Page 36 - Jewish News_August-2020
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36                             August 2020                                                                 FOCUS ON YOUTH

        A new approach to the challenges of parenthood

        from a faith perspective

        Book review by Philip K. Jason, Special to The Jewish News

           Parenting on a Prayer: Ancient     rated by Pessah’s personal experience,   opportunities for really paying                    from  the  Jewish
          Jewish Secrets for Raising Modern   gives them a fresh life and resonance.   attention to and respecting our                    prayer book, par-
         Children, by Amy Grossblatt Pessah.      Distributed  through the chapters   children’s growing insight and                      ents of all faiths, and
            Ben Yehuda Press. 198 pages.      are boxed sections designed to help the   wisdom.                                           perhaps even  those
              Trade Paperback $18.00.         parents’ learning process. Here are par-  The degree to which Pes-                          whose lives  aren’t
                                              tial texts of those “helping hand” learn-  sah opens up the little world                   centered on faith,
              arenting on a Prayer is a deeply   ing tools:                         of her family for our inspec-                        can benefit from her
              inspiring book, that if read with   Ways  to Teach Compassion for the   tion is unusual. The mix of                        skills as an educator
        Pclose attention and an open mind,    Land and for all of God’s Creatures   uncertainty  and  confidence,                        and the strong com-
        can lead Jewish parents to a more ef-  1.  Be kind and gentle with the land   pride and humility, risk-                         mitment  she has for
        fective and confident understanding of    and with all creatures.           taking  and  protectiveness                         the parenting mission.
        parenthood. In 18 concise chapters plus   2.  Adopt a pet from a local animal   contributes  to the  authenticity  and          Those  open  to  her
                          an epilogue,  Rab-      shelter.                          credibility of her presentation. This is   mission may discover themselves find-
                          bi Amy Grossblatt    3.  Volunteer to do an environmental   an intimate conversation between the   ing a new relationship with God, God’s
                          Pessah shows how        cleanup.                          author and her readers, as she dares   children and their own.
                          the  teachings  re-  4.  Purchase energy-saving           parents to be truthful in assessing their   Philip K. Jason is Professor Emeritus
                          cited regularly in      appliances.                       commitment to their monumental task.   of English from the United States Na-
                          the  Jewish prayer   5.  Plant trees in your yard or your    Each vignette is powerful, helpful   val Academy. He reviews regularly for
                          service about the       neighborhood.                     and lovingly offered. Readers receive   Florida Weekly, Washington Indepen-
                          relationship  be-   Words Matter: Questions to Consider   glowing presentations of her children   dent Review of Books, Southern Lit-
                          tween  God and       1.  What tone of voice do you use    growing up in all  the  agony and  ec-  erary Review, other publications  and
                          humankind    can        when you speak?                   stasy of the process. It’s essentially a   the Jewish Book Council. Please visit
             Phil Jason   lead  to  activating   2.  How do you work to build your   20-year span.                        Phil’s website  at  www.philjason.word
        and refining a parallel relationship be-  child’s confidence through your      Though Pessah draws her lessons
        tween parents and their children.         words?
            The functional metaphor is that we   3.  How can you identify your
        are God’s children and can use our tra-   “triggers” so that you respond in            FED
        dition’s wisdom to play the Lord’s role   the most compassionate way?
        for our own children.                     These carefully  thought exercises       we are
            The chapters have several dimen-  are no small part of the book’s success.
        sions. They begin with transliterations   Throughout  the  Parenting  on a                            JFEDSRQ.ORG
        of familiar prayers, con-                         Prayer, with various de-
        tinue  with  fresh transla-                       grees of intensity  and                Educating Jewish Minds  Engaging Jewish Lives  Enriching Jewish Hearts
        tions  of those  prayers,                         elaboration,  the  author
        and then elaborate  the                           implores  her readers to
        wisdom through the au-                            be  ready to  turn the  ta-
        thor’s own stories of rais-                       bles on the usual family
        ing her three children.                           dynamics. She persuades
            Among the 18 chap-                            us to be open to learning
        ter titles are key concepts                       from our children, which
        like blessings, friendship,                       often  means  to  hold  off
        gratitude,  words matter,                         giving  an  immediate,
        respect,  empowerment,                            no doubt oft-presented,
        trust, boundaries and                             answers to  their  ques-
        responsibility. The  se-                          tions and truly listening
        quencing of the concepts   Rabbi Amy Grossblatt Pessah  to what they have to say.
        is  highly  effective,  and  the  repetition   This is hard to do. We are so fond of
        of prayers in full or in sections, elabo-  exercising our authority that we miss


                                                                                          PJ Library  has partnered with The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
                                                                                          Manatee to provide families raising Jewish children with the gift
                                                                                          of free, high-quality children’s books, music, and resources that
                                                                                          foster deeper engagement with Jewish life in our community.

                                                                                                  Join one of our PJ programs below
                                                                                          to start enhancing your family’s Jewish journey.

                                                                                               Children Ages 6 mo. thru 8 years
              Hershorin Schiff Community Day School

                           A Jewish school for all

                        The Community Day School difference:
                   Instruction tailored to each student’s individual needs                  Sign-up at
                       Multiple foreign languages, including Hebrew
                            Optional Torah Academy program
                                  Competitive athletics                                          Children Ages 8 thru 12 years
                     Intensive outdoor learning and play for all grades
                     Music and art for every child, each week, all year
                    Variable Tuition Model – affordable for every family
                           Accredited by FCIS, FKC & PRIZMAH
          *Rigorous COVID-19 health and safety protocols for on-campus learning*                 Sign-up at
                        Serving students in preschool - 8th grade

                            Hershorin Schiff Community Day School                        For more information, contact
                                                                                         Andrea Eiffert
                                      1050 S. Tuttle Ave. Sarasota
                            (941) 552-2770 |       
                                                                           PJ Library Sarasota-Manatee is generously
                                                                                                          funded in part by Edie and David Chaifetz.

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                          Due to COVID-19, please check with each organization for event updates.                                                              STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund For more information, see page 40.
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