Page 38 - Jewish News_August-2020
P. 38

38                             August 2020                                                                 FOCUS ON YOUTH

        Temple Sinai’s Director of Youth Education

        expands her role

        By Gail Glickman
              emple Sinai is pleased to an-   understand the value of being part of a   Sarasota Jewish community.        dor. We will rate the honeys and enjoy
              nounce that Bethany Leinwe-     synagogue and getting involved in the    The  first  amazing  Kickoff  Event   an evening together.
        Tber has expanded her role into       Jewish community.”                    will be a Honey Tasting for All Ages     High Holiday Kits will be coming
        a full-time  position for the temple.     Temple Sinai’s goal is to reach   on Sunday, September 13 at 4:00 p.m.   from Temple Sinai too, free and open
        Effective July 1, Bethany became Di-  those in the surrounding areas and now   Those who register at www.templesi-  to all.  Enjoy an awesome interactive
        rector  of Outreach  and  Engagement   beyond (thanks to social media, Zoom, will pick  up their   holiday experience (for children up to
        in addition to her position of Director   etc.), and bring them into our amazing   free kits that morning. Inside the kits   age 8) with Rabbi Kahn, Chazzan Cliff
        of Youth  Education.  Bethany  empha-  Sinai  world in  addition  to  engaging   will  be  four  different  types  of  honey   Abramson, Director  of Early  Child-
        sized,  “We want Jewish families  to   them in Jewish life at Sinai and in the   from the Sarasota Honey Company,   hood Education Laura Freedman and
                                                                                    six mini-biscuits  from Maple Street   Bethany on Saturday, September 19
                                                                                    Biscuit Company, cheese from Dakin    from 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. on Zoom. On
                                                                                    Dairy Farms, apples from a local farm,   Sunday,  September  27  at  10:30  a.m.,
                                                                                    prayers, explanations  of each  item,   students through grade 7 can partici-
                                                                                    Jewish educational materials for Rosh   pate in “It’s Better to Be Better,” also
                                                                                    Hashanah and more! That evening, ev-  on Zoom.
                                                                                    eryone is invited to meet on Zoom for    For more information, please email
                                                                                    a “honey tasting” party with Rabbi Sa-  Bethany  Leinweber  at  bleinweber@
                                                                                    mantha Kahn, Bethany and each ven-

                Bethany Leinweber (2  to left) connecting with Rabbi Samantha Kahn (center)
                       and Temple Sinai congregants at the 2020 Temple Sinai Gala
        Community Day School hires

        new development professional

                ershorin  Schiff  Community   nonprofit  and  corporate  sectors,  in-
                Day School – a Jewish day     cluding spending the past 12 years in
        Hschool serving children of           Sarasota specializing in sales and mar-
        all  faiths  in  preschool  through  eighth   keting with a private family foundation
        grade  – has hired  Brenna  Wilhm  to   and  serving  as  the  director  of  opera-
        serve  as its  new senior  development   tions for Sarasota nonprofit Embracing
        associate. In this role,                             Our Differences. Hav-
        she will be responsible                              ing studied violin per-
        for overseeing  Com-                                 formance at Oberlin                   Bethany Leinweber on the last day of Sunday School 2020
        munity Day School’s                                  College and holding
        fundraising   efforts,                               a Bachelor of Science   Temple Emanu-El teens
        including major gifts,                               in Elementary Educa-
        annual fund, planned                                 tion, Wilhm  recog-    maintain bonds amid quarantine
        giving, special  events                              nizes the importance   By Savannah Samberg, STEEMY advisor
        and its ongoing capi-                                of providing  a strong        ow do we maintain a sense of   grams  had  thought-provoking  goals
        tal campaign. She will                               educational  founda-          community  for Jewish teens    while others served simply to check in
        also  oversee  grant                                 tion for every child.  Hwhile quarantined inside our         and joke around with each other. When
        seeking for the school.                                 Wilhm has been      homes?  With  virtual  school and no   faced with the challenge of social dis-
            The  addition  of                                connected  with the    extracurriculars,  everyone  can  agree   tancing, STEEMY found creative ways
        Wilhm  comes at  an            Brenna Wilhm          school for many years:   there was initial  boredom. For teens,   to connect, laugh and even meet new
        ideal  time  for the  school,  as Com-  her son is a rising 7  grader attending   with their  upcoming  trips and events   people!
        munity Day School continues to raise   since kindergarten, and she has served   cancelled, they were disheartened.
        money for its new campus, with con-   as a co-chair and is an active member    However, if anyone was prepared
        struction  beginning  in  the  2020-2021   of the Parent Association.       to transition an entire group and sched-
        school year.                              For more information about Com-   ule of events from in person to online,
            Wilhm has two decades of senior   munity Day School, go to Community    it was the teens of Temple Emanu-El’s
        management  experience  in both the or call 941.552.2770.         youth group, STEEMY (Sarasota Tem-
                                                                                    ple Emanu-El Mitzvah Youth). In our
                                                                                    first  Zoom  meeting,  they  figured  out
                                                                                    how  to institute  virtual programming
                                                                                    in under 10 minutes.
                                                                                       Throughout our time in quarantine,
                                                                                    we saw the number of online activities
                                                                                    being  offered  to  teens  increase  daily.   Temple Emanu-El youth group STEEMY advisor
                                                                                    It became difficult to figure out which
            F AM I L Y E V E N T                                                    to promote, when was best to schedule   Savannah Samberg with the STEEMY mascot
            F AM I L Y E V E N T
                                                                                    social time, and how to match it to the
                                                                                    specific needs of teens in our area.
                                                                                       I’d love to share some of our suc-
                Your PJ Library Community Connectors are hosting a                  cesses. We had weekly activities that all
                Your PJ Library Community Connectors are hosting a
                ZOOM PJ Dance Party                                                 students in grades 8-12 were welcome
                ZOOM PJ Dance Party
                                                                                    to  join:  Movie Watch  Parties,  Family
                         Dance your way into a new school year                      Feud, Ask Rabbi Anything, Trivia and
                                                                                    more. We collaborated with other Jew-
                         Dance your way into a new school year
                with this back to school “yeladisco!” Yeladim is the Hebrew         ish youth organizations and The Jew-
                with this back to school “yeladisco!” Yeladim is the Hebrew
                word for children, so our yeladisco will include a playlist of
                word for children, so our yeladisco will include a playlist of      ish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                your kids’ favorite dance tunes! Crank up the music, have
                your kids’ favorite dance tunes! Crank up the music, have           to co-host “QuaranTEENs Got Talent”
                      some family fun and celebrate the year ahead!
                      some family fun and celebrate the year ahead!                 and “JEWpardy.”
                 WHEN                   WHERE                   COST                   I quickly realized that planning and
                 Thursday               WHERE                 This Event            participating  in these weekly events
                 Thursday            (register below to       This Event            provided something for me to look for-       STEEMY members enjoyed
                 August 6
                                                                is FREE
                 August 6            (register below to         is FREE             ward to personally. Some of our pro-         Zoom Game Night together
                 3:30 pm
                                     receive the link)
                 3:30 pm             receive the link)
                       Register at
                       Register at
                 For more information please contact MG Berman at
                 For more information please contact MG Berman at
                     251.303.3979 or
                     251.303.3979 or
              SPONSORED BY
              SPONSORED BY

                                                                                       Temple Emanu-El teens joined other Sarasota-Manatee teens for “QuaranTEENS Got Talent”

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