Page 33 - Jewish News_August-2020
P. 33

COMMENTARY                                                                             August 2020                                        33

 On my mind  A friendship against all odds

        By David Harris, CEO, American Jewish Committee (AJC), June 14, 2020
 an “A” and entered  into a business   n the  wake of the  unprecedented   democratic and pacific Germany.  formal  diplomatic  ties  between  Ger-  The rationale for this historic deci-
 arrangement  with  the  Church  called   tragedy of the Holocaust, it was   Over the next seven decades, step   many and Israel was another postwar     sion was that 2020 coincided with the
 “The Divine Right of Kings” (and less- Ianything  but obvious that  a Jew-  by step, a remarkable story developed.   milestone.  75  anniversary of the end of the Sec-
 er Aristocrats). All people  were now,  ish group would seek to engage post-  It began as an effort, with the help of   All of this underscored AJC’s in-  ond World War. It was the right time to
 ipso facto, subjects of this group and  war Germany. But that’s exactly what   the  American  occupation  authorities,   vestment in postwar Germany and be-  look back and remember the dark past,
 existed only for their welfare and bet- American  Jewish Committee (AJC),   to introduce programs for Germans on   lief in the possibility, however remote   to assess the remarkable  road trav-
 terment. Good deal for the haves, not  alone  among  global  Jewish organi-  democracy, mutual respect, denazifica-  it may have seemed on May 8, 1945,   eled since 1945, to take stock of where
 so good for the others. This went on for  zations, did. Others largely shunned    tion and anti-antisemitism.  that a promising new chapter could be   things stand today, and to plan for the
 quite a long time, with the Jew being  Germany, wishing it to go into obliv-  That wasn’t easy, and the process   written.  future. The topics to be examined in-
 a  good foil  to keep  order  and atten- ion.  was anything but linear.               As the  years passed, the AJC in-  cluded the transatlantic  partnership;
 tion from these Aristocrats and Church   Why? It was certainly not for lack   Not every German was prepared to   volvement  became  both deeper and   European  integration  and  solidarity;
 muck-a-mucks. But I digress.  of understanding  of what  happened   renounce  overnight  the ideology  that   more varied.  rising anti-Semitism around the world;
 These Founding Fathers “invent- during the 12-year reign of the Third   had driven so many from 1933 to 1945.   In 1980, for example, it partnered   fading Holocaust memory; Israel and
 ed” a form of government totally dif- Reich.  The immense  human toll was   Nor was every German suddenly pre-  with  the  Konrad  Adenauer  Founda-  Europe; and the health of democratic
 ferent from anything prior.  This new  all  too well  known, as was the  enor-  pared to take lessons from Americans,   tion  to  establish  an  annual  exchange   values.
 system was going to be created around  mity of the Final Solution against the   much less American Jews, on how to   program, now in its 40  year, bringing   Alas, the pandemic forced cancel-
 the  concept  that  government  was re- Jews. The liberation of the concentra-  live their lives going forward. And in a   American Jewish leaders to Germany   lation of this gathering. It was a painful
 sponsible  to the people and working  tion camps, from Auschwitz-Birkenau   ravaged country, with cities destroyed,   for study tours, and emerging German   decision. The Global Forum was sold
 for the good of people. It was to be a  to  Mauthausen,  revealed  the  horrific   economic infrastructure crippled, refu-  leaders to the United States to under-  out, the list of confirmed speakers was
 “People’s Government” of, by and for  truths.  The  horrors were all-envelop-  gees on the march and adequate food   stand American Jewish life. That was   long, and the experience  would have
 the people. And it was! We are still liv- ing, the pain searing.  an ever-present issue, not everyone’s   followed by partnerships  with the   taken participants out of the conference
 ing with that system and it, like our   Rather, it was for one simple rea-  first  priority  was  necessarily  the  em-  Friedrich  Ebert  and  Friedrich  Nau-  center and to such venues as Sachsen-
 Judaism, has spawned countless other  son:  AJC  leaders  understood  that   brace of a new value system.  mann foundations.  hausen and the Brandenburg Gate for
 religions and governments throughout  Germany  could  not  be  wished into   But with the passage of time, and   In  1990,  strengthened  by  more   program sessions.
 the world.   oblivion, any more than it could be   the  help of inspired leaders, includ-  than  four decades  of deepening  en-  Fortunately, all is not lost. Thanks
 They are, and have been, the nu- transformed into a permanently weak,   ing,  notably, Chancellor  Konrad  Ad-  gagement, AJC became the first inter-  to technology, a Virtual Global Forum
 cleus around which improvements can  agricultural country, as some American   enauer, the first signs of progress were   national Jewish organization to support   will take place instead from June 14 to
 be made for the betterment of civiliza- officials  unsuccessfully  tried  to  per-  achieved.  publicly German reunification.  18. It may not have quite the emotional
 tion, rather than the sole purview of a  suade the White House at the time.  Beginning in 1949, West Germany   In 1994, a seemingly improbable   power of actually being in Berlin, but
 few dominating all for their own selfish   Sooner or later, Germany would   established  a  democracy, which  has   relationship  was established  with  the   will permit an exploration of timely is-
 ends.  re-emerge on the European and global   proved  remarkably  resilient.  Through   Bundeswehr that is now in its 26  year.   sues – and an affirmation of the unique
 We study, debate, amend, tweet  stages. Would that Germany be another   the brilliant vision of two Frenchmen,   It led to joint cooperation in assisting   bond that has been forged between
 and argue the pros and cons of each,  tyrannical,  aggressive  nation,  trig-  Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet,   refugees from Kosovo, driven out by   Germany and  AJC over the past 75
 and only because we have those sys- gering yet more war, or would it be a   the  first  seeds  of  European  integra-  ethnic  cleansing,  among  other  initia-  years.
 tems in place can we do all the above.  democratic  and peaceful  country, co-  tion  were planted  and,  centrally, of   tives.  May that bond serve as an inspir-
 It’s a never-ending experiment, excit- operating with its neighbors and con-  course, included  West Germany, as   In  1998,  AJC  became  the  first   ing  case  study  in  the  possibilities  of
 ing, frustrating  and challenging, with  tributing to a more stable world?  the  project’s main  objective  was to   American Jewish group to open a per-  progress for nations and people every-
 no end in sight, and that is good. And   The answer was anything but ob-  prevent another war in Europe.  The   manent office in Berlin.  where.
 that’s why I like being Jewish!  vious in the 1940s. AJC leaders at the   United  States  helped  immeasurably   And in 2019, AJC announced that
 Joel Kreiss is a past president of the  time  grasped the essential  fact  that     in getting  Germany back on its feet,   the organization’s annual Global Fo-  The AJC West Coast
 Jewish Congregation of Venice.  they could not sit on the sidelines and   bolstering democratic institutions, de-  rum, which draws thousands of partici-
        wait for the unfolding of history to re-  fending its security  and becoming  a   pants, would be held in Berlin in June   Florida office, located in
        veal the answer to the question.  Too   staunch ally. To the surprise of many,   2020. This was to be the first time since
        much was at stake.  They needed to    a Jewish community in Germany was     the organization’s founding in 1906   Sarasota, can be reached
        get  involved  in trying  to help ensure   reborn and took root in several  cit-  that  it would take  place  in Europe,   at 941.365.4955.
        that the answer was an unambiguously   ies. And the establishment in 1965 of   much less in Germany.

             build.                                       advocate.

                               remember. support.

               Government Affairs

                  Meetings with elected officials are increasingly important as we see support
                    for Israel eroding around the world. Advocating for Jewish interests starts
                      locally and often goes to Washington D.C. You can count on the Heller CRC
                        when it matters most, from advocating in our local school systems to

                          championing national bills.

                                                                                                                             ^  Builds Bridges
                                                                Robert and Esther Heller                           ^  Advocates through
                                                                     CRC                                            Government Affairs

                                                                COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE       ^  Remembers the Holocaust
                                                                                                                  ^  Supports Hillel


                                                   Heller CRC assists school teachers, synagogues, churches and
                                                     libraries to “Never Forget.” The Holocaust Speakers Bureau
                                                      brings survivors’ personal stories to school children and
                                                       adults alike. Classrooms Without Borders takes elite
                                                         teachers each year to Poland with a survivor. These
                                                          experiences change how they teach the Holocaust,
                                                            helping them create upstanders in their schools.

                          HELLER CRC’S MISSION

                         To build relationships within
                      the Jewish and non-Jewish

                    communities and to advance
                  common interests through
                education and advocacy.                                                                

                  Published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee •
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