. “I feel blessed
Wayne is the founder of WMR experience as a superintendent, project the former Flanzer JCC’s Camp Mac- to work with a dynamic and inspired
Consulting LLC, a leading real estate manager and owner. His areas of ex- cabee/Camp Chaverim, and returned team of volunteers who are committed
consulting business offering a wide pertise include commercial, industrial, to our community in 2015 with her to propelling our Federation forward
variety of services including devel- institutional and residential construc- family. Since then, Jaime has been a and creating a vibrant Jewish commu-
opment, acquisition, disposition, land tion and renovation, and experience strong advocate for the Federation in nity for all. Our new board members
entitlement, project restructuring, con- with large-scale ground-up commercial our community and brings a myriad of have already demonstrated their ded-
tract negotiation and public/private shopping center development, big-box skills, resources and talent to her new ication to our mission and I look for-
development ventures. He moved to retail and storage facilities. He also has role on our board. ward to working with them in 2021 and
Florida in 1992 to open the Florida expertise with retail tenant buildouts Aaron Ruben is currently the beyond,” said Randon Carvel, Federa-
division for Benderson Development in shopping centers and malls, com- Executive Vice President for Casto tion President.
Corporation. As the Managing Part- mercial renovation projects, and expe- Southeast Realty Service. He joined Those officers and directors who
ner for this new division, Wayne spent rience consisting of remodeling fully our Larry & Mary Greenspon Family have been previously elected and will
the next 12 years completing over 80 operational hotels, restaurants, grocery Campus for Jewish Life Utilization continue their board service in 2021 in-
projects and expanding the company’s stores and medical facilities. In ad- Committee this year to assist with our clude: Barbara Ackerman, Alan Ades,
holdings from a single shopping center dition to being a doer, Vern has built campus redevelopment project. With Tom Bernstein, Ian Black, Randon
over 19 years of real estate develop- Carvel, David Chaifetz, Leonard Drex-
ment, retail and brokerage experience, ler, Lauren Fineman, Roz Goldberg,
Aaron has already proven to be a tre- Mary Greenspon, Lewis Hanan, Stacy
mendous asset to our Federation lead- Hanan, Bob Israeloff, David Millstone,
ership team. Michelle Mitchell, Joel Morganroth,
In addition, Anne Spindel was Michael Ritter, Wayne Ruben, Alan
re-elected as a director for a three-year Silverglat, Lois Stulberg, Peter Wells,
term. Patti Wertheimer, Merrill Wynne and
Three current directors were Larry Zaslavsky.
also elected as new officers for 2021: We would also like to acknowledge
Mark Smotkin and Mel Taub as Vice and thank those board members whose
Presidents, and Bruce Udell as Presi- terms ended in 2020: Sepi Ackerman,
dent-elect. Bruce will succeed Randon Marsha Eisenberg, Linda Lipson and
Bunny Skirboll. We are grateful for
their board service and ongoing dedi-
cation to our Federation, and look for- From special occasions to daily dining,
ward to their continued involvement in Morton’s Market has got you covered.
the great work we are accomplishing Stop in for fresh seasonal produce, prime
together. cuts of meat and seafood, and hot-from-
In closing, we want to give special the-oven baked goods. Choose from
thanks for the hard work and dedica- our tempting array of chef-prepared deli
tion of our 2020 Nominating Commit- and gourmet to-go items, as well as fine
tee: Lauren Fineman, Judy Fox, Stacy wines, exotic cheeses and cut flowers.
Hanan, Fran Lambert, Rod Margolis, Think of us for your catered events,
David Millstone, Mark Smotkin, Mel holiday menus and gift baskets too.
Taub, Patti Wertheimer and Debbie
Yonker. They put a lot of thought into
not only selecting the best candidates
Bruce Udell for these important roles, but also
Carvel as President beginning in Janu- made excellent suggestions about how Serving the Sarasota area
ary 2022. Bruce is a local businessman to improve our nomination process for for over 50 years
and entrepreneur who has founded future years. It was a pleasure for us to Historic Southside Village ∙ 1924 South Osprey Ave. ∙ Sarasota
and sold three successful financial ser- work with this group. (941) 955-9856 ∙
vices businesses since 1973. He has